Feierowend! Metzescmelz

19 Juni 2023

Feierôwend! No der Schicht as virun der Schicht!

Cet après-midi dansant façon "Grenz" sera l'occasion pour se pencher sur la culture et la mémoire des bals, danses et musiques populaires dans le sud du Luxembourg.

14 Juni 2023

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Das Ende des Originals? Datenkritik als Kernkompetenz der Geschichtswissen- schaften im »postfaktischen Zeitalter«

Thucydides and Herodotus

7 Juni 2023

Public History in European Historical Perspectives

International online conference on the long history of public historical practices in Europe.
Faire équipe: quand historien-ne-s et auteur-e-s de bande dessinée travaillent ensemble (enregistrements)

5 Juni 2023

verfasst von :
Aliénor Gandanger

Faire équipe: quand historien-ne-s et auteur-e-s de bande dessinée travaillent ensemble (enregistrements)

Après une riche journée d'échanges avec nos différents intervenants le 28 avril, nous avons souhaité garder une trace des discussions et permettre leur écoute à un public élargi.
Faye Sayer

2 Juni 2023

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

2023 C²DH Visiting Public History Research Fellow Faye Sayer

We are proud to welcome Prof. Faye Sayer as our Public Historian in residence in June and July 2023.

2 Juni 2023

verfasst von :
Sofia Papastamkou, Anita Lucchesi

Multilingualism and digital methods teaching: conceiving pedagogical materials in a multilingual-first approach

Public history online symposium

31 Mai 2023

verfasst von :
Camilla Portesani, Thomas Cauvin

Recordings of the symposium 'When publics co-produce history in museums: skills, methodologies and impact of participation'

The 2022 online symposium focused on groups and communities becoming active participants in the production of history in museums.

22 Mai 2023

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

I Congreso International Historia Publicay Divulgacion , Festival la Historia un bien publico

Les papotages de Gazengel

17 Mai 2023

verfasst von :
Aliénor Gandanger

Going behind the scenes: Visualizing a researcher's life

It is through the Instagram account @lespapotages_de_Gazengel that a duo like no other tells in real time the adventures of a doctoral student from the beginning of her thesis.
Schueberfouer an den 1960er Joren

16 Mai 2023

Schueberfouer an den 1960er Joren

Ëffentlechen Workshop am Lëtzebuerg City Museum.
EUROPAST Lund Summer School

10 Mai 2023

Lund Summer School

First summer school to be organised in the EUROPAST training programme led by the C²DH.
Public History Summer School

10 Mai 2023

Public History Summer School

The Historical Institute of the University of Wrocław, the C²DH, Zajezdnia (Depot) History Centre, the International Federation for Public History, and the Commission for Public History of the Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences invite students, PhD candidates and practitioners to participate in the sixth Public History Summer School to be held in hybrid format.

4 Mai 2023

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

History as 'retrospective prediction'? On the limits of predicting the future by learning from the past


20 April 2023

verfasst von :
Thomas Cauvin

Between Art, History, and Memory: ArtistEsch, a public participatory project

Video Game Worlds as Digital Public History Spaces

18 April 2023

Video Game Worlds as Digital Public History Spaces

Lecture Joanna Wojdon, University of Wrocław, Poland.

18 April 2023

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda

Playing the Past: Gaming and Public History


17 April 2023

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Minett-Stories : A Transmedia Storytelling Project

Is artificial intelligence the future of collective memory? Bridging AI scholarship and Memory Studies

14 April 2023

verfasst von :
Frédéric Clavert

Is artificial intelligence the future of collective memory? Bridging AI scholarship and Memory Studies

Call for papers for the second volume of the Memory Studies Review (Brill publishing), 2024. Abstracts submission deadline 15 May 2023.

1 April 2023

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda, Denis Scuto

Visual Narratives of the Great War in Luxembourg: One Hundred Years of History Manuals

Faire équipe

24 März 2023

Faire équipe: quand historien-ne-s et auteur-e-s de bande dessinée travaillent ensemble

Cette journée d’études aura pour but d’examiner les modalités de collaboration actuelles entre historien.nes et de bande dessinée en France
