Communicating Europe. Technologies, Information, Events.

Communicating Europe. Technologies, Information, Events.

Since the early years of telegraphy, modernity at large generated and has depended upon technologies of electrical/electronic communication and information circulation: from telephone, radio, and television to the internet. This volume reveals these connecting technologies’ geopolitical importance and their crucial relationships with culture, commerce, and communities.

1 January 2019

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Johnny and Ivan learning in a programmed way: The reinvention of one American technology

Johnny and Ivan learning in a programmed way: The reinvention of one American technology

In the heated times of the Cold War, two hypothetical schoolboys – Johnny in the United States and Ivan in the Soviet Union (USSR) – were both promised a school where they would learn in a new way. This new way – the technology of programmed instruction – was developed by the American behavioral psychologist Burrhus F. Skinner. It became popular globally over the 1960s and was promoted passionately in the United States and the USSR alike.

1 January 2019

Viktoria Boretska
  • Public history
(De)Habituation Histories: How to Re-Sensitize Media Historians

(De)Habituation Histories: How to Re-Sensitize Media Historians

In line with our earlier work, we will take the material object – the technological device – and, more specifically, the sensorial and experiential dimensions expressed in media use as a point of departure for our reflections. Why would the sensorial and experiential dimensions of media use be a relevant point of departure for such reflections? And, by extension: why would such reflections help to theoretically frame media newness?

1 January 2019

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Du local à l'international. Jalons pour une sociographie des dirigeants sportifs: Polignac, Kriegk, Daugé: trois trajectoires rémoises (années 1900-1960)

Du local à l'international. Jalons pour une sociographie des dirigeants sportifs: Polignac, Kriegk, Daugé: trois trajectoires rémoises (années 1900-1960)

This contribution aims to shed light on how serving on the boards of local sporting associations enables some leaders to access the elite of international sport. The case of three international leaders (Louis Daugé, Teddy Kriegk, and Melchior de Polignac) is observed through a sociography of the presidents of sports clubs in the city of Reims, the regional sports capital of Champagne-Ardenne, where they were prominent figures and local elites.

1 January 2019

Sebastien Moreau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Neuere Soldatenfriedhöfe aus der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

Neuere Soldatenfriedhöfe aus der Zeit nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg

1 January 2019

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Židovský skauting během 2. světové války a v poválečném období v Československu a Francii

Židovský skauting během 2. světové války a v poválečném období v Československu a Francii

Jewish scouting is a phenomenon that has not been properly investigated, even though Czechoslovak and French Jewish scouts used to work on hundred places in Czechoslovakia and France. Despite this fact, we know very little about their membership, structure and roles. Besides the usual scout program, Jewish organizations in Czechoslovakia had something unique — Zionist education as a prerequisite for resettling their members in Palestine.

1 January 2019

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Across the Waves: How the United States and France shaped the International Age of Radio (book review)

Across the Waves: How the United States and France shaped the International Age of Radio (book review)

1 January 2019

Richard Legay
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ein binaurales Hörspiel über die Geschichte der akustischen 3D-Aufnahme

Ein binaurales Hörspiel über die Geschichte der akustischen 3D-Aufnahme

1 January 2019

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Arpanet (1969-2019)

Arpanet (1969-2019)

ARPANET’s story is part of the Internet’s official heritage, as a first crucial step in its development. Janet Abbate’s seminal work Inventing the Internet (1999) has extensively covered its history and is still a landmark in this area. However, the 50th anniversary of ARPANET provides an opportunity to reflect on existing histories and to open up the debate to new perspectives and approaches. If we consider ARPANET as a first step towards the Internet, how did it determine – and how does it continue to determine – our current understanding of the Internet?

1 January 2019

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies and Minds in the Age of Steel

Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies and Minds in the Age of Steel

Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies, and Minds in the Age of Steel, edited by Karin Priem and Frederik Herman, offers new interdisciplinary and transnational perspectives on the history of industrialization and societal transformation in early-twentieth-century Luxembourg.

1 January 2019

Karin Priem
  • Public history
David Seymour’s Album on the Fight Against Illiteracy in Calabria as a Tool of Mediatization: Material Traces of Editing and Visual Storytelling

David Seymour’s Album on the Fight Against Illiteracy in Calabria as a Tool of Mediatization: Material Traces of Editing and Visual Storytelling

The analysis of UNESCO’s audio-visual archives for their digitization has brought to light a forgotten album of 38 contact sheets and accompanying texts by Magnum photographer, David “Chim” Seymour – a reportage made in 1950 for UNESCO on the fight against illiteracy in Italy’s southern region of Calabria. A number of his photographs appeared in the March 1952 issue of UNESCO Courier in an article written by Carlo Levi, who had gained worldwide fame with his novel Christ Stopped at Eboli (1945).

1 January 2019

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Форум: В поисках детской субъектности

Форум: В поисках детской субъектности

the discussion is dedicated to the question whether it is possible to overcome the power asymmetry between researchers and their subjects in the study of childhood, or at the very least to reduce the gulf between researchers and the objects of their studies. the “new sociology of childhood” places the individual personality of the child and their personal interests at the centre of scholarly investigation, though its central presuppositions remain largely controversial.

1 January 2019

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Особенности русской и английской речи детей-билингвов

Особенности русской и английской речи детей-билингвов

В центре магистерской работы находился феномен детского билингвизма как динамичного явления в речевом развитии ребенка. Информанты с рождения взаимодействуют со взрослыми, родными для которых являются разные (неродственные) языки – русский и английский.At the center of the master's work was the phenomenon of children's bilingualism as a dynamic phenomenon in the speech development of a child. From birth, informants interact with adults whose native languages are different (unrelated) languages - Russian and English.

1 January 2019

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling of immigrant discourses in the USA, 1898-1920

Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling of immigrant discourses in the USA, 1898-1920

This article aims to offer a methodological contribution to digital humanities by exploring the value of a mixed-method approach to uncover and understand historical patterns in large quantities of textual data. It refines the distant reading technique of topic modelling (TM) by using the discourse-historical approach (DHA——Wodak, 2001) in order to analyse the mechanisms underlying discursive practices in historical newspapers.

1 January 2019

Lorella Viola
  • Digital history & historiography
Rebecca Lemov Database of Dreams: The Lost Quest to Catalog Humanity New Haven, Yale University Press, 2015, xii -354 p.

Rebecca Lemov Database of Dreams: The Lost Quest to Catalog Humanity New Haven, Yale University Press, 2015, xii -354 p.

1 January 2019

Frédéric Clavert
Eupen-Malmedy im europäischen Vergleich. Minderheiten als Problem der europäischen Politik in der Zwischenkriegszeit

Eupen-Malmedy im europäischen Vergleich. Minderheiten als Problem der europäischen Politik in der Zwischenkriegszeit

Im 19. Jahrhundert wurden die Grenzen zwischen den unterschiedlichen Sprachen und Kulturen immer schärfer gezogen. Der Nationalismus entfaltete seine Kraft. Durch die Schaffung zahlreicher neuer Staaten in Osteuropa und neuer Minderheiten in Westeuropa entstanden für die Innen- und Außenpolitik der europäischen Staaten neue Spannungen. Ein Vergleich zwischen ausgewählten europäischen Minderheiten eröffnet neue Sichtweisen auf die Regionalgeschichte und relativiert scheinbare Gewissheiten.

1 January 2019

Christoph Brüll
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Trabalho Escravo im Amazonasgebiet: Peripherisierung, unfreie Arbeit und Weltmarkt

Trabalho Escravo im Amazonasgebiet: Peripherisierung, unfreie Arbeit und Weltmarkt

1 January 2019

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Des temps d'occupations et de sorties de guerre

Des temps d'occupations et de sorties de guerre

1 January 2019

Benoît Majerus
The Development of Repair Businesses in Esch-sur-Alzette

The Development of Repair Businesses in Esch-sur-Alzette

1 January 2019

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Negotiating the past, present, and future: The Luxembourgish Jewish Museum Project as a Process of Contested memory and imagined futures

Negotiating the past, present, and future: The Luxembourgish Jewish Museum Project as a Process of Contested memory and imagined futures

There is currently a project underway to establish a Jewish museum in Luxembourg in a restored synagogue just outside the main city center. As this project unfolds, it provides a clear view into the contestations and negotiations over meaning, representation, Jewishness, and the past, present, and future visions of community that arise in the development of a museum.

1 January 2019

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
