Using data analysis on recruited Luxembourgers in WWII - Project WARLUX

Using data analysis on recruited Luxembourgers in WWII - Project WARLUX

1 June 2021

Nina Janz, Sarah Maya Vercruysse
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Industrial Pasts of the Minett: Remixing the Modes of Digital Storytelling

Industrial Pasts of the Minett: Remixing the Modes of Digital Storytelling

1 June 2021

Viktoria Boretska, Daniel Richter
  • Public history
4rth RESAW conference

4rth RESAW conference

The 4th RESAW conference, organised by the C²DH (Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History) at the University of Luxembourg, is part of a remote Web archiving week starting on 14 June 2021, which will involved a series of RESAW pre-conference workshops in parallel to the IIPC General Assembly, followed by the IIPC conference organised by the BnL (Bibliothèque nationale du Luxembourg) on 15-16 June 2021 (all details about the programme and registrations are available at, then the RESAW conference.

1 June 2021

Valérie Schafer, Frédéric Clavert
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Justiz, Richter und Anwälte während der nationalsozialistischen Besatzung im Großherzogtum Luxemburg. Ein Forschungsbericht

Justiz, Richter und Anwälte während der nationalsozialistischen Besatzung im Großherzogtum Luxemburg. Ein Forschungsbericht

1 June 2021

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Semiotics of the archive

Semiotics of the archive

31 May 2021

Andreas Fickers


Abstract_THE ORIGINS OF THE EUROPEAN IDEA Despite its historical divisions, Europe was built on a shared set of ideas, ranging from Greco-Latin humanism to the principles of the French Revolution. Before the people of Europe achieved the unification of their continent by the force of law, several other figures – emperors, princes and conquerors – envisaged a single space “ruled by one Crown”. Over the centuries, many philosophers, writers and legal experts developed theories on the rapprochement of the peoples of Europe.

29 May 2021

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
A Republic of Alienists? A transnational perspective on psychiatric knowledge circulation across Europe (1843-1925)

A Republic of Alienists? A transnational perspective on psychiatric knowledge circulation across Europe (1843-1925)

The history of psychiatry has over the past decades been largely dominated by the production and re-production of national narratives in which different aspects of psychiatry are often associated with a particular country or region. While this has left little room to consider the value of psychiatry’s less prominent developments, this persistent national tendency has also minimised the role and (in)direct contributions of foreign alienists on national and transnational developments across Europe.

28 May 2021

Eva Andersen
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Les archives de la pandémie et du confinement. Retours sur des expériences inédites de collecte, Table Ronde

Les archives de la pandémie et du confinement. Retours sur des expériences inédites de collecte, Table Ronde

28 May 2021

Tizian Zumthurm
  • Public history
Überlegungen zur Experimentalisierung der Mediengeschichte

Überlegungen zur Experimentalisierung der Mediengeschichte

27 May 2021

Stefan Krebs
  • Public history
The Web Archives Long View

The Web Archives Long View

This research seminar aims to explicitly consider that research happens in context. This presentation proposes to address the topic of born-digital heritage and in particular of web archives in context. It aims to question the past, present and future paths of research based on the plethora of born-digital sources that developed from the mid-1990s. Analysis of web archives requires both taking into account the very shaping of these archives - e.g.

26 May 2021

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Exploring the History of Digital History

Exploring the History of Digital History

For as long as new preservation technologies and computing machines have been developed, the question of their utility and uptake in historical research practices has been debated. Yet, the very fact that historical knowledge production has always been affected by new and emerging technologies is often forgotten. Similarly, the fact that key epistemological and methodological questions in what we now call ‘digital history’ were already debated decades ago by earlier generations of computing historians (analogue and digital) is often overlooked.

25 May 2021

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
70.000 Luxembourgeois aux Etats-Unis au 19e siècle? Bullshit!

70.000 Luxembourgeois aux Etats-Unis au 19e siècle? Bullshit!

22 May 2021

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Presenter: Towards the UniGR-CBS Working Group 'Border Temporalities'

Presenter: Towards the UniGR-CBS Working Group 'Border Temporalities'

21 May 2021

Christoph Brüll, Machteld Venken
Composite monarchy under the rule of Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg. A foreign queen or legitimate monarch?

Composite monarchy under the rule of Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg. A foreign queen or legitimate monarch?

19 May 2021

Anna Jagos
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Soviet forced laborers in Luxembourg

Soviet forced laborers in Luxembourg

Honnerte vu jonke Meedercher aus der fréierer Sowjetunioun ware wärend dem Zweete Weltkrich vun Nazi-Däitschland gezwonge ginn, a Lëtzebuerger Betriber ze schaffen. D'Historikerin Inna Ganschow huet sech fir d'Geschicht vun dëse Fraen interesséiert. Viru Kuerzem huet si fir den Nationale Resistenz-Musée eng Videokonferenz zu deem Thema gehalen.

17 May 2021

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Table ronde : comment faire réseau autour des archives du web ?

Table ronde : comment faire réseau autour des archives du web ?

Table ronde : comment faire réseau autour des archives du web ? Intervenants : Emmanuelle Bermès (Bibliothèque nationale de France), Dominique Cardon (medialab, Sciences Po), Stéphanie Groudiev (Campus Condorcet), Valérie Schafer (Université du Luxembourg)

17 May 2021

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Luxemburg und der Zweite Weltkrieg: Über den nationalen Tellerrand hinausschauen

Luxemburg und der Zweite Weltkrieg: Über den nationalen Tellerrand hinausschauen

15 May 2021

Christoph Brüll
Introduction: Webinar by Dr. Piero-D. Galloro within the framework of "FLUXUS – Série de conférences au sujet des migrations et des frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région".

Introduction: Webinar by Dr. Piero-D. Galloro within the framework of "FLUXUS – Série de conférences au sujet des migrations et des frontières dans l’espace de la Grande Région".

12 May 2021

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Historia Pública: Museos y Comunidades Digitales en América Latina

Historia Pública: Museos y Comunidades Digitales en América Latina

11 May 2021

Thomas Cauvin
  • Public history
Digital Cultural Heritage and the Politics of Digitisation

Digital Cultural Heritage and the Politics of Digitisation

This talk deals with a question that is becoming increasingly important for historians who work with digitised cultural heritage: what are the politics of digitisation and what are its implications for historical research?

11 May 2021

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
