Natalia Gonçalves

Natalia Gonçalves

Postdoctoral researcher

research interests
Public history Public History
Natalia is a doctoral researcher

Natália Gonçalves is a historian specializing in Industrial Heritage, with a keen interest in topics at the intersection of culture, community development and historical agency. She completed her undergraduate degree at Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto and went on to complete her first master’s degree in Social Memory and Cultural Heritage at Universidade Federal de Pelotas, both in Brazil.

She obtained her second BA in Educational Studies at Centro Universitário Claretiano and was awarded an excellence scholarship by The Education, Audiovisual and Cultural Agency – EACEA to pursue her second master’s degree in Techniques, Heritage, Industrial Landscapes: History, Enhancement, Education, attending the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France) in consortium with the Università degli Studi di Padova (Italy) and the Universidade de Évora (Portugal).

She has experience working in corporate social responsibility initiatives, NGOs, museums, and cultural heritage institutions such as the Ministry of Education and Culture of Uruguay, ICOM (China), Fondazione La Biennale di Venezia (Italy), Peggy Guggenheim Collection (Italy) and The State Hermitage Museum (Russia).

Currently, Natália is a doctoral researcher at the project "Citizen Participation in History and Heritage Production (CIPHH)", AFR Bilateral and part of an international collaboration between the University of Luxembourg and the Université du Quebéc à Montréal.