Histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg Histoire contemporaine européenne

From Voices of War to Voices of Peace: exploring the legacy of the First World War through participatory research

6 Octobre 2017

From Voices to War Grosvenor conference
Lecture by Ian Grosvenor, professor of Urban Education History at the School of Education, University of Birmingham, and director of the Voices of War & Peace Centre


In 2014 the UK Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) in collaboration with the Heritage Lottery Fund established five First World War Engagement Centres as part of the commemoration of the War’s centenary. Each Centre was a consortium of universities organised around research knowledge and expertise. The brief for each Centre was the same: to work with community groups in the co-production and co-design of research projects which focused on the legacy of the War. This presentation will document the work of the Voices of War and Peace Engagement Centre based in Birmingham and explore the extent to which the objective set by the AHRC has been realised.

The lecture by Professor Ian Grosvenor will take place on

6 October 2017, at 12.00

Maison des Sciences humaines - Black Box

Belval Campus

11, Porte des Sciences

L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette


Participation is free of charge, but please register before 4 October 2017.