Gerson Aronov came from Smolensk in western Russia and was sent as a soldier to France in 1914, where he was taken prisoner by the Germans. After World War I, he worked in the steel industry in Lorraine and in Esch/Alzette. Together with his Luxembourgian wife Sophie Herz from Medernach, he opened a confectionery store in Differdange in 1937. Under German occupation, Aronow was forced to work for Paul Wurth and their business was confiscated. The Aronow-Herz couple was deported to the Litzmannstadt (Lodz) ghetto in Poland on October 16, 1941, along with a total of 518 Jewish citizens from Luxembourg and the Trier region. Sophie Herz was deported to the Kulmhof (Chelmno) extermination camp and killed in September 1942. The trace of Gerson Aronow is lost in the Litzmannstadt ghetto in 1943.
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