'Hare Majesteit de Smalfilm' - De making of de vroege amateurfilm(er)

'Hare Majesteit de Smalfilm' - De making of de vroege amateurfilm(er)

This article reconstructs the world of the Dutch amateur film around 1930; a dynamic period during which the amateur film gradually developed from being just one branch of photography (cinematography) to becoming an independent film discipline. On the basis of a series of articles about amateur film, published in the photography magazine 'Focus', we shed light on the changing creative processes and discourses of early amateur films and by extension the ‘making of’ early amateur filmmakers themselves.

1 Januar 2014

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
Child Forced Labour. An Analysis of Ego Documents Throughout Time.

Child Forced Labour. An Analysis of Ego Documents Throughout Time.

1 Januar 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Vertrauensbildende Gespräche als Werkzeug der Sicherheit? Die DGAP als Gesprächskanal zwischen der Sowjetunion und Westdeutschland (1955–1990)

Vertrauensbildende Gespräche als Werkzeug der Sicherheit? Die DGAP als Gesprächskanal zwischen der Sowjetunion und Westdeutschland (1955–1990)

Die Sicherheitsvorstellungen in der Bundesrepublik standen im Kalten Krieg im engen Zusammenhang mit den Vorstellungen der sowjetischen Sicherheitspolitik. Die sowje- tische Sicht von europäischen Sicherheitsfragen, darunter die »deutsche Frage«, wurde in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland allerdings durch die schwierigen Kommunikations- möglichkeiten, aber auch wegen des Mangels an Vertrauen gegenüber den sowjetischen Quellen verzerrt.

1 Januar 2014

Estelle Bunout
  • Digital history & historiography
Rob Kitchin, The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and Their Consequences

Rob Kitchin, The Data Revolution: Big Data, Open Data, Data Infrastructures and Their Consequences

Décrire la « révolution des données » avec rigueur et esprit critique, loin du bruit qui se forme autour du sujet, tel est le but de cet ouvrage de Rob Kitchin, professeur à l'université nationale irlandaise Maynooth. Spécialiste de géographie urbaine, de ce que l'on appelle la « ville connectée », l'auteur en est venu à s'intéresser aux infrastructures et pratiques numériques et aux notions liées à celle de « donnée », dont il donne ici un panorama documenté et réaliste. Par souci de rigueur...

1 Januar 2014

Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Special Issue: Gender and educational achievement

Special Issue: Gender and educational achievement

1 Januar 2014

Karin Priem
  • Public history
Multi-perspective Event Detection in Texts Documenting the 1944 Battle of Arnhem

Multi-perspective Event Detection in Texts Documenting the 1944 Battle of Arnhem

1 Januar 2014

Marten Düring
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Lunettes hyperconnectées et altérité

Lunettes hyperconnectées et altérité

The arrival on the market of “hyperconnected” glasses is raising many questions on the increasing mediation of social relationships through digital tools. “Google Glasses” are designed to be permanently connected to the Internet, and can be worn all day long to add digital information to our “natural” field of vision and to record our various actions.

1 Januar 2014

Maxime Derian
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Conversas na antessala da academia: o presente, a oralidade e a história pública digital

Conversas na antessala da academia: o presente, a oralidade e a história pública digital

1 Januar 2014

Anita Lucchesi
  • Public history
  • Digital history & historiography
“Dial Gauge versus Senses 1 - 0” : German Auto Mechanics and the Introduction of New Diagnostic Equipment, 1950–1980

“Dial Gauge versus Senses 1 - 0” : German Auto Mechanics and the Introduction of New Diagnostic Equipment, 1950–1980

Automobile sounds contain information on the technical state of the car; these sounds can be used to monitor the car while driving, and, in case of a flaw, to diagnose its source. For German car mechanics, listening to car sounds was, since the institutionalization of the trade in the 1930s, a legitimate entrance to diagnostic knowledge. The introduction of new diagnostic equipment in the 1950s contested the epistemic status of diagnostic listening.

1 Januar 2014

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
Bevölkerungspolitik im kolonialen Algerien des 19. Jahrhunderts.

Bevölkerungspolitik im kolonialen Algerien des 19. Jahrhunderts.

1 Januar 2014

Julia Harnoncourt
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Espaces psychiatriques, espaces religieux

Espaces psychiatriques, espaces religieux

1 Januar 2014

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Der Heldengedenktag in der Wehrmacht

Der Heldengedenktag in der Wehrmacht

This study attempts to clarify how Heroes' Memorial Day was adapted against the background of the National Socialist concept, what means the Wehrmacht used, how the celebrations were held, what symbols and what rituals were used. Particular attention is paid to the celebrations among the troops in peace and in war.

28 Dezember 2013

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Veins filled with the dilluted sap of rationality. A critical reply to Rens Bod

Veins filled with the dilluted sap of rationality. A critical reply to Rens Bod

This article argues – in contradiction to the thesis developed by Rens Bod – that

1 Dezember 2013

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Economists vs Monetarists – the main controversy in shaping EMU through the Werner Report

Economists vs Monetarists – the main controversy in shaping EMU through the Werner Report

1 Dezember 2013

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Where West Meets East: International Tourism and Consumerism in Socialist Romania of the 1960-1980s

Where West Meets East: International Tourism and Consumerism in Socialist Romania of the 1960-1980s

22 November 2013

Adelina Stefan
A New European Currency for a new Europe: the Christian Democratic Ideology and the Werner Committee

A New European Currency for a new Europe: the Christian Democratic Ideology and the Werner Committee

1 November 2013

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Panel comment - The Construction and Circulation of Medical Knowledge in France and its Colonies, 1500-1900

Panel comment - The Construction and Circulation of Medical Knowledge in France and its Colonies, 1500-1900

25 Oktober 2013

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Humanities in a Digital Age: Using Digital Tools for Research and Teaching

Humanities in a Digital Age: Using Digital Tools for Research and Teaching

25 Oktober 2013

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Passengers' Railway Identity in Socialist Romania during the 1950s and 1960s

Passengers' Railway Identity in Socialist Romania during the 1950s and 1960s

4 Oktober 2013

Adelina Stefan
Creative Social Engineering? Reform Initiatives in Vocational Education and Professional Orientation (ca. 1880-1930)

Creative Social Engineering? Reform Initiatives in Vocational Education and Professional Orientation (ca. 1880-1930)

Despite obvious connections between the industrial sector and that of technical-vocational schooling and training (cf. Blankertz, 1969) the historical importance of industry-related entrepreneurship for education in the whole of Europe remains underappreciated. In social-cultural and educational historiography alike States and/or Churches, rather than the industry and associated networks, tend to be connected to attempts at societal reform (see, e.g. de Swaan, 1988).

11 September 2013

Frederik Herman
