Contemporary history of Luxembourg

Women on the march from 1919 to 2019 in Luxembourg

10 October 2019

Women on the march from 1919 to 2019 in Luxembourg

© Berthe Lutgen

It is a hundred years since women gained the right to vote in Luxembourg. How did things change for women over the eventful 20th century?

The centenary of women’s right to vote in Luxembourg is an anniversary that deserves to be celebrated.

But was this political right the beginning of women’s emancipation in Luxembourg, or merely the continuation of a movement that began before the First World War?

How did things change for women over the eventful 20th century?

Women’s rights, gender equality, parity: what do young people think about these issues?


This Forum Z is structured in three parts:

Part I: guided tour of the MNHA exhibition on the fourth floor

Part II: experts will offer a critical perspective on women’s emancipation in Luxembourg society, followed by a question and answer session;

Part III: three interactive workshops to choose from, giving you the opportunity to take part in the discussions or in reenactment scenes.


Languages: French and German, translation to English.

Thursday 10 October 2019

from 17.00 to 20.00

Musée national d'histoire et d'art Luxembourg (MNHA)

L-2345 Luxembourg



Part I: Exhibition

17.00-17.50, 4th floor

Welcome by Régis Moes.

Themed guided tour of the exhibition “#wielewatmirsinn – 100 Joer allgemengt Wahlrecht zu Lëtzebuerg / 100 ans de suffrage universel au Luxembourg / 100 Jahre allgemeines Wahlrecht in Luxemburg by Renée Wagener and Régis Moes.


Part II: Critical reflection led by experts

18.00-19.00, floor -5

  1. De Bléck vun der Jugend. Report from the Uelzechtkanal class at the Lycée de Garçons Esch (LGE), presented by Gianni Mersch, teacher.
  2. Hindernisse für Mädchen auf dem Weg zur Hochschulbildung. Germaine Goetzinger, historienne, présidente de la Fondation Servais, Directrice honoraire du Centre national de littérature.
  3. Die letzten Etappen bis zur Einführung des allgemeinen Wahlrechts 1919. Renée Wagener, historian, researcher specialising in women’s emancipation in Luxembourg, curator of the #wielewatmirsinn exhibition.
  4. Les femmes aux urnes! Et après? Un droit sans réelles conséquences sociétales? (1919-1965). Régis Moes, historian, curator at the National Museum of History and Art, curator of the #wielewatmirsinn exhibition.
  5. L’accès des femmes au monde judiciaire luxembourgeois. Simone Flammang, First Advocate General in the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
  6. Du MLF au CID-Femmes… Tout est-il acquis aujourd’hui? Isabelle Schmoetten, head of sociopolitical projects at CID-Fraen an Gender.

Moderator: Martine Richard, historian, teacher, research assistant at the C²DH.


Part III: Interactive workshops and re-enactment

19.05-20.00, different locations

A. Interactive workshops

  • Women under the eye of the camera. Anne Schroeder, director, producer, and Viviane Thill, screenwriter, film critic, head of the film and video department of the CNA (Conference room on floor -5)
  • Analysis of historical sources from 1919 to 2019: who said what? Vera Fritz (historian, research associate at the C²DH) and Dominique Santana (historian, PhD student at the C²DH). (Kutter room, 2nd floor)
  • Roleplay – re-enactment. Mirka Costanzi performance artist, Rotondes (MNHA workshop room on the first floor)

B. Re-enactment

19.35-20.00, on floor -5.

Role play – public participation


Followed by a buffet dinner


With the kind support of


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