The 2007 financial crisis and its consequences, as well as the various tax evasion scandals (LuxLeaks, Panama Papers, etc.), demonstrated the involvement and importance of the Luxembourg financial industry in a globalised financial network. These periods of crisis and scandal highlighted the absence of any in-depth research on this question and the need for a historical approach that focuses on the contemporary period in Luxembourg. How has the financial sector influenced Luxembourg society? Which archives can historians use to tell this story? How do key players in the financial sector interpret the recent financial history of Luxembourg? While there are no easy answers to these questions, they will be explored and discussed at the fourth ForumZ, held by the C²DH on 6 July 2017 at 6pm at the Banque de Luxembourg and open to the public.
Bernard Thomas, a journalist at the Lëtzebuerger Land, will moderate the discussion by presenting different archives to the four panellists and asking them which histories they would like to tell.
Moderation: Bernard Thomas (Lëtzebuerger Land)
Round table with
Marie-Jeanne Chèvremont-Lorenzini,
Luc Frieden (cabinet d’avocats Elvinger Hoss, ancien ministre des Finances),
Thibaud Giddey (Université de Lausanne),
Georges Heinrich (Banque de Luxembourg)