The course will introduce to the new methods of VHA (Video History Analysis) applied on the Jewish society in Luxembourg. Students will learn how to use the new methods of using archival sources in digital era. During the individual sessions, participants will use the intuitive video editing software on the online IWitness platform, which allow to edit and create their own video recordings. The course also provides an overview of using and editing historical photos, maps and personal documents as archival source. Students will be divided in two working groups and each group will work on different locations, e.g. Group A will be in charge of designing a virtual tour in Luxembourg city and eventually it will be up to them which interesting places they select on and how many stops they include. Group B will create alike in the city of Esch-sur-Alzette. Participants will capture on camera current appearance of buildings and locations associated with Jewish heritage for later comparisons with original photos. The training’s second part offers skills about making a video interview with contemporary Luxembourgish Jewish narrators. Students will learn how to create a short but comprehensive interview right in the streets where they will ask potential Jewish narrators about their memories of specific locations associated with the Luxembourgish Jewish community. They will also learn to compare their work with professional interviews conducted with various interviewees from different Jewish generations. After the training, the participants will collect, edit and upload relevant materials that result in the practical output in the form of the interactive online tour within the phone application (IWalk).
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