Élections européennes 2024 - Enjeux, résultats, regards d’avenir

13 Juni 2024

Élections européennes 2024 - Enjeux, résultats, regards d’avenir

Conférence-débat avec Jim Cloos, Sécretaire général de la TEPSA, organisée dans le cadre du "Mois de l’Europe à Esch-sur-Alzette".
European elections

25 April 2024

The European Union at a crossroads

Conference-debate about the upcoming European elections.
Radio Luxembourg - The station that changed the world

20 Dezember 2023

verfasst von :
Dominique Santana

“Radio Luxembourg”, a new transmedia project on the cult station

The Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) at the University of Luxembourg, together with Samsa Film and the Centre national de l’audiovisuel (CNA), are launching the transmedia project “Radio Luxembourg – The station that changed the world”.
Memories of Ambassadors: A history of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Luxembourg diplomacy

27 April 2023

verfasst von :
François Klein, Marco Gabellini, Cécile Duval

Memories of Ambassadors: A history of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Luxembourg diplomacy

The aim of the oral history programme about Luxembourg diplomacy, conducted by the C²DH with the support of the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is to document the development of the Luxembourg Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Luxembourg’s foreign policy since the end of the Second World War.
CfP: Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings

6 März 2023

verfasst von :
Jens van de Maele

CfP: Perspectives on Uses and Users in the History of Office Buildings

Workshop on 30 November - 1 December 2023 at the University of Luxembourg. Deadline: 20 April 2023.
Médias sociaux en politique

27 Februar 2023

Médias sociaux en politique

Le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) et le Réseau Alumni de l’Université du Luxembourg ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la table ronde « Médias sociaux en politique ».
BUREU: EU office buildings between architectural “hardware” and managerial “software”, 1950s-2000

6 Februar 2023

BUREU: EU office buildings between architectural “hardware” and managerial “software”, 1950s-2000

Research seminar with Jens van de Maele
Small states diplomacy research seminar

18 Mai 2022

Small states diplomacy in action. Luxembourg in the European Integration History

In this hybrid De Gasperi seminar, Elena Rodica Danescu, Fernand Braudel Fellow at the History Department of the EUI, will present her research on small States diplomacy and the role of Luxembourg in European integration. Giovanni Farese of the European University of Rome will act as discussant.
Cäsarenwahn von Caligula bis Putin

13 April 2022

Cäsarenwahn von Caligula bis Putin

Vortrag mit Diskussion von Prof. Dr. Heinrich Schlange-Schöningen, organisiert von Let's Talk about History.
CFP: International Conference #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

10 März 2020

verfasst von :
Gerben Zaagsma

CFP: International Conference #DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age

The international conference “#DHJewish - Jewish Studies in the Digital Age” will take place on 12 and 13 January 2021 at the University of Luxembourg and will bring together scholars and heritage practitioners to discuss how the digital turn affects the field of Jewish Studies.
Forum Z
From one wall to another… Connected histor(y/ies)

25 Oktober 2019

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

From one wall to another… Connected histor(y/ies)

To mark the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, experts will discuss the changing concept of 'walls' in history.
Soirée cinématographique: «Un mur à Berlin» de Patrick Rotman

22 Oktober 2019

Soirée cinématographique: «Un mur à Berlin» de Patrick Rotman

Projection du film documentaire et débat avec Georges Marion (Le Monde) et Prof. Dr. Andreas Fickers (C²DH) à l'occasion du 30e anniversaire de la chute du mur de Berlin.
1919 Vive d'Republik!

21 Oktober 2019

1919 Vive d'Republik!

Lecture publique par le théâtre des Casemates, en coopération avec le C²DH.
Zukunftshandeln in globalen Krisen: Bundesdeutsche Praktiken in den 1970/80er Jahren

10 Oktober 2019

Zukunftshandeln in globalen Krisen: Bundesdeutsche Praktiken in den 1970/80er Jahren

Vortrag von Prof. Dr. Frank Bösch (Universität Potsdam) im Rahmen des trinationalen Doktorandenkollegs.
Oral histoRies on the fAll of The irOn cuRtain (ORATOR)

20 September 2019

Oral histoRies on the fAll of The irOn cuRtain (ORATOR)

International workshop to initiate the ORATOR project.
Hands on History logo

2 Juli 2019

'Anticelebrity' and the Transnational Interactions between Politics and Mass Media

Hands-on History session with Betto Van Waarden, KU Leuven.
The Rise and Fall of ‘Technocelebrities'. Architects and Mass Media 1920s-1960s

21 Februar 2019

The Rise and Fall of ‘Technocelebrities'. Architects and Mass Media 1920s-1960s

Research seminar with Martin Kohlrausch
Jo-Jo-La Colombe: Analyse d'une affiche de la guerre froide

3 April 2018

verfasst von :
Marco Gabellini

Jo-Jo-La Colombe: Analyse d'une affiche de la guerre froide

Dans la série "Traces of the past", cette affiche de propagande publiée par le mouvement anti-communiste français "Paix et Liberté" durant la guerre froide est passée sous la loupe.
German Nuclear Restraint in the Cold War and Today

14 Februar 2018

German Nuclear Restraint in the Cold War and Today

Research seminar with Benedikt Schoenborn, C²DH Visiting Researcher
A personal report of the European Culture Forum 2017

15 Dezember 2017

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

A personal report of the European Culture Forum 2017

The European Culture Forum 2017 took place in Milan from 7 to 8 December. It was also the official kick-off event of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018. In the following blogpost, I would like to summarize and discuss the debates related to culture and cultural heritage that took place during the event and add some personal reflections.
