Europe Direct an der Universität Luxemburg

1 Mai 2021 bis 31 Dezember 2025

Europe Direct University of Luxembourg

Ähnliche Artikel

The evolution of Europe's financial response to challenges: what should come next?

13 Juni 2024

The evolution of Europe's financial response to challenges: what should come next?

A Robert Triffin Lecture 2024 organised by The Bridge Forum Dialogue in partnership with the University of Luxembourg, Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, the C²DH, the European Stability Mechanism, the European Parliament and the Robert Triffin International Foundation.
Élections européennes 2024 - Enjeux, résultats, regards d’avenir

13 Juni 2024

Élections européennes 2024 - Enjeux, résultats, regards d’avenir

Conférence-débat avec Jim Cloos, Sécretaire général de la TEPSA, organisée dans le cadre du "Mois de l’Europe à Esch-sur-Alzette".
European elections

25 April 2024

The European Union at a crossroads

Conference-debate about the upcoming European elections.
European Youth

19 März 2024

EU LAB 2024 – Journée d’étude transfrontalière

Fidèles à leur vocation de transmission des valeurs, du savoir et d’ouverture vers de nouveaux horizons, les Centres Europe Direct de l’Université du Luxembourg, Lorraine Grand Est, Territoires Lorrains et CRISTEEL (France), ensemble avec leurs partenaires, invitent à une journée d'étude.
Femmes en diplomatie – histoire, trajectoires, défis

12 Februar 2024

Femmes en diplomatie – histoire, trajectoires, défis

Cette conférence, organisée par l’Europe Direct de l’Université du Luxembourg et ses partenaires, revient sur l’histoire de la construction diplomatique et européenne contemporaine, éclaire le rôle et l’œuvre des femmes dans les relations internationales, et évoque des défis d’avenir dans une perspective interdisciplinaire.

17 November 2023

2023 WOLS edition: Central and Eastern Europe and European security policy: Quo vadis?

This lecture by Dr Suzana Anghel (European Parliamentary Research Service, Belgium) is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.

17 November 2023

2023 WOLS edition: The European Parliament, an institution in history – The echo of the archives

This lecture by Dr Étienne Deschamps (Archives of the European Parliament) is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.

17 November 2023

2023 WOLS edition: A small economy in a large marketplace – The economic history of Luxembourg

This lecture by Dr Jean-Jacques Rommes (Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg) is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.

17 November 2023

2023 WOLS edition: European economic governance: Where have we come from… and where are we going?”

This lecture by Prof. Fabio Masini (Roma Tre University, Italy) is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.
Towards EMU 2.0: Hindsight and Prospects

14 September 2023

Towards EMU 2.0: Hindsight and Prospects

Conference organised by The Bridge Forum Dialogue together with the University of Luxembourg.
L’Europe à l’heure des défis: réalités et perspectives

26 Juni 2023

L’Europe à l’heure des défis: réalités et perspectives

Conférence 2023 Robert Schuman de l’Université du Luxembourg avec M. Jean-Claude Juncker.
Interdisciplinary conference: Women’s narratives and European integration history

4 Mai 2023

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

Interdisciplinary conference: Women’s narratives and European integration history

This conference, held on 20-21 April 2023, explored women's role in the European project launched after the Second World War.
Women’s narratives and European integration history

23 März 2023

Women’s narratives and European integration history

This conference explores women's role in the European project launched after the Second World War.
CfP: Women’s narratives and European integration history

1 Februar 2023

verfasst von :
François Klein, Elena Danescu

CfP: Women’s narratives and European integration history

Conference on 20-21 April 2023 at the University of Luxembourg. Deadline: 1 March.

23 November 2022

2022 WOLS edition - “Architectural heritage and art collections at the Court of Justice of the European Union – narratives, images and symbols”

This event is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.

23 November 2022

2022 WOLS edition - “Worker poverty in the EU: trends and reactions”

This event is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.

23 November 2022

2022 WOLS edition - “Interdisciplinary challenges and innovative practices at the HAEU. An intellectual portrait of Alcide De Gasperi through new sources”

This event is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.

23 November 2022

2022 WOLS edition - “Learning gender after the Cold War. Transnational circulations of feminist knowledge in post-socialist settings”

This event is part of the Winter Online Lecture Series on Europe.
European Youth: Values, Identity, Culture’

26 Oktober 2022

European Youth: Values, Identity, Culture’

From 25 to 29 October 2022, the Lycée Hubert Clément Esch-sur-Alzette and its partners, including Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, are organising the event entitled ‘European Youth: Values, Identity, Culture’, with the participation of students, teachers and trainers from 17 schools and colleges from around Luxembourg and Europe.
Construction européenne: la révolution d'un continent

17 Oktober 2022

Construction européenne: la révolution d'un continent

Débat avec Gilles Grin et Jacques Santer.
