Histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg Histoire contemporaine européenne

The Great War: view from the East - The Cases of Kyiv and Lviv

25 Février 2019

The Great War: view from the East - The Cases of Kyiv and Lviv
Lecture by Prof. Olena Betlii (National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy) and Taras Nazaruk (Center for Urban History of East Central Europe).

Although the battles of the First World War on the Eastern Front had devastating consequences for the region of Eastern Europe, cities like Kyiv and Lviv were comparatively less affected by direct warfare until 1918. In these cities, the global conflict was experienced largely through mobilisation, economic crisis and epidemics. But for both Kyiv and Lviv, the day of 11 November 1918 did not mean the end of the war. With the collapse of empires and revolutions radically redrawing the map of the region, Lviv and Kyiv found themselves caught up in other even more violent military conflicts and radical transformations. Lviv was the epicentre of the struggle between Ukrainians and Poles in their war for independence. And after the Russian revolution, Kyiv was initially the centre of the Ukrainian movement, before becoming the capital of Ukrainian People’s Republic.


The talk will present a general context of the Great War on the Eastern front with a special focus on home front cities like Kyiv and Lviv. It will also highlight the digital projects Lviv in the Great War and City on the Line which were prepared by the Center for Urban History of East Central Europe (Lviv, Ukraine) with the aim of enriching the public debate with social and individual perspectives of the global military conflict.

Monday, 25 February 2019


Black Box
Maison des Sciences Humaines

University of Luxembourg
Belval Campus
11, Porte des Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette


Free entrance, registration is appreciated for organisational reasons.