Russians in Luxembourg: Zwischen rotem Stern und orthodoxem Kreuz. Grabpflege als Spiegel der russischen Diaspora

Russians in Luxembourg: Zwischen rotem Stern und orthodoxem Kreuz. Grabpflege als Spiegel der russischen Diaspora

The focus of the article lies on the traditions of the current Russian diaspora to take care of the orthodox or soviet tombs and on how it shows the split of the Russian community.

1 Januar 2019

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Repression, Reform und Neuordnung im Zeitalter der Revolution. Die Folgen des Wiener Kongresses für Westeuropa.

Repression, Reform und Neuordnung im Zeitalter der Revolution. Die Folgen des Wiener Kongresses für Westeuropa.

Dieser Band reflektiert die Folgen des Wiener Kongresses für Westeuropa, insbesondere aus der Perspektive der europäischen Großregion Saarland-Lothringen-Luxemburg-Rheinland-Pfalz-Wallonie. Die territoriale und politische Neuordnung Europas wird aus regionalhistorischer Perspektive untersucht, ohne die transnationalen Dimensionen dieses komplexen Prozesses aus den Augen zu verlieren.

1 Januar 2019

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Images of Industrial Life and Vocational Training: Scouting as a Liminal Space for Educating a Workers’ Elite in 1920s Luxembourg

Images of Industrial Life and Vocational Training: Scouting as a Liminal Space for Educating a Workers’ Elite in 1920s Luxembourg

This paper looks at a specific set of corporate images, namely photographs of apprentices of the Luxembourg steel conglomerate ARBED, and analyzes how young workers are depicted in these images. The paper draws on a collection of 2,251 glass plate negatives (re)presenting ARBED’s industrial cosmos, including its vocational school the Institut Emile Metz. The roughly 160 images of apprentices contained in the collection put on display the apprentices’ bodies and a variety of activities in different contexts.

1 Januar 2019

Karin Priem
Questioning the “Decline of Repair Businesses” Narrative: The Case of Luxembourg City and Esch-sur-Alzette

Questioning the “Decline of Repair Businesses” Narrative: The Case of Luxembourg City and Esch-sur-Alzette

1 Januar 2019

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
From Bentham to Guadet: ‘Auditory visibility’ in nineteenth-century theories on government offices

From Bentham to Guadet: ‘Auditory visibility’ in nineteenth-century theories on government offices

1 Januar 2019

Jens van de Maele
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Back to the roots of ARPANET and Internet history with Alexandre Serres

Back to the roots of ARPANET and Internet history with Alexandre Serres

Alexandre Serres’ PhD, “Aux sources d’Internet: l’!emergence d’ARPANET” (“The origins of the Internet: the Emergence of ARPANET”), defended in 2000, is quite influential in Francophone research literature and discourse on Internet histories. However, yet untranslated, it has remained little known in Anglophone scholarly circles.

1 Januar 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The Eye of the Machine: Labor Sciences and the Mechanical Registration of the Human Body

The Eye of the Machine: Labor Sciences and the Mechanical Registration of the Human Body

1 Januar 2019

Karin Priem
Ein Experiment kollektiver Gewissensprüfung. Situativer Opportunismus und kumulative Heroisierung

Ein Experiment kollektiver Gewissensprüfung. Situativer Opportunismus und kumulative Heroisierung

Geschichte wird anhand von Quellen unterschiedlicher Herkunft erzählt und interpretiert. Die Fragen der Historiker entwickeln sich auch auf Grundlage ihrer verinnerlichten familiären Erzählungen über erlebte Geschichte. Kann diese Perspektive und ihre Konfrontation mit der archivalischen Überlieferung neue Sichtweisen auf die Vergangenheit ermöglichen? Wie können Historiker das Konzept des situativen Opportunismus nutzen, um die Entscheidungen der Zeitgenossen zu verstehen? Ein Denkanstoß.

1 Januar 2019

Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens: Luxembourg

Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens: Luxembourg

1 Januar 2019

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb et les Belges germanophones: contribution à l'histoire des relations entre P.S.C. et C.S.P.

Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb et les Belges germanophones: contribution à l'histoire des relations entre P.S.C. et C.S.P.

1 Januar 2019

Christoph Brüll
Radio beyond Boundaries: An Introduction

Radio beyond Boundaries: An Introduction

1 Januar 2019

Richard Legay
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
ChroniclItaly 2.0. A corpus of Italian American newspapers annotated for entities, 1898-1920

ChroniclItaly 2.0. A corpus of Italian American newspapers annotated for entities, 1898-1920

1 Januar 2019

Lorella Viola
  • Digital history & historiography
Beyond 1989: Childhood and Youth in Times of Political Transformation in the 20th Century

Beyond 1989: Childhood and Youth in Times of Political Transformation in the 20th Century

1 Januar 2019

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Shifting Epistemologies for Discipline and Rigour in Educational Research: Challenges and Opportunities from Digital Humanities

Shifting Epistemologies for Discipline and Rigour in Educational Research: Challenges and Opportunities from Digital Humanities

This paper historicizes “rigour”, discipline” and “systematic” as inventions of a certain rational spirit of Enlightenment that was radicalized during the 19th century. These terms acquired temporary value in a transition during the 19th century when a culture of research was established within a modern episteme. Beginning in the 20th century, this development was perceived as problematic, triggering criticism from philosophy and the arts, and even within the sciences.

1 Januar 2019

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Vale, das „Juwel Brasiliens“. Dammbruch in Brumadinho.

Vale, das „Juwel Brasiliens“. Dammbruch in Brumadinho.

1 Januar 2019

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Collections of Digitised Newspapers as Historical Sources – Parthenos training

Collections of Digitised Newspapers as Historical Sources – Parthenos training

1 Januar 2019

Estelle Bunout, Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
A Memory-Based Label Propagation Algorithm for Community Detection

A Memory-Based Label Propagation Algorithm for Community Detection

The objective of a community detection algorithm is to group similar nodes in a network into communities, while increasing the dissimilarity between them. Several methods have been proposed but many of them are not suitable for large-scale networks because they have high complexity and use global knowledge. The Label Propagation Algorithm (LPA) assigns a unique label to every node and propagates the labels locally, while applying the majority rule to reach a consensus. Nodes which share the same label are then grouped into communities.

1 Januar 2019

Antonio Fiscarelli
Learning by Doing: Introducing Students to Public History through Digital Projects

Learning by Doing: Introducing Students to Public History through Digital Projects

1 Januar 2019

Richard Legay, Anita Lucchesi
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
L'album de David Seymour sur la lutte contre l'analphabétisme en Calabre en tant qu'outil de médiatisation : traces matérielles de la rédaction et de la narration

L'album de David Seymour sur la lutte contre l'analphabétisme en Calabre en tant qu'outil de médiatisation : traces matérielles de la rédaction et de la narration

1 Januar 2019

Karin Priem
  • Public history
NS-Zwangsarbeit im Raum Aachen

NS-Zwangsarbeit im Raum Aachen

1 Januar 2019

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
