Jacques Maas is a historian, former teacher-researcher at C²DH, founder and former scientific manager of the section of historical archives of heavy industry at the National Archives in Luxembourg and author of numerous scientific publications on the contemporary economic, social and political history of Luxembourg and the greater Sarre-Lor-Lux region.
His research focuses, among other things, on the companies of the Metz ironmasters family, on cross-border investments in heavy industry, on the industrial strategies pursued by the German industrialists Walther Rathenau and August Thyssen in Luxembourg before the First World War, on the Lorraine-Luxembourg cartel of fonts led by the Metz and the de Wendels etc. Together with Manfred Rasch, he edited the publication of the review "Das Thomas-Verfahren in Europa. Entstehung-Entwicklung-Ende. »Essen 2009, 552 p.
Latest publications (2021):
- L’usine sidérurgique de Dommeldange, une forge pionnière aux portes de la ville de Luxembourg, in ons stad, n°123 (2021)
- La question du suffrage universel à l’époque du Bloc des gauches (1905-1916), in Actes du colloque : 100 ans de suffrage universel au Luxembourg et en Europe. Luxembourg 2021
- Les comités de secours aux Volontaires luxembourgeois de la Grande Guerre (1915-1918), in catalogue de l’expo C²DH et MNHA sur les Légionnaires. Parcours de guerre et de migrations entre le Luxembourg et la France. Luxembourg 2021
- SIDMAR, Das Küstenhüttenwerk der ARBED, in ouvrage collectif, Küstenhüttenwerke in Europa. Amsterdam (coming soon)