Éischte Weltkrich: Remembering The Great War in Luxembourg - Digital Exhibition

Éischte Weltkrich: Remembering The Great War in Luxembourg - Digital Exhibition

1 Januar 2017

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
História Digital: conversas para além da sala de aula.

História Digital: conversas para além da sala de aula.

1 Januar 2017

Anita Lucchesi
  • Public history
  • Digital history & historiography
From Battlegrounds to Burial Grounds - The Cemetery Landscapes of the German Army, 1939 -1945

From Battlegrounds to Burial Grounds - The Cemetery Landscapes of the German Army, 1939 -1945

War is always related to many different aspects, e.g. religion, technology etc. However, one of the aspects of central importance for the history of warfare is geography. The present volume will analyze this interrelationship from several different perspectives. Geography is not only integral to the planning of tactics and strategies, but plays an important role in the outcome of war and its long-term aftermath. Furthermore, the interplay between war and geography is not purely a modern phenomenon but can be traced back through the ages of history.

1 Januar 2017

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Material Objects in Twentieth Century History of Psychiatry

Material Objects in Twentieth Century History of Psychiatry

1 Januar 2017

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The Visual in Histories of Education: A Reappraisal

The Visual in Histories of Education: A Reappraisal

This introduction to the special issue on Images and Films as Objects to Think With presents a historiographical reflection on how images are being approached in the field of educational history. In recent years, much of the work has been situated at the intersection of visual and material studies; images are considered objects with which humans interact, carrying affects and particular materialities that condition their experience; they are taken as historical artefacts that bring out a

1 Januar 2017

Karin Priem
  • Public history
​ The Straitjacket, the Bed, and the Pill: Material Culture and Madness

​ The Straitjacket, the Bed, and the Pill: Material Culture and Madness

1 Januar 2017

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La "Fabrication" du Luxembourg moderne. Technologies visuelles et industries réformatrices come moteurs de transformation sociétale. Fabricating modern Luxembourg. Visual technologies and industries of reform as engines of societal transformation

La "Fabrication" du Luxembourg moderne. Technologies visuelles et industries réformatrices come moteurs de transformation sociétale. Fabricating modern Luxembourg. Visual technologies and industries of reform as engines of societal transformation

1 Januar 2017

Karin Priem, Frederik Herman
Photography as humanitarian action: David Seymour’s Children of Europe

Photography as humanitarian action: David Seymour’s Children of Europe

1 Januar 2017

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Bernhard Leubolt (2015) Transformation von Ungleichheitsregimes: Gleichheitsorientierte Politik in Brasilien und Sudafrika.

Bernhard Leubolt (2015) Transformation von Ungleichheitsregimes: Gleichheitsorientierte Politik in Brasilien und Sudafrika.

1 Januar 2017

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Audiovisual work- Interview with Niels Thygesen, Copenhagen 9 April 2016 (Lenght 02:35:03)

Audiovisual work- Interview with Niels Thygesen, Copenhagen 9 April 2016 (Lenght 02:35:03)

In the framework of the research project "Pierre Werner and Europe, Interview with Niels Thygesen, Professor of Economics at the University of Copenhagen from 1964 to 1969 and from 1971 to 2004, Adviser to the Governor of the Danmarks Nationalbank from 1973 to 1983 and a member of the Delors Committee set up to study and propose practical steps that would lead to the gradual establishment of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) from 1988 to 1989, carried out by the Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE) on 9 March 2016 at Niel Thygesen’s home in Copenhagen.

1 Januar 2017

Elena Danescu, François Klein
  • Contemporary history of Europe
La coévolution de l’informatique et de son histoire 

La coévolution de l’informatique et de son histoire 

This article aims to show how computing and the writing of its history have jointly evolved from an internalist approach and a fascination for the machine and the hardware to a broader interest for the « computer in society » and then digital cultures. This historiographical panorama questions the historical glance on computing during the last four decades but also the way in which historians have progressively taken into account issues that were already underway in the study of ICTs.

1 Januar 2017

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Tessili vs Dunlop 1976: The Political Background of Judicial Restraint

Tessili vs Dunlop 1976: The Political Background of Judicial Restraint

1 Januar 2017

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Interdisciplinary Ignorance

Interdisciplinary Ignorance

1 Januar 2017

Max Kemman
  • Digital history & historiography
Entrevista com Andreas Fickers

Entrevista com Andreas Fickers

1 Januar 2017

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Cru et Classé. Impressions de qualités sur le vin français au XIXème siècle.

Cru et Classé. Impressions de qualités sur le vin français au XIXème siècle.

The thesis looks into perveived impressions on French wine in the 19th century from a French perspective. It looks into how specific qualitites, and the idea of terroir, are attested to wine in order to express nationhood through wine in 19th century France.

1 Januar 2017

Sam Mersch
Vom Ad-hoc-Reparateur zum Kfz-Meister: zur Entstehung des professionellen Kfz-Reparaturhandwerks in Deutschland

Vom Ad-hoc-Reparateur zum Kfz-Meister: zur Entstehung des professionellen Kfz-Reparaturhandwerks in Deutschland

1 Januar 2017

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Inaugural issue

Inaugural issue

1 Januar 2017

Marten Düring
A corpus-based investigation of language change in Italian: The case of grazie di and grazie per

A corpus-based investigation of language change in Italian: The case of grazie di and grazie per

1 Januar 2017

Lorella Viola
  • Digital history & historiography
Pourquoi la Belgique ignore-t-elle son voisin allemand?

Pourquoi la Belgique ignore-t-elle son voisin allemand?

1 Januar 2017

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
review of: Lucien Czuga, Rout Wäiss Bloen Damp. 200 Joer Lëtzebuerger Tubakswelt, Differdange: Editions Revue, 2015

review of: Lucien Czuga, Rout Wäiss Bloen Damp. 200 Joer Lëtzebuerger Tubakswelt, Differdange: Editions Revue, 2015

1 Januar 2017

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
