
6 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Technologien der Deplatzierung im Zeitalter der mobilen Privatisierung


6 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton

Ressources numériques pour enseigner la décolonisation en lien avec le processus d’intégration européenne

The “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018” and its implementation: from social cohesion to nation-branding

5 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli, Karin Priem

The “European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018” and its implementation: from social cohesion to nation-branding

2018 will be the European Year of Cultural Heritage, as proclaimed by the European Union. The kick-off event for Luxembourg took place on 29 September.
Digital Media and Technology in the classroom and beyond

3 Oktober 2017

verfasst von :
Sytze Van Herck, Richard Legay

Digital Media and Technology in the classroom and beyond

Digital Media and Technology has transformed how we teach, learn and present. In a transferable skills training of the doctoral school here at university, Robert Reuter introduced us to new media and tools that can enhance teaching and learning. Based on the eight learning events defined by Leclercq and Poumay at the university of Liège, we came up with several online tools that can extend and enhance teaching and engage the students or audience.

21 September 2017

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Berlin Alexanderplatz. Die performative Inszenierung großstädtischer Klangkulissen in Roman, Film und Radio

Hands on History logo

14 September 2017

PixStori and the challenges in the field of digital and public history

Lecture by Prof. Michael Frisch, Talking Pictures LLC, New York

9 September 2017

verfasst von :
Ira Plein

‘Benchmarking in steel?’ Statistical graphics in the animated film 'Une Grande Industrie dans un Petit Pays' (A great industry in a small country; Luxembourg, 1929).

Forum Z
A new narrative for Europe: Quo vadis?

4 September 2017

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

A new narrative for Europe: Quo vadis?

How do historians investigate the past? What methods and tools do they employ, what are they trying to understand, and how do they transfer their findings to society?
Forum Z
A new narrative for Europe: Quo Vadis?

4 September 2017

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

A new narrative for Europe: Quo Vadis?

How can historians tell the story of European integration – the story of Europe – in the digital age?
Video games as a real object of study: Some lessons from the Gamescom Congress 2017

29 August 2017

verfasst von :
Fabio Spirinelli

Video games as a real object of study: Some lessons from the Gamescom Congress 2017

Can video games be a serious research topic or are they only entertainment products? At the Gamescom Congress in Cologne, a series of talks and panel discussions were dedicated to video games from many different perspectives. In this blogpost, I will discuss some of them illustrating that video games can and should be taken seriously.
What happens when archives and research are transferred into the physical space of a museum? 'La Forge d’une société moderne' and other stories

11 Juli 2017

verfasst von :
Karin Priem

What happens when archives and research are transferred into the physical space of a museum? 'La Forge d’une société moderne' and other stories

In this essay, I would like to reflect upon what happens when archival material and research are transferred into the three-dimensional physical space of a museum. A main focus will be on what happens when restored, digitised and partly retouched glass plates are framed and staged in a museum setting.
Forum Z
ForumZ: Glocal histories of finance

10 Juli 2017

verfasst von :
Benjamin Zenner

Spotlight on the history of the Luxembourg financial centre

The fourth and final ForumZ of this academic year took place on 6 July at the Banque de Luxembourg. In an effort to provide a platform for “the critical discussion and academic study of questions related to the contemporary history of Luxembourg from a transnational perspective,”(1) the C²DH had invited five panellists along with moderator Bernard Thomas to discuss the ‘glocal’ history of the Luxembourg financial centre.
Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie

6 Juli 2017

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs, Andreas Fickers

Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie

“Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie” – A radio play from Stefan Krebs, with Hans Peter Hallwachs as Kunstkopf; Stephan Wurfbaum as journalist and Andreas Fickers as media archaeologist; Research, script and mise-en-scène: Stefan Krebs; Sound: Christian Schimmöller; Producer: Werner Bleisteiner; Historical and technical advisors: Günther Hess and Stephan Peus. A production of the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History of the University of Luxembourg in cooperation with Bavarian Broadcasting and the EU-research project ORPHEUS, 2017.
360 view of Studio 9

29 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Stefan Krebs

Listening to the past - with two ears

Within the framework of the research project "Failure and Success of Dummy Head Stereo: An innovation history of 3D listening", Stefan Krebs and Andreas Fickers produced a binaural radio play about the history of binaural stereo.

28 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Andreas Fickers

Pre-Conference Workshop #3 : Experimental Media Archaeology

Forum Z
ForumZ - Storytelling. Intro Fickers

20 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

Chronique en images de «ForumZ: L’avenir de la narration historique»

Le samedi 17 juin 2017, le Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH), en partenariat avec le Centre national de littérature (CNL), ont organisé la troisième édition de ForumZ.

17 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Anita Lucchesi

Storytelling through a digital shoebox


17 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Sandra Camarda

Digital Storytelling: Éischte Weltkrich: Remembering The Great War in Luxembourg

Forum Z
ForumZ - Glocal histories of finance

16 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Benoît Majerus

Glocal histories of finance

The fourth ForumZ will focus on the history of the financial sector in Luxembourg. Which stories should be told and which archives can be used?
Forum Z
#c2dhstorytelling: Programme

13 Juni 2017

verfasst von :
Elena Danescu

#c2dhstorytelling: Programme

Overview of all the stories to be told during the plenary session, the parallel sessions and the round table
