Crimean Tatars Hands on history.

16 November 2022

Migration is not a one way trip. Studying and telling the story of Crimean Tatars' deportation and return

Hands on History talk with Martin-Oleksandr Kisly (History Department of National University of Kyiv - Mohyla Academy).
Jason Kelly

3 Oktober 2022

Digital Public History in the Context of Slow Disasters

Presentation by Jason M. Kelly, Director of the IUPUI Arts and Humanities Institute.
Stand with Ukraine

31 August 2022

Voices from the War – Path to Peace : Ukrainian and international insights

The C²DH, in collaboration with, LUkraine, Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, the Polish Institute of Brussels and the Polish Embassy in Luxembourg, are pleased to invite you to a conference on 20 October 2022 at the auditorium in the Cercle Cité in Luxembourg.
Shelter for refugees at the Center for Urban History,

15 März 2022

verfasst von :
Machteld Venken, Inna Ganschow

24.02.22, 5 am: Testimonies from the War

The C²DH is part of an international consortium conducting interviews with refugees and people supporting refugees.
Personal stories of Luxembourgish conscripts

3 November 2021

verfasst von :
Nina Janz

Personal stories of Luxembourgish conscripts

Together with students, the WARLUX team researches the personal side of the history of Luxembourgers, born between 1920 and 1927, who were enrolled into German services during the Second World War. To uncover the individual experiences of these men, women and families, the team of WARLUX collects ego documents and personal interviews of this generation. As one of the last surviving witnesses, Madame Jacoby-Sheehan welcomed Dr Nina Janz and Cristina Sobral to talk about her war experience.
Remise du Prix Paul Belche à Dominique Santana

18 Juni 2021

verfasst von :
Dominique Santana

Remise du « Prix Paul Belche » à Dominique Santana

Le Rotary Club Esch – Bassin Minier a présenté son ‘Prix Paul Belche’, un don de 10 000 EUR, au C²DH pour soutenir le projet de recherche «A Colõnia Luxemburguesa» de la jeune historienne et réalisatrice.
Femeia magazine front cover

5 Mai 2021

Ambiguous transitions: Gender, the State, and everyday life in socialist and postsocialist Romania

Lecture by Jill Massino, University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
A Colona Luxemburguesa

15 März 2021

verfasst von :
Dominique Santana

A COLÔNIA LUXEMBURGUESA – Let’s co-create our shared history!

The C²DH (University of Luxembourg), the film production company Samsa Film, and the Centre National de l'Audiovisuel (CNA) are currently producing the transmedia documentary “A COLÔNIA LUXEMBURGUESA » by the Luxembourg-Brazilian director and historian Dominique Santana, with the support of the Film Fund Luxembourg and Esch2022. This transmedia project takes us to the core of the so-called Colônia Luxemburguesa and invites us to discover together a century of common industrial, cultural and social heritage.
Covidmemory poster campaign

19 Januar 2021

verfasst von :
Tizian Zumthurm, Marco Gabellini

Collaborative COVID-19 Memory Banks: History and Challenges

Report of the international workshop held on 26 November 2020 with experts from European universities who have initiated public COVID-19 platforms to collect testimonies.
Yes we care

18 Januar 2021

verfasst von :
Benoît Majerus

Traces et mémoires d’une pandémie en cours – Yes We Care

'Yes we care', a transversal research project which is part of the COST Action 'Who cares in Europe?'
Public Covid-19 Collections and the Second Wave: History, Challenges, Gaps

17 November 2020

Public Covid-19 Collections and the Second Wave: History, Challenges, Gaps

International Workshop
covidmemory round table

30 September 2020

verfasst von :
Tizian Zumthurm

The Gap and the Future: COVID-19 and (Digital) Collecting

On 15 September, the C²DH organised a round table discussion with various national players who are maintaining collections documenting how Luxembourg’s residents have experienced COVID-19.
Exposition virtuelle Post Luxembourg

18 September 2020

verfasst von :
Aurélia Lafontaine, Andreas Fickers

Virtual exhibition '175 years of POST Luxembourg'

Virtual exhibition to celebrate the 175th anniversary of POST Luxembourg.
Covid masks

7 September 2020

Table ronde : les collections «Covid-19» au Luxembourg

Table ronde à suivre en ligne avec des institutions de recherche, la presse et les musées qui ont créé des collections ayant pour but de sauvegarder la mémoire de la pandémie au Luxembourg.
temporary history lab

27 August 2020

Temporary History Lab: Become Part of History!

The C²DH is organising a temporary history lab on the Place de la Résistance in Esch-sur-Alzette. The lab will host a number of participatory events to explore the history and identity of the Minett: participants can take a picture of themselves and learn more about the exciting history of the selfie, record a text for a loved one with our sound postcards and learn about this forgotten history and technology, and experience a fascinating video installation with “Historical Voices from Esch”.
Exposition virtuelle Post Luxembourg

29 Juni 2020

verfasst von :
Isabelle Voegeli

« 175 Joër POST »: l’histoire de la poste luxembourgeoise

Immersion virtuelle dans le monde des timbres, du courrier, des télécommunications, satellites… et des hommes et femmes au service des citoyens luxembourgeois depuis 1842.
Cassette tape recorder

18 Juni 2020

verfasst von :
Douglas Lambert

Solving the Shoebox Syndrome: “Digital” Oral History Content Management

This workshop centred on digital methods for working with oral history and provided a survey of emerging practices for better discoverability within and across oral history collections. It facilitated sharing of approaches for oral history work at multiple stages, for collections published for posterity and for ongoing research projects.
Cassette tape recorder

25 Mai 2020

Workshop on Digital Oral History Content Management

Solving the Shoebox Syndrome: “Digital” Oral History Content Management. Online workshop with Douglas Lambert.
Traces et mémoires en devenir d’une pandémie (2) – Yes we care

6 April 2020

verfasst von :
Benoît Majerus

Traces et mémoires en devenir d’une pandémie (2) – Yes we care

Dans le contexte de la pandémie Covid-19, le C²DH vient de lancer un projet de collecte de témoignages de personnes travaillant dans le secteur médical et soignant.
CfP International Summer School "Oral History Meets European Integration Studies. Testing new tools and methods in digital history"

21 November 2019

verfasst von :
Victor Fernandez Soriano

CfP International Summer School "Oral History Meets European Integration Studies. Testing new tools and methods in digital history"

The C²DH announces a Summer School co-organised with the European University Institute (Florence) and the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt), to be held at the Maison Robert Schuman in Luxembourg City from 22 to 26 June 2020. This Summer School invites participants to test digital tools and methods for oral history and stresses how digital oral sources contribute to narratives in European Integration History.
