filtre by - Digital collections on History of the European Integration

A collection of thematic ePublications on the European integration process from 1945 to 2014. An analysis of a range of subjects based on an extensive and contextualised selection of more than 25.000 relevant and enriched multimedia, multisource and multilingual documentary resources.

9 Mai 2017

Cécile Duval, François Klein, Laurence Maufort, Marco Gabellini
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Digital Archival Literacy and Historical Research Practices

Digital Archival Literacy and Historical Research Practices

An Interactive Panel Discussion on History, Technology, and the Transformation of the Archive, convened by Milan van Lange and Gerben Zaagsma.

22 Août 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Practices of Diplomacy in the Early Modern World c.1410-1800, edited by Tracey A. Sowerby and Jan Hennings

Practices of Diplomacy in the Early Modern World c.1410-1800, edited by Tracey A. Sowerby and Jan Hennings

23 Juillet 2024

Luca Federico Cerra
  • Digital history & historiography
Online Virality

Online Virality

The book Online Virality, edited by Valérie Schafer and Fred Pailler (C2DH, University of Luxembourg), aims to provide a comprehensive examination of online virality. It explores the many ways we can think about this modern phenomenon and analyse the circulation, reception, and evolution of viral born-digital content. Virality and content sharing always intertwine material, infrastructural, visual and discursive elements. This involves various platforms, stakeholders, intermediaries, social groups and communities that are constantly (re)defining themselves.

18 Juillet 2024

Fred Pailler


The middle classes have had more internal clashes than external. A plethora of intermediary categories is necessary to understand this historical period. And these go beyond the “black and white”nobility/middle-class and the rest. Everywhere the slightest division of the intermediary layers could pave the way to new social discriminations. What did this vast middle-class have in common? Despite their differences, industrialists, merchants, rentiers, high school teachers, higher civil servants what united them?

16 Juillet 2024

Suzana Cascao
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Die Personenstandsaufnahme und das Vetorecht der Quellen. Teil 4: Überlegungen zur völkischen Politik

Die Personenstandsaufnahme und das Vetorecht der Quellen. Teil 4: Überlegungen zur völkischen Politik

The "Personenstandsaufnahme" of 10 October 1941, a census conducted by the German occupier in Luxembourg with additional questions on nationality, mother tongue and ethnicity, is one of the best-known historical events in Luxembourg's contemporary history. Together with the strike against forced recruitment in August/September 1942, it remains an integral part of the culture of remembrance and historiography to this day.

6 Juillet 2024

Philippe Blasen
Reassembling Marseille’s mosaic: urban planning in service of a post-World War II imagined identity

Reassembling Marseille’s mosaic: urban planning in service of a post-World War II imagined identity

Socio-spatial divisions between districts in the North and South have marked the port-city of Marseille since the post-World War II urban reconstruction period. This article analyses the decades spanning the 1940s to the 1960s Vieux Port area as well as the HLM (Habitation à Loyer Modéré, or rent controlled properties) building projects in the North of the city. This reveals a dual strategy deployed by urban planners as well as municipal and national government officials in response to an increasing immigrant workforce involving relocation into HLMs and (re-)designing public spaces.

3 Juillet 2024

Eliane Schmid
  • Digital history & historiography
Politics of Digitisation Session

Politics of Digitisation Session

This session will delve into the politics of digitisation and its relevance to the field of public history. What does the digitisation of cultural heritage offer historians and the public, and what do the politics of digital cultural heritage look like? We will first delve into different forms of cultural heritage digitization, from bottom-up community archiving to mass digitization and state-funded efforts.

2 Juillet 2024

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Public History and Decolonisation

Public History and Decolonisation

1 Juillet 2024

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Decolonizing Through Public History - Introduction

Decolonizing Through Public History - Introduction

Decolonization is the subject of an abundant literature, both as a historical event and as a contemporary process. In relations with the past, debates have risen about issues such as colonial monuments, museum collections, and repatriation. Rather than dealing with a specific type of space, institution, or material, this special issue in International Public History offers a discussion on the many links between decolonization and public history.

1 Juillet 2024

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Hermeneutic Modeling of Detail in Textual Zoom and Literary Texts

Hermeneutic Modeling of Detail in Textual Zoom and Literary Texts

This chapter focuses on the dynamic nature of detail as an esthetic category and the hypothesis that interpretation in the digital medium encompasses a certain degree of modeling, understood in its double sense of building representations of objects and shaping figures in a plastic material.

28 Juin 2024

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
Grüne Mauern und der Mythos der "ausgebliebenen Proletarisierung" - Periphere Arbeiterstraßen in der industrialisierten Kleinstadt Esch/Alzette zwischen Urbanität und Ruralität (1890-1935)

Grüne Mauern und der Mythos der "ausgebliebenen Proletarisierung" - Periphere Arbeiterstraßen in der industrialisierten Kleinstadt Esch/Alzette zwischen Urbanität und Ruralität (1890-1935)

26 Juin 2024

Daniel Richter
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Von der Personenstandsaufnahme zur Erhebung des Volkstums. Teil 3: Drohungen, Strafgelder, Schläge, einer Kartei halber

Von der Personenstandsaufnahme zur Erhebung des Volkstums. Teil 3: Drohungen, Strafgelder, Schläge, einer Kartei halber

The "Personenstandsaufnahme" of 10 October 1941, a census conducted by the German occupier in Luxembourg with additional questions on nationality, mother tongue and ethnicity, is one of the best-known historical events in Luxembourg's contemporary history. Together with the strike against forced recruitment in August/September 1942, it remains an integral part of the culture of remembrance and historiography to this day.

22 Juin 2024

Philippe Blasen
2023 C²DH Annual Report

2023 C²DH Annual Report – now online

The C²DH is delighted to share with you its 2023 Annual Report, which looks back on a memorable year of pioneering research in digital and public history.

18 Juin 2024

Isabelle Voegeli
C2DH Annual report

C²DH Annual Report 2022

A review of the C²DH's activities in 2022 - in digital format.

17 Juin 2024

Isabelle Voegeli
Presenter: Designing a best practice digital workflow in times of war. Insights into the launching of the U-CORE project

Presenter: Designing a best practice digital workflow in times of war. Insights into the launching of the U-CORE project

This paper provides an insight into the ongoing interdisciplinary research aimed at designing a best practice digital workflow for the collection, research, and archiving of audio testimonies related to the Russian full-scale invasion in Ukraine. As the first and largest international documentation project of testimonies on this war, it serves as a continuous guide for similar smaller documentation initiatives. The documentation project, known as ’24.02.2022, 5am.

7 Juin 2024

Inna Ganschow
Mentorship for early career scholars in web archive studies

Mentorship for early career scholars in web archive studies

This session aims to create a space for open discussion and networking for early career scholars (PhD students and postdoctoral researchers). Organised by three advanced scholars with strong expertise in web archives, this 90-minute session will focus first on the role and place of web archives in research, including how case studies, close and distant reading, and different tools and methods may be used, refined, and presented in research.

6 Juin 2024

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Documenting the Use of Generative AI in Digital Humanities Workflows

Documenting the Use of Generative AI in Digital Humanities Workflows

The paper focuses on building and sharing documentation about the use of generative AI in DH workflows.

5 Juin 2024

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
Playing the Imitation Game: Human-AI Simulators in Pedagogic Design

Playing the Imitation Game: Human-AI Simulators in Pedagogic Design

The aim of the study is to address the question of using generative AI in creative writing assignments starting from the hypothesis that preliminary simulations of AI-based pedagogic scenarios can help instructors to better understand the inner mechanisms of these technologies and their possible impact on the learning, assignment completion and evaluation processes. The paper presents a set of experiments with simulated student-agent interactions generated by AI chatbots and proposes a formal framework for assessing this form of “imitation game” and its possible applications in real teaching-learning environments.

5 Juin 2024

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
Was ist Citizen Science?

Was ist Citizen Science?

4 Juin 2024

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
