Towards EMU 2.0: Hindsight and Prospects

14 September 2023

Towards EMU 2.0: Hindsight and Prospects

Conference organised by The Bridge Forum Dialogue together with the University of Luxembourg.
Die Schueberfouer von 1945 bis 1975, Vortrag von Véronique Faber

5 September 2023

So wie heute und doch ganz anders: Die Schueberfouer von 1945 bis 1975

Im Rahmen der Vortragsreihe "20 years of ideas!" der Universität Luxemburg entführt Sie die Doktorandin Véronique Faber auf die Schueberfouer der 1960er Jahre.
History@Play: History and the (Digital) Margins of Rockstar Games

16 August 2023

History and the (Digital) Margins of Rockstar Games

Lecture by Esther Wright, University of Cardiff, UK.
L’Europe à l’heure des défis: réalités et perspectives

26 June 2023

L’Europe à l’heure des défis: réalités et perspectives

Conférence 2023 Robert Schuman de l’Université du Luxembourg avec M. Jean-Claude Juncker.
Thucydides and Herodotus

7 June 2023

Public History in European Historical Perspectives

International online conference on the long history of public historical practices in Europe.
Public history online symposium

31 May 2023

written by :
Camilla Portesani, Thomas Cauvin

Recordings of the symposium 'When publics co-produce history in museums: skills, methodologies and impact of participation'

The 2022 online symposium focused on groups and communities becoming active participants in the production of history in museums.
Interdisciplinary conference: Women’s narratives and European integration history

4 May 2023

written by :
Elena Danescu

Interdisciplinary conference: Women’s narratives and European integration history

This conference, held on 20-21 April 2023, explored women's role in the European project launched after the Second World War.
Video Game Worlds as Digital Public History Spaces

18 April 2023

Video Game Worlds as Digital Public History Spaces

Lecture Joanna Wojdon, University of Wrocław, Poland.
Is artificial intelligence the future of collective memory? Bridging AI scholarship and Memory Studies

14 April 2023

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Is artificial intelligence the future of collective memory? Bridging AI scholarship and Memory Studies

Call for papers for the second volume of the Memory Studies Review (Brill publishing), 2024. Abstracts submission deadline 15 May 2023.
The Digital Cultural Heritage Event Series

14 April 2023

written by :
Nina Janz, Carmen Noguera

The Digital Cultural Heritage Event Series

This event series brings together different aspects and experts on topics related to digital cultural heritage.
Surprising sources

13 April 2023

Surprising sources

A "Tensions of Europe" (ToE) remote conference.
Global tax chains: Actors and practices of global capitalism in the second half of the 20th century

31 March 2023

written by :
Benoît Majerus

Global tax chains: Actors and practices of global capitalism in the second half of the 20th century

Workshop on 18-19 January 2024 at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin, co-organised with the C²DH. Deadline: 31 May 2023.
Women’s narratives and European integration history

23 March 2023

Women’s narratives and European integration history

This conference explores women's role in the European project launched after the Second World War.
WARLUX international conference

13 March 2023

written by :
Sarah Maya Vercruysse

The impact of war experiences in Europe – The conscription of non-German men and women into the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst (1938-1945)

Report of the international conference held on 26-28 October 2022 at the University of Luxembourg.
Designing Historical Video Games: Attentat 1942, Svoboda 1945, and Beyond

9 March 2023

Designing Historical Video Games: Attentat 1942, Svoboda 1945, and Beyond

Lecture by Vít Šisler, Charles University | Charles Games, Prague (CZ)
CfP: Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings

6 March 2023

written by :
Jens van de Maele

CfP: Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings

Workshop on 30 November - 1 December 2023 at the University of Luxembourg. Deadline: 20 April 2023.
Médias sociaux en politique

27 February 2023

Médias sociaux en politique

Le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) et le Réseau Alumni de l’Université du Luxembourg ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la table ronde « Médias sociaux en politique ».
CfP- Agonism: Conflicting Interpretations of the Past, Participation Practices, and Transforming Cultural Venues

22 February 2023

written by :
Violeta Tsenova

CfP- Agonism: Conflicting Interpretations of the Past, Participation Practices, and Transforming Cultural Venues

Conference on 7-8 December 2023 at the University of Luxembourg. Deadline: 21 April.
Usages pédagogiques de ChatGPT - Enregistrement de la table ronde

10 February 2023

written by :
Frédéric Clavert

Usages pédagogiques de ChatGPT - Enregistrement de la table ronde

Cette table ronde a été l'occasion de discuter de l'usage de ChatGPT dans l'enseignement supérieur.
Football stadium

9 February 2023

The Legal and Economic aspects of the Organisation of Football in Europe

The Centre for Law and Economics of Sport and and the University of Luxembourg are organising a conference (on-site and live streamed) on the legal and Economic aspects of the organisation of football in Europe.
