Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

8 Januar 2020

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Premiere of the interactive documentary produced on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
Crossing the Imaginary Curtain: My Experiences in Prague

22 November 2019

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

Crossing the Imaginary Curtain: My Experiences in Prague

In October, I traveled to Prague for a workshop on the history of science and the Second World War. For the second time during my PhD, it was an opportunity to cross the imaginary iron curtain. The experiences during those days were undoubtedly insightful.
Trug und Schein - ein Briefwechsel. How to measure and promote historical thinking in a (online) public history project

25 Oktober 2019

Trug und Schein - ein Briefwechsel. How to measure and promote historical thinking in a (online) public history project

Research seminar with Laura Fahnenbruck
“Making Justice Visible” in Vilnius - A conference on the mediatization of war crimes trials after WWII

3 Oktober 2019

verfasst von :
Elisabeth Wingerter

“Making Justice Visible” in Vilnius - A conference on the mediatization of war crimes trials after WWII

Elisabeth Wingerter and Dr. Denis Scuto offered a Luxembourgish perspective on this complex theme with a presentation focused on the role of Alfred Oppenheimer as a historical eyewitness from the Jewish community in Luxembourg.
"Une histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg en 70 chroniques" par Denis Scuto

24 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

"Une histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg en 70 chroniques" par Denis Scuto

Édité par le C²DH et la Fondation Robert Krieps, ce livre recueille les chroniques de l'historien Denis Scuto publiées de 2015 à 2019 au quotidien luxembourgeois "Tageblatt". Il est richement illustré de documents souvent inédits.
A research trip to Koblenz: archives, monuments, museums

10 Mai 2019

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

A research trip to Koblenz: archives, monuments, museums

My research sometimes leads me onto unexpected paths. My travel to Koblenz counts without doubt among them.
Expo: Le procès des grands criminels de guerre devant le Tribunal militaire international à Nuremberg: un procès fondateur

18 März 2019

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

Expo: Le procès des grands criminels de guerre devant le Tribunal militaire international à Nuremberg: un procès fondateur

Exposition et conférences organisées au Centre Culturel de Rencontre Abbaye de Neumünster avec le soutien du C²DH, du 21 mars au 12 mai 2019.
Fortsetzung des interdiziplinären Seminars "Russia and Luxembourg in the 20th century: crossroads of history"

28 Februar 2019

verfasst von :
Inna Ganschow, Guido Lessing

Fortsetzung des interdiziplinären Seminars "Russia and Luxembourg in the 20th century: crossroads of history"

Die Fortsetzung des interdisziplinären Seminars „Russia and Luxembourg in the 20th century: crossroads of history“ fand an der Universität Tambow (Russland) vom 11. bis 15. Februar 2019 statt, bei der russische und Luxemburger Studierende in Referaten und Diskussionen Schlüsselereignisse der Geschichte der beiden Länder untersucht haben.
Russia and Luxembourg at the Crossroads of History

27 September 2018

verfasst von :
Inna Ganschow, Guido Lessing

Russia and Luxembourg at the Crossroads of History

Das interdisziplinäre Seminar zu Kreuzungen der russisch-luxemburgischen Geschichte, das vom 2. bis zum 6. Oktober 2018 in Luxemburg unter der Leitung von Dr. Inna Ganschow und Dr. Guido Lessing (C²DH) stattfindet, ist als Studierendenkonferenz konzipiert.
German soldiers graves of the Second World War: Walking the line between hero glorification and reconciliation

5 Juli 2018

German soldiers graves of the Second World War: Walking the line between hero glorification and reconciliation

Research seminar with Nina Janz, research associate at C²DH
Réfugiés juifs et football luxembourgeois dans les années 1930

9 Mai 2018

Réfugiés juifs et football luxembourgeois dans les années 1930

Dans cette conférence, Denis Scuto retrace les parcours de Hugo Fenichel, Max Gold, Moses Häusler et Willy Kissinger.
Interview with Dalia Ofer

9 März 2018

verfasst von :
Dominique Santana

Interview with Dalia Ofer

Dalia Ofer is Emeritus Professor of Contemporary Jewry History and Holocaust Studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
A microhistorical approach to the Holocaust

29 Januar 2018

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

A microhistorical approach to the Holocaust

From 24 to 26 January 2018, the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) hosted several historians and other researchers for an international conference on some of the lesser-known aspects of the Holocaust.
USHMM Albert Nussbaum

9 November 2017

The way out: Microhistories of flight from Nazi Germany

This international conference will study the broad theme of the flight of Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany in the 1930s and their trajectories during the war and its aftermath from multiple perspectives.
Conférence Laurence Schram

25 Oktober 2017

Dossin: L’antichambre d’Auschwitz

Conférence avec Laurence Schram, Senior Researcher au centre de documentation de la Kazerne Dossin et auteur de livre.
Belgium World War II. New online access to information about the Occupation 1940-1944

10 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Christoph Brüll

Belgium World War II. New online access to information about the Occupation 1940-1944

On 27 September 2017, a new website was launched by CegeSoma (the Belgian Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society): Belgium World WarII. A virtual platform on Belgium and its population during WWII.
World War II in living memory

18 Juli 2017

verfasst von :
Aurélia Lafontaine

Through the lens : World War II in living memory

The virtual exhibition “Through the lens” narrates World War II in Luxembourg and the Greater Region through oral history interviews. It has been curated by the students of the Master in Contemporary European History in the context of a research seminar on oral history and under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Fickers and German filmmaker Loretta Walz.

15 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

Le Benelux et les réfugiés fuyant l’Allemagne nazie: les spécificités du Luxembourg

Dans son édition d’avril 2016, la revue d'histoire luxembourgeoise « Hémecht » a publié l’article « Le Benelux et les réfugiés fuyant l’Allemagne nazie: les spécificités du Luxembourg » rédigé par Frank Caestecker et Denis Scuto.
Forum Z
The long shadow of the Second World War: An overview of the debates of the last ForumZ

12 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

The long shadow of the Second World War: An overview of the debates of the last ForumZ

On 25th March, the C²DH organised another successful ForumZ, this time on the Second World War and research perspectives in this area. The format chosen for the event promoted an interactive exchange between the public and the guest speakers.
Forum Z
The long shadow of the Second World War: Research prospects

4 Mai 2017

verfasst von :
Denis Scuto

The long shadow of the Second World War: Research prospects

The second ForumZ analysed the history, memory and legacy of the Second World War, exploring issues related to the occupation, the resistance, collaboration and Jewish persecution.
