Zirkulation und Transformation. Pädagogische Grenzüberschreitungen in historischer Perspektive

Zirkulation und Transformation. Pädagogische Grenzüberschreitungen in historischer Perspektive

1 January 2014

Karin Priem
  • Public history
L'attitude des pouvoirs publics luxembourgeois à l'égard de la communauté juive étudiée à travers les dossiers individuels de naturalisation (1876-1914)

L'attitude des pouvoirs publics luxembourgeois à l'égard de la communauté juive étudiée à travers les dossiers individuels de naturalisation (1876-1914)

1 January 2014

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg


1 January 2014

Anita Lucchesi
  • Public history
  • Digital history & historiography
Sound and Safe : A History of Listening Behind the Wheel

Sound and Safe : A History of Listening Behind the Wheel

Do you enjoy listening to music while driving? Do you find radio traffic information indispensable? Do you appreciate the moments of your drive in which you can listen to or sing along with whatever you like? This book shows how we created auditory privacy in cars, making them feel sound and safe, even though automobiles were highly noisy things at the beginning of the twentieth century. It explains how engineers in the automotive industry found pride in making car engines quieter once they realized that noise stood for inefficiency.

1 January 2014

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
La Grande Guerre des historiens belges, 1914-2014

La Grande Guerre des historiens belges, 1914-2014

1 January 2014

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410 – 1437) nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet herausgegeben von Karel Hruza. Online – Supplement zu J. F. Böhmer, Regesta Imperii XI herausgegeben von der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften – Regesta…

Regesten Kaiser Sigismunds (1410 – 1437) nach Archiven und Bibliotheken geordnet herausgegeben von Karel Hruza. Online – Supplement zu J. F. Böhmer, Regesta Imperii XI herausgegeben von der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften – Regesta…

1 January 2014

Anna Jagos
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
La place du ‘national’ dans le déploiement de l’Internet : une construction entre local et global

La place du ‘national’ dans le déploiement de l’Internet : une construction entre local et global

Ce chapitre explore l'histoire de l'Internet sous l'angle des enjeux et tensions entre interventions étatique, utopies et enjeux économiques, et ce à plusieurs échelles, afin de penser la place du national au sein d'un "réseau des réseaux" qui se veut global.

1 January 2014

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Talking with Scholars: Developing a Research Environment for Oral History Collections

Talking with Scholars: Developing a Research Environment for Oral History Collections

1 January 2014

Max Kemman
  • Digital history & historiography
Patrick Manning, Big Data in History

Patrick Manning, Big Data in History

Faire une histoire globale de la société humaine, sortir les sciences sociales de l’éparpillement grandissant qu’elles connaissent depuis la Seconde Guerre mondiale par la mise en place d’un dépôt unifiant l’ensemble des données historiques dont nous disposons et disposerons, voici le cœur du propos de cet ouvrage. Ce dépôt, ouvert, distribué, permettra aux chercheurs, aux « décideurs », de trouver les tendances de long terme qui touchent à la société humaine, en priorité sur un certain nombr...

1 January 2014

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Building the social graph of the history of European integration: A pipeline for humanist-machine interaction in the digital humanities

Building the social graph of the history of European integration: A pipeline for humanist-machine interaction in the digital humanities

The breadth and scale of multimedia archives provides a tremendous potential for historical research that hasn't been fully tapped up to know. In this paper we want to discuss the approach taken by the History of Europe application, a demonstrator for the integration of human and machine computation that combines the power of face recognition technology with two distinctively different crowd-sourcing approaches to compute co-occurrences of persons in historical image sets.

1 January 2014

Lars Wieneke
  • Digital history & historiography
The ‘Franco-German duo’ and Europe as seen in cartoons (1945–2013)

The ‘Franco-German duo’ and Europe as seen in cartoons (1945–2013)

The ePublication ‘The “Franco-German duo” and Europe as seen in cartoons (1945–2013)’ uses French and German press illustrations to explore the joint action of successive French Presidents and German Chancellors as the driving force of European integration. The rapprochement that began in the early years after the Second World War between France and Germany, two countries that had been long-standing enemies, followed a unique path. The image of a ‘Franco-German duo’ and the pair’s actions have proved an unending source of inspiration for French and German Press cartoonists.

1 January 2014

Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Depicting Children. The Visualization of Childhood

Depicting Children. The Visualization of Childhood

1 January 2014

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Por um debate sobre História e Historiografia Digital

Por um debate sobre História e Historiografia Digital

1 January 2014

Anita Lucchesi
  • Public history
  • Digital history & historiography
Diagnose nach Gehör? Die Aushandlung neuer Wissensformen in der Kfz-Diagnose (1950–1980)

Diagnose nach Gehör? Die Aushandlung neuer Wissensformen in der Kfz-Diagnose (1950–1980)

1 January 2014

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Trabalho Escravo in Today’s Brazil

Trabalho Escravo in Today’s Brazil

1 January 2014

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les historiens luxembourgeois monomaniaques. Histoires de la Première Guerre mondiale au Luxembourg

Les historiens luxembourgeois monomaniaques. Histoires de la Première Guerre mondiale au Luxembourg

1 January 2014

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
De soldaten van de Eerste Poolse Pantserdivisie. Hun geschiedenis.

De soldaten van de Eerste Poolse Pantserdivisie. Hun geschiedenis.

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Kuus ruutmeetrit ajalugu. Sündmused Jägala-Joa IV asulakohal 2013. aasta kaevamistulemuste põhjal.

Kuus ruutmeetrit ajalugu. Sündmused Jägala-Joa IV asulakohal 2013. aasta kaevamistulemuste põhjal.

1 January 2014

Kaarel Sikk
  • Digital history & historiography
Cloud Atlas et le futur du futur. Sur un possible destin de la société industrielle

Cloud Atlas et le futur du futur. Sur un possible destin de la société industrielle

Maxime Derian nous invite à mener une réflexion à propos d’un film qui, à son sens, a tout d’un futur classique. De même que Blade Runner qui fut un succès à retardement, pour Cloud Atlas, il pourrait en aller de même. Cette réalisation cinématographique pose une question inédite : celle du futur du futur.

1 January 2014

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Nationalization campaigns and teachers' practices in Belgian–German and Polish–German border regions (1945–1956)

Nationalization campaigns and teachers' practices in Belgian–German and Polish–German border regions (1945–1956)

This contribution looks into nationalization and education in European borderlands inthe early post-World War II period. Belonging to Belgium and Poland, respectively, inthe interwar years, the Eupen – St. Vith – Malmedy and the East-Upper Silesia regionscame under German rule during World War II. Returned to the Belgian and Polishnation-states once the war was over, the regions experienced a pronounced upheavalin the population profile as a result of population transfers and reorientations ineducation curricula.

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
