Paper prototype, wireframe

23 March 2018

written by :
Sytze Van Herck

The scientific user experience design method

When academics or developers create a website or an application, they usually start from the back end and only then focus on the design or front end. In this blogpost I would like to argue that the design process and user analysis specifically should come first. The methods outlined below were discussed during the workshop on the introduction to user experience design and evaluation methods by dr. Carine Lallemand and dr. Vincent Koenig.
Google Maps as a tool for researchers? The example of the debates on the national museum in Luxembourg

7 March 2018

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Google Maps as a tool for researchers? The example of the debates on the national museum in Luxembourg

Some time ago, I was wondering whether I could use Google Maps as a tool for my research on the history of the National History and Art Museum in Luxembourg, to adopt a distant reading approach, with the aim to gain new insights. I did it and, in the following blog post, I look back at this small experience.
Popkult60: A closer look at popular culture in Europe over the long decade of the 1960s

19 January 2018

written by :
Noëlle Schon

Popkult60: A closer look at popular culture in Europe over the long decade of the 1960s

A new interdisciplinary research group composed of members of the Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), the Institute for History at the University of Luxembourg and Saarland University will investigate transnational transfers of popular culture in Europe in the 1960s.
Hands on History logo

11 January 2018

The Historical Art of Projection. Digital and experimental approaches to the archaeology of the screen

Hands-on History session with Karin Bienek and Ludwig Vogl-Bienek (University of Trier).

18 December 2017

written by :
Andreas Fickers

European Research Grant "European History Reloaded"

European research grant awarded for research into Europe's Audiovisual Heritage Online, coordinated by prof. dr. E. Müller, Utrecht University
A personal report of the European Culture Forum 2017

15 December 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

A personal report of the European Culture Forum 2017

The European Culture Forum 2017 took place in Milan from 7 to 8 December. It was also the official kick-off event of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. In the following blogpost, I would like to summarize and discuss the debates related to culture and cultural heritage that took place during the event and add some personal reflections.
Podcasts «Pierre Werner: un homme dans son siècle»

30 November 2017

written by :
François Klein, Elena Danescu, Guido Lessing

Podcasts «Pierre Werner: un homme dans son siècle»

Le C²DH, en collaboration avec la Radio 100,7, produit une série de podcasts consacrée à la vie et à l’œuvre politique de Pierre Werner.
Museums as places of shared authority and public debate

20 November 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Museums as places of shared authority and public debate

Debates on the role of museums and their place in society are not new. Though museums have become more visitor-oriented over the past decades, a lot of potential remains unused. In this blogpost, I would like to discuss how museums can be places of "shared authority" and public debate.
Europeana 1914-1918

7 November 2017

Personal sources from WWI and citizen science, opportunities for research and education. The project Transcribathon Europeana 1914-1918

Ad Pollé (Europeana) and Frank Drauschke (Facts & Files) will give an overview of the Europeana 14-18 and Transcribathon projects and their potential for research and education.
The “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018” and its implementation: from social cohesion to nation-branding

5 October 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli, Karin Priem

The “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018” and its implementation: from social cohesion to nation-branding

2018 will be the European Year of Cultural Heritage, as proclaimed by the European Union. The kick-off event for Luxembourg took place on 29 September.
Video games as a real object of study: Some lessons from the Gamescom Congress 2017

29 August 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Video games as a real object of study: Some lessons from the Gamescom Congress 2017

Can video games be a serious research topic or are they only entertainment products? At the Gamescom Congress in Cologne, a series of talks and panel discussions were dedicated to video games from many different perspectives. In this blogpost, I will discuss some of them illustrating that video games can and should be taken seriously.
The “The Quest for Questions in Digital History” at DH Benelux 2017

7 July 2017

written by :
Florentina Armaselu, Elena Danescu

The “The Quest for Questions in Digital History” at DH Benelux 2017

The fourth DHBenelux Conference was hosted by Utrecht University (the Netherlands) from 3 to 5 July 2017. Dr Florentina Armaselu presented a paper co-authored with Dr Elena Danescu, entitled "The Quest for Questions in Digital History: A Comparative View on Werner- and Delors Report on Economic and Monetary Union".
360 view of Studio 9

29 June 2017

written by :
Stefan Krebs

Listening to the past - with two ears

Within the framework of the research project "Failure and Success of Dummy Head Stereo: An innovation history of 3D listening", Stefan Krebs and Andreas Fickers produced a binaural radio play about the history of binaural stereo.
Appel à participation

21 June 2017

written by :
Florentina Armaselu

Mesurer l’effet Eurêka en histoire numérique à travers l’analyse du discours

Le C²DH cherche des volontaires pour aider à mesurer l’impact des outils numériques sur l’innovation et la découverte en histoire.
[New Book] Framing Age - Contested Knowledge in Science and Politics

20 June 2017

written by :
Benoît Majerus

[New Book] Framing Age - Contested Knowledge in Science and Politics


13 June 2017

written by :
Fabio Spirinelli

Digital history between critical thinking and charismatic ideology

Digital history provides new opportunities, but the use of digital tools should not blind historians to the existing challenges. An uncritical belief in the power of digital tools would be wrong, as much as an outright dismissive stance.
Media Monitoring of the Past

2 June 2017

written by :
Marten Düring

C²DH receives funding for a project on critical text mining in historical newspapers

The aim of the project “Media monitoring of the past. Mining 200 years of historical newspapers” is to link digitised corpora of newspapers from Switzerland, Luxembourg, France and Germany and to develop new methods to analyse them.
dhnord2017 call for papers extended deadline

1 June 2017

written by :
Marten Düring

Call for papers: (De)constructing Digital History, Lille 27-29 November

During this conference digital history will be addressed through a triple spectrum: academic research, public history, and pedagogy, in order to trace continuities and transformations in history as a discipline; and contribute to explore the broader digital humanities field through this case study.
Map visualisation presentation

23 May 2017

written by :
Sytze Van Herck, Eva Andersen, Jakub Bronec

Visualisation and visual thinking in the Arts and Humanities – New Perspectives in Digital Humanities Conference

In the 2017 edition of the conference, arts and humanities students and early career researchers, regardless of their technical background, were invited to share their ideas and experiences in their creative and scientific encounters with visualisation as it is deployed in and for research across disciplines.
Clarin workshop for developing a transcription-chain

23 May 2017

written by :
Stefania Scagliola

Catching Speech in Arezzo: A Clarin workshop for developing a transcription-chain for Oral History

The challenge of this workshop on 'transcription and technology’, which took place from 10 to 12 May in Arezzo, consisted in turning recorded human speech into a textual representation that is as close as possible to what has been uttered.
