Fritz Wüst

Fritz Wüst

1 Januar 2024

Stefan Krebs, Werner Tschacher
  • Public history
Hans THUNA (1895-?), Else HERZOG (1891-1944), Erich THUNA (1924-2012), Erika THUNA (1924-2013)

Hans THUNA (1895-?), Else HERZOG (1891-1944), Erich THUNA (1924-2012), Erika THUNA (1924-2013)

Originally from Vienna, Austria, the Thuna family escaped to Luxembourg following the Anschluss of Austria to the German Reich in 1938. During their two-year stay in Luxembourg, they were supported by the Jewish ESRA Committee and resided in the Hotel Select. Despite efforts to obtain entry visas for countries in South America, they remained in Luxembourg until the invasion of German troops in May 1940, from where they embarked on a disrupted transport to Lisbon in November 1940, which eventually took them to France. In 1942, Hans Thuna was deported to Auschwitz via Drancy.

1 Januar 2024

Nicolas Arendt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The “technical time” of the Luxembourgish telephone system: about the transformative power of maintenance

The “technical time” of the Luxembourgish telephone system: about the transformative power of maintenance

Luxembourg’s telephone system struggled with a lack of capacity for subscriber lines and connections from its very early days in the 1880s. Drawing on a broad notion of maintenance, the chapter argues that for about 110 years, the postal administration tried to fix the capacity of the telephone network by introducing various new switching technologies.

1 Januar 2024

Stefan Krebs, Rebecca Mossop
  • Public history
Conclusion: A Highly transformative age for web archives

Conclusion: A Highly transformative age for web archives

This chapter explores the evolving landscape of web archiving. It considers how web archives document challenging times, may help to analyse them, and respond to events, disruptions, social demands, and crises. It examines emergency response practices and research trends. The chapter also addresses current and forthcoming challenges such as adapting to platformization, AI, the closure of APIs, and evolving legal frameworks.

1 Januar 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Spatio-Temporal Reasoning on Stratigraphic Data in Archaeology: Formalization of the Harris Laws as Inferences Using CIDOC CRM

Spatio-Temporal Reasoning on Stratigraphic Data in Archaeology: Formalization of the Harris Laws as Inferences Using CIDOC CRM

Excavation documentation aims at recording the materiality of the archaeological site uncovered and partially destroyed by the excavation process, with an emphasis on spatial information. The knowledge about the past is built on the recording of physical materiality and its spatiality. In archaeological knowledge production, temporal

1 Januar 2024

Muriel van Ruymbeke
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure

Establishing Trust and Transparency in the Context of Contemporary and Digital History: Implementing Digital Curation Strategies for Digital Research Infrastructure

This poster delves into the intricate interplay between global expectations for research in contemporary history, the evolving landscape of digital curation, the imperative for efficient research data management, the creation of a well-structured and effective plan for digital infrastructure by emphasizing the significance of developing a comprehensive framework for the analysis and interpretation of contemporary history.

1 Januar 2024

Tugce Karatas
  • Digital history & historiography


1 Januar 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Paper Presentation: Deindustrialisation in Luxembourg’s industrial towns, 1977-1983

Paper Presentation: Deindustrialisation in Luxembourg’s industrial towns, 1977-1983

1 Januar 2024

Zoé Konsbruck
  • Public history
The European Union at a crossroads

The European Union at a crossroads

In a difficult socio-economic context and a geopolitical environment marked by uncertainty, the European elections - scheduled from 6 to 9 June 2024 in the 27 EU Member States - represent a crucial moment with many issues at stake for democracy, solidarity and cohesion on our continent. To face up to these unprecedented societal and transnational challenges, Europe must not only revive the lessons of history to empower countries, regions and communities, but above all encourage the participation and commitment of citizens, among whom the younger generations occupy a place of choice.

1 Januar 2024

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Time is precious, don’t waste it !  Virality and its multiple temporalities

Time is precious, don’t waste it ! Virality and its multiple temporalities

Short talk related to temporalities in online virality within the Roundtable "Past Virality"

1 Januar 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Étude comparée de l’organisation des services postaux dans le sillon de Sambre et Meuse en 1789 et 1801. Approche géographique et historique de deux documents cartographiques

Étude comparée de l’organisation des services postaux dans le sillon de Sambre et Meuse en 1789 et 1801. Approche géographique et historique de deux documents cartographiques

La période d’occupation française des territoires qui composent l’actuelle Belgique est souvent associée à un bref intermède entre le régime autrichien et le régime hollandais, débouchant sur l’Indépendance belge de 1830. Pourtant, durant la courte période allant de 1795 à 1815 s’est déroulé le plus grand et le plus radical chamboulement de l’histoire de ces régions. Chamboulement culturel, économique, et, non des moindres, administratif. À ce niveau, le nouveau découpage du territoire est sans doute l’élément le plus flagrant.

1 Januar 2024

Luca Federico Cerra
  • Digital history & historiography
Crazy salt

Crazy salt

1 Januar 2024

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Vergessene Opfer : eine Bestandsaufnahme

Vergessene Opfer : eine Bestandsaufnahme

1 Januar 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Minett-Stories: A Transmedia Project on a Steel Production Region in Luxembourg

Minett-Stories: A Transmedia Project on a Steel Production Region in Luxembourg

The online exhibition “Minett Stories” ( tells the history of the Minett, the industrial region in the south of Luxembourg. Instead of telling the history of mining and smelting technologies, large iron works and steel barons, the project team decided to present the everyday history of an industrial region, focusing on the time span from the industrialization of the region in around 1870 to the steel crisis of the 1970s.

1 Januar 2024

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Unusual Repair Practices of Telephone Technicians in Luxembourg

Unusual Repair Practices of Telephone Technicians in Luxembourg

The standardization of repair work has often been discussed by manufacturers and large infrastructure companies to reduce repair costs but also to control and discipline repair workers. However, in cases like Ford and Volkswagen these efforts failed or did not meet the manufacturers’ or customers’ expectations (McIntyre 2000; Krebs 2014). This paper will zoom in on the people who repaired the telephone system in Luxembourg.

1 Januar 2024

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
The Provenance Research in the collections od MNAHA, BnL and Lëtzebuergesch City Museum-Villa Vauban

The Provenance Research in the collections od MNAHA, BnL and Lëtzebuergesch City Museum-Villa Vauban

1 Januar 2024

Anna Jagos, Yasmina Zian
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Robert Georg Lehmann

Robert Georg Lehmann

1 Januar 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le temps des plateformes : enjeux, différences et complémentarité de l’archivage des médias sociaux numériques à la Bibliothèque nationale de France et à l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel

Le temps des plateformes : enjeux, différences et complémentarité de l’archivage des médias sociaux numériques à la Bibliothèque nationale de France et à l’Institut national de l’audiovisuel

Inégalement préservés, les RSN entrent dans les enjeux d’archivage du web de manière plus ou moins précoce. La Bibliothèque nationale de France [BnF] a archivé Dailymotion entre 2007 et 2013, Twitter depuis 2012 et YouTube à partir de 2017. L’Institut national de l’audiovisuel [Ina] archive YouTube et Vimeo depuis 2009-2010 et Twitter depuis 2014. Si toutes les plateformes ne bénéficient pas encore d’une activité de captures régulières, de nouveaux projets de collecte améliorent la couverture. Ainsi la BnF gère des collectes Instagram depuis 2020 et TikTok depuis 2022.

1 Januar 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Ania Muller / Christian Muller (eds.): Vergessene Geschichten aus Esch. Zum 60. Geburtstag der „Escher Geschichtsfrënn“

Ania Muller / Christian Muller (eds.): Vergessene Geschichten aus Esch. Zum 60. Geburtstag der „Escher Geschichtsfrënn“

1 Januar 2024

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Hans Braun

Hans Braun

1 Januar 2024

Daniel Thilman
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
