Unframing Infrastructure: The Story of Research Infrastructure in and through the Humanities

14 Février 2019

Unframing Infrastructure: The Story of Research Infrastructure in and through the Humanities

Lecture by Patrik Svensson, Professor of Humanities and Information Technology at Umeå University. The event is part of the C²DH lecture series 'New Horizons: Confronting the Digital Turn in the Humanities'.
Integrating the digital into the academic curriculum of history - How to engage your audience

13 Février 2019

rédigé par :
Stefania Scagliola

Integrating the digital into the academic curriculum of history - How to engage your audience

After launching the Ranke.2 teaching platform on digital source criticism in autumn 2018, I assumed that its appearance and form – short colourful animations and easy-to-digest chunks of information – would soon catch the attention of lecturers and encourage them to use it in their courses. But a recent meeting with colleagues made me realise that personal contact and hands-on experience with the material are key to making my target audience realise that the resource offers something they may need.
Call for Papers: DH Benelux 2019

8 Février 2019

rédigé par :
Andreas Fickers

Call for Papers: DH Benelux 2019

The 6th DH Benelux Conference will take place on 11-13 September 2019 at the University of Liège (ULiège) in Belgium. DH Benelux is an initiative that aims to further the collaboration between Digital Humanities activities in Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond

8 Février 2019

1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond

The Media Studies Commission of the International Federation of Television Archives (FIAT/IFTA) is organising the international seminar ‘1989: Mapping New Frontiers of Europe and Beyond’ in collaboration with the C²DH.
Forum Z
A Hands-On exploration through Luxembourg’s virtual and real landscapes of digital developments in Education, Research and Culture

1 Février 2019

rédigé par :
Juliane Tatarinov

A Hands-On exploration through Luxembourg’s virtual and real landscapes of digital developments in Education, Research and Culture

Who’s afraid of the Digital? This was the leading question of C²DH’s first Forum Z in 2019, organised by the Digital History Unit of the centre. Museum curators, schoolteachers, researchers and professional educators presented their projects in the House of Startups in Luxembourg City in the form of hands-on workstations followed by an round table discussing the merits of new digital projects with the audience in a casual atmosphere.

1 Février 2019

rédigé par :
Frédéric Clavert, Valérie Schafer

Les humanités numériques, un enjeu historique

Oral History Digital Indexing (OHDI): methods, approaches, and general theories

31 Janvier 2019

Oral History Digital Indexing (OHDI): methods, approaches, and general theories

Research seminar with Douglas Lambert
Contemporary history with the help of contemporary text mining

31 Janvier 2019

Contemporary history with the help of contemporary text mining

Research seminar with Maria Biryukov

31 Janvier 2019

rédigé par :
Juliane Tatarinov, Gerben Zaagsma

Forum Z: "Who is afraid of the Digital?"


30 Janvier 2019

rédigé par :
Gerben Zaagsma

Interview with Prof. Dr Andrew Prescott (University of Glasgow)

A data-driven approach to exploring and analyzing digitized newspapers

25 Janvier 2019

A data-driven approach to exploring and analyzing digitized newspapers

"Impresso talk" with Melvin Wevers, DHLab - KNAW Humanities Cluster, Amsterdam.
Mapping Urban History in the Digital Age

23 Janvier 2019

Mapping Urban History in the Digital Age

Interdisciplinary workshop on digital urban history organised by the C²DH.
Experimental Media Archaeology featuring the Apple IIe

22 Janvier 2019

rédigé par :
Sytze Van Herck

Experimental Media Archaeology featuring the Apple IIe

During a research visit to the Media Archaeology Lab in Boulder (CO) participants experimented with the Apple IIe. They either played an educational game or wrote a letter on a computer from the 1980s.
Hands on History logo

22 Janvier 2019

Why use interactive digital storytelling in academia?

Lecture by Sandra Gaudenzi (University of Westminster, University College of London).
Hands on History logo

16 Janvier 2019

Building a historical cookbook from digitized newspapers

Lecture by Melvin Wevers (KNAW Humanities Cluster, Amsterdam)
Digital Histor(iograph)y and Scale (DhScale)

9 Janvier 2019

Digital Histor(iograph)y and Scale (DhScale)

Research seminar with Florentina Armaselu, research scientist at C²DH

2 Janvier 2019

rédigé par :
Laura Steil

Boucan! Loud moves against invisibility in postcolonial France


1 Janvier 2019

rédigé par :
Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll

Ein Experiment kollektiver Gewissensprüfung. Situativer Opportunismus und kumulative Heroisierung


1 Janvier 2019

rédigé par :
Jakub Bronec

Transmission of Collective Memory nad Jewish Identity in Postwar Jewish Generations through War Souvenirs


1 Janvier 2019

rédigé par :
Jakub Bronec

Negotiating the past, present, and future: The Luxembourgish Jewish Museum Project as a Process of Contested memory and imagined futures
