Europäische Zeitgeschichte

Innovative Models of Governance

Over the course of three days (24–26 February 2021) we hold two panels a day, during which the research team of OPERAS-P (WG 6) presented their findings to gather feedback from invited experts and the audience. The different panels addressed specific scholarly communication topics: innovative governance models in social sciences and humanities (SSH), business models for open access books, multilingualism and bibliodiversity in SSH, opportunities and challenges of FAIRification of SSH data, the future of scholarly writing, and quality assessment of novel research and innovative publications in the SSH research.

Wednesday, 24 February 2021
10:00–11:30 CET Innovative models of governance

The discussion focused on a critical review of modes of governance in distributed organisations and in the digital area, and recommendations for a governance model that can help manage smoothly the wide diversity of cultural backgrounds, expertise, level of commitment within its community, which is typical of SSH communities.

Coordinator: Valérie Schafer (C2DH, University of Luxembourg), Lars Wieneke (C2DH, University of Luxembourg)

Panelists: Lionel Maurel (INSHS, CNRS), Francesca Musiani (The Center for Internet and Society, CNRS), Jane Winters (University of London)

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