The future of historiography seems to belong to Public History Thomas Cauvin author of the path breaking book Public History A Textbook of Practice, even argues that we should all become public historians. In his book and as a public historian he explored fields as different as brewing and food history digital public history controversies over monuments public history as empowerment and the possibility of an international public history. Not only in these fields Public History seems to be on the rise Yet Public History also faces serious challenges such as the political fragmentation of societies and the idea of „alternative facts”. In his talk Thomas Cauvin will provide us with insights into the conceptual frame of Public History and use various examples to illustrate the practice of Public History. We will particularly discuss the role of Public History as a source of empowerment for underrepresented groups. This talk is part of the seminar History and Youtube organized by Anna Rosa Haumann and Florian Wagner at the University of Erfurt
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