Public history Digitale Geschichte und Historiographie

The future of storytelling in history

17 Juni 2017

ForumZ Storytelling
The third ForumZ focused on the future of storytelling and explored how the emergence of the digital era affected the age-old art of telling tales.

Ever since the dawn of time, humans have shared their values and life skills and the conventions that structure their relationships by telling tales. This age-old tradition is the art of storytelling – a form of discourse that can be found in all disciplines, transcending political, cultural and professional boundaries. While storytelling can be traced back to the very origins of humanity, it took a new turn in the mid-1990s with the emergence of the digital age. Stories that were once told through the spoken word, texts and images are now conveyed through virtual immersion in multisensory, scripted worlds. This new narrative era raises a host of questions on the future of storytelling. These issues were  explored and discussed at the third ForumZ, run by the C2DH and the National Centre for Literature on 17 June 2017 in Mersch.

After an introduction by Prof. Dr Andreas Fickers, Director of the C2DH, on the issues and future challenges facing storytelling in history, members of the centre briefly described the innovative projects and experimental methods that they are currently developing in this field. The floor has then be opened to the public for a discussion moderated by Dr Claude Conter, Director of the National Centre for Literature with the contributions of Nathalie Ronvaux, Luxembourgish writer and Paul Lesch, Director of the Centre National de l'Audiovisuel.


See the detailed programme.

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