Daniele is the Centre’s lead designer

Daniele is a designer and full-stack developer specialising in data visualisation, network visualisation and digital methods. He designs and develops experimental web applications and tools to enhance scholarly publications and research practices in the digital humanities. He follows each prototype from the very early stages of paper-prototyping and co-design with end users to the deployment of the application in the real world. He has a hybrid background in Fine Art (Fine Art Brera Academy, Milan, 2006) and Design (MSc in Communication Design, Politecnico di Milano, 2009), which has enabled him to experiment with a broad selection of web technologies – PHP, Node.js, Python – in very different contexts with different stakeholders. He worked for several years at the Sciences Po Medialab in Paris and the Politecnico di Milano’s Density Design Lab. He joined the University of Luxembourg in July 2016 along with the CVCE team.
