Klaslokalen Binnenstebuiten: Leerkrachten over de veranderende onderwijsleeromgeving doorheen hun carrière (1960-2015)

Klaslokalen Binnenstebuiten: Leerkrachten over de veranderende onderwijsleeromgeving doorheen hun carrière (1960-2015)

Welke scholen hebben we nodig voor de 21ste eeuw? Hoe moeten die toekomstige schoolgebouwen eruitzien? Misschien wel als één grote open werkruimte – met zithoeken, labo’s, vergaderlokalen voor groepswerk, een immer toegankelijke media- en bibliotheek, enzovoort – waarin leerkrachten en leerlingen vrij kunnen bewegen naar gelang de activiteiten en noden. Zullen de ‘traditionele’ klaslokalen hun bestaansredenen verliezen in deze nieuwe onderwijsleeromgevingen? Het vraagstuk naar innovatieve scholenbouw is verre van nieuw.

24 Dezember 2016

Frederik Herman
Avec le bonjour de René Schneider

Avec le bonjour de René Schneider

24 Dezember 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Des archives papier aux éditions numériques - Jeux et enjeux diplomatiques franco-britanniques au sein de l’UEO (1954-1982)

Des archives papier aux éditions numériques - Jeux et enjeux diplomatiques franco-britanniques au sein de l’UEO (1954-1982)

La présentation porte sur l’exploitation scientifique des archives de l’Union de l’Europe occidentale (UEO) et la création d'une édition numérique en format XML-TEI (Text Encoding Initiative) dans le cadre du projet « Jeux et enjeux diplomatiques franco-britanniques au sein de l’UEO (1954-1982) ».

15 Dezember 2016

Florentina Armaselu, Marco Gabellini
  • Digital history & historiography
The Werner Report: A Blueprint for an Economic and Monetary Union in Europe?"

The Werner Report: A Blueprint for an Economic and Monetary Union in Europe?"

One of the major research projects currently under way is dedicated to the European vocation and achievements of Pierre Werner, a former Prime Minister, Finance Minister and Foreign Minister of Luxembourg, unanimously recognised as one of the architects of Economic and Monetary Union.

12 Dezember 2016

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
D'Fangeren ewech vum Index...

D'Fangeren ewech vum Index...

10 Dezember 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Une minorité de citoyens reste nostalgique

Une minorité de citoyens reste nostalgique

Au cours de l’automne 1991, les républiques constituantes de l’Union soviétique proclamaient, l’une après l’autre, leur indépendance. Il y a 25 ans, avec la création de la Communauté des États indépendants (CEI), la superpuissance URSS a cessé d’exister d’un jour à l’autre. Dr. Spero S.Z. Paravantis de l’Université du Luxembourg revient sur ce grand chapitre de l’histoire.

8 Dezember 2016

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Social advance in interwar European borderlands. A compared analysis of elite training in Polish Upper Silesia and the Eupen-Malmedy region

Social advance in interwar European borderlands. A compared analysis of elite training in Polish Upper Silesia and the Eupen-Malmedy region

8 Dezember 2016

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Envisioning the Industrial Present: Pathways of Cultural Learning in Luxembourg (1880s-1920s).

Envisioning the Industrial Present: Pathways of Cultural Learning in Luxembourg (1880s-1920s).

This paper examines how and to what extent Luxembourg society was “exposed” to visual representations of the prospering steel industries and labour and working-class culture(s) from the 1880s until the 1920s – a period of massive industrialisation – and how it thus gradually “learned to labour”. Indeed, modern visual media were seen as ideal catalysts for the circulation, transmission and production of meaning, since they were considered to be appealing, objective, direct and capable of inspiring the imagination.

5 Dezember 2016

Frederik Herman, Ira Plein
  • Public history
Of Jam and Bombs: Surviving the War in 1917

Of Jam and Bombs: Surviving the War in 1917

2 Dezember 2016

Sandra Camarda
  • Public history
How Universal Was Communist Children’s Television? Representing Borders in the Polish Series Four Tank-Men and a Dog

How Universal Was Communist Children’s Television? Representing Borders in the Polish Series Four Tank-Men and a Dog

2 Dezember 2016

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Local History: Esch-sur-Sauer, Wool Factory. DIE TUCHFABRIK IN ESCH/SAUER: WOLLE GEGEN JEANS

Local History: Esch-sur-Sauer, Wool Factory. DIE TUCHFABRIK IN ESCH/SAUER: WOLLE GEGEN JEANS

The story of the family Demuth and their factory functioning now as a textile museum.

1 Dezember 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Tourism and Dictatorship: Building Leisure Spaces on the Romanian Black Sea Coast and the Spanish Costa del Sol, 1960s-1970s

Tourism and Dictatorship: Building Leisure Spaces on the Romanian Black Sea Coast and the Spanish Costa del Sol, 1960s-1970s

1 Dezember 2016

Adelina Stefan
"do huet dann dacks e Lämmchen mer Läif a Séil gelooss"

"do huet dann dacks e Lämmchen mer Läif a Séil gelooss"

26 November 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Contemporary Russia: Der KGB und der feine englische Humor

Contemporary Russia: Der KGB und der feine englische Humor

Vor genau zehn Jahren wurde in London Alexander Litwinenko (1962-2006), der frühere KGB-Offizier, der durch seine Kritik an der Spitze des Geheimdienstes prominent wurde, mit einer tödlichen Dosis des radioaktiven Elements Polonium 210 vergiftet.

23 November 2016

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Exchanging Postcards Across the Iron Curtain: Foreign Tourists and Transnational Networks in Socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980

Exchanging Postcards Across the Iron Curtain: Foreign Tourists and Transnational Networks in Socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980

18 November 2016

Adelina Stefan
Language Learning in Interwar European Borderland Primary Schools. A Comparison between Polish Upper Silesia and Eupen-Malmedy

Language Learning in Interwar European Borderland Primary Schools. A Comparison between Polish Upper Silesia and Eupen-Malmedy

14 November 2016

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe


12 November 2016

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
PressForward and Other Digital Tools for Collaborative and Large-Scale Historical Research

PressForward and Other Digital Tools for Collaborative and Large-Scale Historical Research

4 November 2016

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Two new projects on the Early Cold War period of European Integration

Two new projects on the Early Cold War period of European Integration

Core Junior Web Page Announcement

1 November 2016

Spero Paravantis
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Luxembourg, a Country Survey

Luxembourg, a Country Survey

With a long tradition of political stability and social democracy, a creative development model, skilled human capital and a culture of consensus, Luxembourg is at the forefront of Europe. Its main strategic challenge is how to achieve economic diversification while maintaining the sustainability of the Luxembourg social model. The country has embarked on the "third industrial revolution", with innovation as the main driver of sustainable growth and the University of Luxembourg as a major player.

1 November 2016

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
