Research stays

Spero Paravantis, Visiting Researcher at University of California, Berkeley, Institute of European Studies

From August 2017 to Mid-February 2018, Dr Spero Paravantis was a visiting researcher in the Institute of European Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, USA. His research focused on the transnational and social impact that the US policy of containment had on the European Integration movement. He specifically analysed the Benelux region and the role that US military spending (in support containment) had on European Integration from 1948 to 1960. The outcome of this research stay is, so far, a finished manuscript, two published articles, two given lectures and a PI appointment as a UC Berkeley, Institute of European Studies Senior Fellow. More about his personal experience here.

Andreas Fickers, Visiting Professor at Sorbonne University in Paris

In February and March 2018, Prof. Andreas Fickers was a visiting professor at Sorbonne University, Paris. He was invited in connection with the Écrire une nouvelle histoire de l’Europe Laboratory of Excellence (Labex EHNE) and gave several lectures, for example on Trafic – réflexions sur l’alignement de l’histoire des médias et du transport for the research seminar on History of Science and Innovation organised by Prof. Pascal Griset, and at the research seminar on Transnational Television History led by Prof. Evelyne Cohen at the École des Chartes. As well as his teaching activities, Prof. Fickers has been working on a book manuscript on “Digital History and Hermeneutics”; he has also finalised an article on “Hybrid Histories: Versuch einer kritischen Standortbestimmung der Mediengeschichte” and produced a paper on “Technology’s Storytellers reloaded: a text-mining experiment in history of technology” to be presented at the SHOT conference in St Louis in October 2018 (together with PhD student Anita Lucchesi).

see also