BIX – Der Bibliotheksindex

BIX – Der Bibliotheksindex

1 September 2015

Beth Park
User Required? On the Value of User Research in the Digital Humanities

User Required? On the Value of User Research in the Digital Humanities

Although computational tools play an increasingly important role in the humanities, adoption of tools by scholars does not always reach its potential. One approach to this problem is user research to uncover the needs of the users. However, it is uncertain whether such user requirements can be generalized to a wider group of humanities scholars, and whether users are able to explicate their requirements for methodological innovation. We ask what the role of user research is in the Digital Humanities by discussing gathered user requirements for two projects.

26 August 2015

Max Kemman
  • Digital history & historiography
L'Europe et la démocratie, au-delà de la rhétorique

L'Europe et la démocratie, au-delà de la rhétorique

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the Greek crisis and the European Union

11 July 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Quand la richesse appauvrit: la (non)protection du patrimoine

Quand la richesse appauvrit: la (non)protection du patrimoine

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on protection of historical monuments

4 July 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Les Luxembourgeois qui ont fait l'Europe

Les Luxembourgeois qui ont fait l'Europe

Les Luxembourgeois qui ont fait l’Europe

1 July 2015

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Un anniversaire bicentenaire sans gâteau ni bougies

Un anniversaire bicentenaire sans gâteau ni bougies

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the (non)-celebration of 200th anniversary of Congress of Vienna

27 June 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le référendum et la nation

Le référendum et la nation

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the link between nation, national identity and no in the referendum about voting right for foreigners in national elections in Luxembourg

20 June 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Des excuses historiques

Des excuses historiques

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on apology presented by Luxembourg government and parliament for its authorities' role in the persecution of Jews during World War II occupation by the Nazis

13 June 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
WWII, Interview: Von Elend und menschlicher Güte

WWII, Interview: Von Elend und menschlicher Güte

First interview of Inna Ganschow about the beginn of her research on the camps for Soviet POWs and so called "Eastworkers" in Luxemburg, especially based in the former factory buildings in Schlaifmillen (Schliefmühle).

12 June 2015

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
2005-2015: Des référendums créateurs d'identité

2005-2015: Des référendums créateurs d'identité

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the referenda of 2005 on the European Constitutional Treaty and of 2015 on the right to vote on national elections in Luxembourg for foreigners

6 June 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Colloquium: Moulding New Citizens for 20th Century Europe? A Comparison of Elite Training in the Belgian-German and Polish-German Borderlands (1920-1940 and 1945-1960)

Colloquium: Moulding New Citizens for 20th Century Europe? A Comparison of Elite Training in the Belgian-German and Polish-German Borderlands (1920-1940 and 1945-1960)

4 June 2015

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Une muselière, un référendum, des mémoires et une histoire encore à écrire

Une muselière, un référendum, des mémoires et une histoire encore à écrire

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on memory and history of 1937 referendum about authoritarian "law for the defence of the political and social order" of government Joseph Bech ("muzzle law")

30 May 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
1919: L'autre référendum

1919: L'autre référendum

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the referendum of 1919 about monarchy or republic for Luxembourg

23 May 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Un changement de perspective européen

Un changement de perspective européen

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on residential vote in Europe

16 May 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Pourquoi le 10 mai se fête désormais le 8 mai...

Pourquoi le 10 mai se fête désormais le 8 mai...

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the changing interpretations of government politics in 1940

9 May 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Le spectacle automobile à Reims

Le spectacle automobile à Reims

6 May 2015

Sebastien Moreau
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L'historien et le nouveau fardeau de l'homme blanc

L'historien et le nouveau fardeau de l'homme blanc

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on history of mass violence and foreign policy based on a discourse about prevention of crimes against humanity

2 May 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Illegal youth organisations in East Upper Silesia 1947-1956

Illegal youth organisations in East Upper Silesia 1947-1956

30 April 2015

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Les radeaux de Lampédouse

Les radeaux de Lampédouse

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on refugee crisis and asylum right

25 April 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L'autre guerre

L'autre guerre

Weekly column on contemporary history ("L'histoire du temps présent") in Luxembourg newspaper Tageblatt, here on the place of World War One in Luxembourg historiography and memory

4 April 2015

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
