CfP: Radio beyond Boundaries. Themed issue of 'The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television'

10 April 2018

written by :
Richard Legay

CfP: Radio beyond Boundaries. Themed issue of 'The Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television'

Radio – like broadcasting in general – has always been quintessentially shaped by specific regions or nation states. Most radio services and channels, in fact, not only explicitly refer to a geolocation through their names, but also their remit is more often than not linked to a particular country, a region or a city. Whereas Hollywood cinema and other forms of media could be characterised by their global aspiration and appeal, radio seems rather limited in its impact beyond borders. Wherever we are from, little do we know about other countries’ or regions’ radio cultures.
International Conference of Europeanists

24 July 2017

written by :
Elena Danescu

European studies at the crossroads – 24th International Conference of Europeanists

From 12 to 14 July 2017, the University of Glasgow hosted the 24th International Conference of Europeanists which explored the theme of “Sustainability and Transformation”. Elena Danescu (C²DH) gave a presentation entitled “Shaping Economic and Monetary Union in the 1970s – Theoretical Debates and Political Networks.
Tri-national doctoral school Saarbrücken

29 May 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

A tri-national event for transnational histories

In May 2017, the first edition of the tri-national doctoral school was organised in Saarbrücken, Germany, with the participation of three universities. The following blogpost is a report of the event with some personal reflections.
