Contemporary history of Luxembourg

Organiser: LURN5, Luxembourg Ukrainian Researcher Network

The fifth meeting of LURN took place on 24 March 2023 in the Open Space of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History.

In the focus were introductions to the practical digital tools of researchers Slack and Zotero, a presentation of the ALUMNI network of UL (Andy Adams) and discussions about the future of LURN.

The representants of two sister organizations in Germany and France also attended the LURN5. Mrs. Victoria von Rosen from Frankfurt and Mrs. Olena Kovalchuk from Paris personally joined for a discussion of potential international projects, such as the summer or winter School of ambassadors of the European Scientific Tradition for researchers staying in Ukraine.

Likewise, ties with Belgium and the Netherlands will be strengthened after the successful hybrid conference of BeNeLURN on March 21, 2023, in order to find cooperation among scientists from Europe and Ukraine.

LURN joined to the framework of the Ukrainian Scientific Diaspora program, launched by the Council of Young Scientists of the Ministry of Education of Ukraine. The new elected organizing LURN committee will announce the LURN6 soon.

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