Strategies of Digital Storytelling: Éischte Weltkrich - Remembering the Great War in Luxembourg

Strategies of Digital Storytelling: Éischte Weltkrich - Remembering the Great War in Luxembourg

26 October 2020

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
EU Blind Date avec Isabel Wiseler-Lima et Sébastien Varrette

EU Blind Date avec Isabel Wiseler-Lima et Sébastien Varrette

La place du Luxembourg et de l'Europe dans la stratégie des nouvelles technologies, dans le développement 'software', notre dépendance de l’Asie en matière de 'hardware', mais également l'intelligence artificielle, ses règles et son éthique, la place des femmes dans les métiers de recherche en informatique, ne sont que quelques sujets abordés lors de cette découverte mutuelle.

24 October 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe


24 October 2020

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les héritages des débuts d’Internet et du Web

Les héritages des débuts d’Internet et du Web

Alors que l’an dernier étaient célébrés les 50 ans du réseau ARPANET et les 30 ans du World Wide Web, ces anniversaires étaient l’occasion de revenir largement sur les fondements du « réseau des réseaux ». Ce retour aux sources permettait de prendre la mesure des changements intervenus, mais aussi de continuités certaines, ainsi que de valeurs séminales qui sont régulièrement convoquées dans les débats contemporains.

23 October 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Voir Esch!

Voir Esch!

Article on the publication of the "Guide historique et architectural Esch-sur-Alzette", City Guide of the capital of the former industrial basin of Luxembourg, European capital of culture 2022. Authors: Georges Buchler, Jean Goedert, Antoinette Lorang, Antoinette Reuter, Denis Scuto. Photographer: Christof Weber.

10 October 2020

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Future of Money in the Digital Age

The Future of Money in the Digital Age

Research Seminar “The Future of Money in the Digital Age" (Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies. Digital Currencies vs Sovereign Currencies: Potential Implications for the Economic and Monetary Union.)

9 October 2020

Elena Danescu
La Public History à Esch

La Public History à Esch

9 October 2020

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
WWII: Russen im besetzten Luxemburg

WWII: Russen im besetzten Luxemburg

The Second World War brought together several groups of emigrants in occupied Luxembourg whose roots lay in Tsarist Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century steel industry workers came from what was then Russian Poland, while Jewish merchants from Ukraine who fled the pogroms also settled there. After the First World War, the group was enlarged by the former prisoners of war and after the October Revolution of 1917 by the political refugees, often members of the so-called White Guard, from the Russian Empire.

8 October 2020

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Crunch time for EMU

Crunch time for EMU

As we mark the 50th anniversary of the Werner Report, it is well worth analysing the role of Economic and Monetary Union at a time of uncertainty as to the wider European project, via an interdisciplinary approach that draws on historical and archive research and takes into consideration the theoretical debates in the literature and the various methodological challenges.What are the multifaceted future provocation facing Economic and Monetary Union? What steps still need to be taken to complete the project?

8 October 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
#WernerReport@50 internet portal & conference

#WernerReport@50 internet portal & conference

#WernerReport@50 internet portal is the result of an interdisciplinary project using state-of-the-art methods for the digital processing and presentation of historical content. The project was coordinated at the C2DH by the following specialists: Ori Elisar, Daniele Guido, Robert Beta and Lars Wieneke (infrastructure), Elena Danescu (content), François Klein (audiovisual resources) and Sarah Cooper (linguistic aspects).

7 October 2020

Elena Danescu, Lars Wieneke, François Klein, Daniele Guido
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Epistemic communities in building EMU: Pierre Werner, Robert Triffin and Jean Monnet in European monetary cooperation.

Epistemic communities in building EMU: Pierre Werner, Robert Triffin and Jean Monnet in European monetary cooperation.

On 8 October 1970 in Luxembourg, Pierre Werner officially presented the plan by stages for an economic and monetary union (EMU) in the European Community. This document was the result of seven months of discussions by a group of experts from the six Member States, chaired by the Luxembourg Prime Minister and Finance Minister. The Werner Report set out the broad lines, principles and stages of an EMU based on the principle of irreversibility and an approach rooted in perfect symmetry between the economic and monetary aspects, with political union as the ultimate objective.

7 October 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Staging the Nation in an Intermediate Space: Cultural Policy in Luxembourg and the State Museums (1918-1974)

Staging the Nation in an Intermediate Space: Cultural Policy in Luxembourg and the State Museums (1918-1974)

Cultural policy has been analysed from various perspectives, ranging from sociology over cultural studies to political science. Historians have also been interested in cultural policy, but they have barely reflected on a theoretical framework. In addition, cultural policy has not been thoroughly researched in Luxembourg. The present thesis aims to contribute to this gap and examines how national cultural policy in Luxembourg evolved from the 1920s to the early 1970s.

1 October 2020

Fabio Spirinelli
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Guide historique et architectural Esch-sur-Alzette

Guide historique et architectural Esch-sur-Alzette

1 October 2020

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Using word embeddings to explore the Aboriginality discourse in a corpus of Australian Aboriginal autobiographies

Using word embeddings to explore the Aboriginality discourse in a corpus of Australian Aboriginal autobiographies

This submission presents intermediate results of the PhD project analysing discourses in a corpus of Australian Aboriginal autobiographies with word embedding modelling.

29 September 2020

Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
Indirizzi di saluto

Indirizzi di saluto

27 September 2020

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
2 août 1980, 10.25 h

2 août 1980, 10.25 h

26 September 2020

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
"Vouloir, connaître, agir"

"Vouloir, connaître, agir"

Au sein de l’Union européenne, le Luxembourg est le pays qui peut se targuer de la plus longue expérience d’intégration économique et politique – 170 ans. Au sortir de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, l’implication active du Grand-Duché dans ce processus fut le fruit d’un choix délibéré, motivé par sa situation géopolitique et économique, par sa nature de petit État et par une conviction profonde.

26 September 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
A Transnational Perspective on Luxembourg’s Judicial History through the Lens of the Trajectory of Jean-Jacques Willmar

A Transnational Perspective on Luxembourg’s Judicial History through the Lens of the Trajectory of Jean-Jacques Willmar

25 September 2020

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Régions transfrontalières en Europe: quelle est la place du Luxembourg?

Régions transfrontalières en Europe: quelle est la place du Luxembourg?

La coopération transfrontalière en Europe émerge dans les années 1960, dans le cadre de jumelages entre municipalités et sur la toile de fond marqué par la construction de la Communauté économique européenne (CEE). Elle se développera sous l’impulsion du Conseil de l’Europe – qui promouvra les relations de bon voisinage entre les autorités locales des États concernés, et de la CEE – qui mettra en place un système d’accords de coopération transfrontalière entre les pays communautaires, ainsi qu’avec les pays voisins.

25 September 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Keynote lecture: The Hybrid Historian - Historical Research in the Digital Age

Keynote lecture: The Hybrid Historian - Historical Research in the Digital Age

In the past decade, we have witnessed a shift from technological determinism to more attention to the methodological and epistemological changes in historical research which the digital turn has brought about. This talk will focus on how the practice of doing history has changed in the digital age against the background of broader historical developments in the so-called digital humanities.

25 September 2020

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
