Recording of the roundtable "Different cultures in Digital History"

15 July 2021

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Recording of the roundtable "Different cultures in Digital History"

On the 8 June, the C²DH (University of Luxembourg) and the Center for Digital Humanities (Perm State University, Russia) organised an international round table entitled “Different Cultures in Digital History”
Warlux project

30 June 2021

Zwangssoldaten, Malgré-Nous, Zwangsrekrutéiert? - Terms, Numbers and Statistics

Workshop organised by the WARLUX project team.
Grubenlandschaft Dudweiler

24 June 2021

Neue Perspektiven auf die Geschichte des Bergbaus an der Saar (Werkstattbericht)

Lecture by Birgit Metzger, cultural scientist and historian. The online event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
Steel industry Saarland

24 June 2021

'The Romanticism of Hell'. Environmental History of the Saar-region in the 19th-century

Lecture by Markus Lay, office manager of Saarland’s historical commission. The online event is part of the REMIX lecture series.
©Copyright Photothèque de la Ville de Luxembourg/ Auteur: Mey Théo

22 June 2021

L’émergence de la nouvelle diplomatie luxembourgeoise

Wébinaire organisé par l’Europe Direct de l’Université du Luxembourg (EDIC) et ses partenaires – le Ministère des Affaires étrangères et européennes du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, les Archives nationales du Luxembourg et le Cercle Diplomatique du Luxembourg.
Luxembourg city

15 June 2021

Luxembourg: from steel to the knowledge economy and beyond

Webinar with Franz Clément, Researcher at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER) - Elena Danescu, Coordinator of the Europe Direct Information Centre (EDIC) at the University of Luxembourg.
The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)

14 June 2021

The Representation of Borders in Industrial Films on the Saarland’s Heavy Industry (1931-2019)

FLUXUS webinar by Isis Luxenburger; a doctoral researcher in the International Research Training Group “Diversity. Mediating Difference in Transcultural Spaces” at Saarland University, the University of Trier and the University of Montreal.
Recordings of the symposium 'Making History together: Public Participation in Museums'

3 June 2021

written by :
Thomas Cauvin

Recordings of the symposium 'Making History together: Public Participation in Museums'

The international online symposium brought together scholars, museum professionals and heritage practitioners to discuss how participatory history is constructed, developed, and implemented in museums.
Superstate or Tool of Nations? Rethinking the History of European Union

2 June 2021

Superstate or Tool of Nations? Rethinking the History of European Union

Online 'Europe seminar' with Kiran Klaus Patel.
Historical Network Research conference 2021

1 June 2021

Historical Network Research conference 2021

The C²DH is hosting the 6th Historical Network Research conference „Historical Networks – Réseaux Historiques – Historische Netzwerke“.
Different Cultures in Digital History

26 May 2021

Different Cultures in Digital History

International Round Table and workshop on Digital History and new academic publication practices organised online by the C²DH (University of Luxembourg) and the Center for Digital Humanities (Perm State University, Russia).
Dr. Piero E. Galloro: Immigration et représentations sociales. Approches socio-historiques.

26 May 2021

written by :
Arnaud Sauer, Denis Scuto, Machteld Venken, Christoph Brüll

Dr. Piero E. Galloro: Immigration et représentations sociales. Approches socio-historiques.

Dr. Piero E. Galloro, en tant que premier conférencier de la série FLUXUS, présente son travail «Immigration et représentations sociales. Approche socio-historique» en mettant l’accent sur l’exemple italien en France.
Belval blast furnace

21 May 2021

Digitising Industrial Heritage

Workshop organised by the “Remixing Industrial Pasts” team.
Femeia magazine front cover

5 May 2021

Ambiguous transitions: Gender, the State, and everyday life in socialist and postsocialist Romania

Lecture by Jill Massino, University of North Carolina, Charlotte.
Immigration et représentations sociales. Approches socio-historiques.

4 May 2021

Immigration et représentations sociales. Approches socio-historiques.

Webinaire du Dr. Piero-D. Galloro dans le cadre de "FLUXUS – Série de conférences au sujet des migrations et des frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région".
Déposséder – dépossédé

4 May 2021

Journées d'étude: "Déposséder – dépossédé"

Journées d’étude internationales consacrées aux mécanismes de dépossession et à leur représentation en Europe pendant la Seconde Guerre Mondiale. Événement organisé conjointement par le C²DH et le Centre national de littérature.
Lecture by Smiljana Antonijević " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

3 May 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Lecture by Smiljana Antonijević " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities". Recording and interview.

Lecture " Scholars as Bricoleurs: The Plurality of Digital Humanities " by Dr. Smiljana Antonijević, and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series.
EU data viz 2021

29 April 2021

EU DataViz

EU DataViz is an international conference on open data and data visualisation organised by the Publications Office of the European Union, in partnership with the C²DH.
Lecture by Christine L. Borgman "Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research". Recording and interview.

13 April 2021

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Lecture by Christine L. Borgman "Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research". Recording and interview.

Lecture "Big Data, Little Data, or No Data? Scholarship, Stewardship, and Humanities Research" by Prof. Dr. Christine Borgman (UCLA), and exclusive interview for the C²DH’s ‘New Horizons’ lecture series

12 April 2021

written by :
Valérie Schafer

CfP: Data as a new resource? Similarities and differences of data vs. material resources

Tensions of Europe Digital Workshop Festival. 30 June 2021, Online meeting via WEBEX, 10.00-18.00 CET
