Caitlin Burge (she/her) is a Postdoctoral Researcher with the DHARPA project, with a background in English Literature, History and Digital Humanities.
Caitlin completed her PhD, ‘Letters, Networks of Power, and the Fall of Thomas Cromwell, 1523-1547’, with Queen Mary, University of London in 2022. This thesis uses network visualisation and methods from quantitative network analysis to consider the career of Thomas Cromwell, his fall from power and the repercussions for Tudor political structures. It explores wider questions related to power in both historical and sociological studies, using Cromwell as a case study through which the role of letters as a social and political tool and questions about influence surrounding Henry VIII can be explored.
Caitlin holds a BA in English Literature and History and MA in Renaissance and Early Modern Studies (both from University of York). Her current research interests continue this cross-disciplinary approach, and seeks to apply digital approaches and methodologies to traditional historical queries, primarily in Tudor England. She is currently working on encoded transcriptions of Thomas Cromwell’s letters, published with Early Modern Letters Online.
She has taught undergraduate and associate English Literature at Queen Mary, University of London; masters Digital Humanities Coding at King’s College London; and foundation year Data Studies at Anglia Ruskin London.