

This publication is the first scientific treatise in the Russian language and covers the use of the labor force of Soviet prisoners of war and Eastern workers in the Luxembourg economy. The essay deals with questions of demographic composi- tion, as well as living and working conditions, which until now have only been dis- cussed on the margins of two other publications on the economy of Luxembourg. Moreover, the essay deals with an unexplored theme of the repatriation of the Soviet citizens from Luxembourg after the liberation of the country in September 1944.

1 September 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Local History: Beggen, Castle. EIN SCHLOSS, DAS KEINES IST

Local History: Beggen, Castle. EIN SCHLOSS, DAS KEINES IST

The story of the Mansion Emile Metz (1835-1904) called Castle fo Beggen which after the WWII became the residence of the Soviet and later Russian embassy.

1 September 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Немецкие военные захоронения в Европе как места памяти в условиях диктатуры и демократии

Немецкие военные захоронения в Европе как места памяти в условиях диктатуры и демократии

1 September 2017

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
The Documents on Soviet prisoners of war in the German Archives. Sources, documents and research opportunities

The Documents on Soviet prisoners of war in the German Archives. Sources, documents and research opportunities

The essay offers an overview of the sources in German archives on, and also originating from Soviet prisoners of war in German custody during World War II. Hereby, the focus is on the German Federal Archives (Bundesarchiv, BArch), on the files from military departments and organisations. A complete overview, however, cannot be given here as documents of captured Red Army soldiers are to be found as well in numerous state archives and a lot of small and private collections.

1 September 2017

Nina Janz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Jewish Volunteers in the International Brigades: What Drove Them?

Jewish Volunteers in the International Brigades: What Drove Them?

30 August 2017

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
From Usability Testing and Text Analysis to User Response Criticism

From Usability Testing and Text Analysis to User Response Criticism

Two case studies in interface and game design are presented by applying textual analysis to user-response.

10 August 2017

Florentina Armaselu
  • Digital history & historiography
World War II in living memory

Through the lens : World War II in living memory

The virtual exhibition “Through the lens” narrates World War II in Luxembourg and the Greater Region through oral history interviews. It has been curated by the students of the Master in Contemporary European History in the context of a research seminar on oral history and under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Fickers and German filmmaker Loretta Walz.

18 July 2017

Aurélia Lafontaine
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Virtual exhibition
Classroom biographies: Teaching and learning in evolving material landscapes (c. 1960-2015)

Classroom biographies: Teaching and learning in evolving material landscapes (c. 1960-2015)

Despite growing interest in redesigning the material landscape of education, relatively little is known about the impact of these evolving classrooms. The current study aimed to gain insight into the physical learning environment and the potential pedagogical impacts thereof. A ‘biographical approach’ (c.1963-2015), was used to explore the long-term socio-material landscapes where teachers and pupils, classroom materiality and spatiality, and teaching practices are entangled. Stimulated recall interviews were conducted in Flanders (Belgium) with primary school teachers.

16 July 2017

Frederik Herman
Conception and Organisation, 3. Netzwerktreffen für Postdocs der Geschichtswissenschaftern

Conception and Organisation, 3. Netzwerktreffen für Postdocs der Geschichtswissenschaftern

14 July 2017

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Tours de France

Tours de France

8 July 2017

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie

Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie

“Glanz und Elend der Kunstkopf-Stereophonie” – A radio play from Stefan Krebs, with Hans Peter Hallwachs as Kunstkopf; Stephan Wurfbaum as journalist and Andreas Fickers as media archaeologist; Research, script and mise-en-scène: Stefan Krebs; Sound: Christian Schimmöller; Producer: Werner Bleisteiner; Historical and technical advisors: Günther Hess and Stephan Peus. A production of the Centre for Contemporary and Digital History of the University of Luxembourg in cooperation with Bavarian Broadcasting and the EU-research project ORPHEUS, 2017.

6 July 2017

Stefan Krebs, Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
Radio Broadcast
The Quest for Questions in Digital History: A Comparative View on Werner- and Delors Report on Economic and Monetary Union

The Quest for Questions in Digital History: A Comparative View on Werner- and Delors Report on Economic and Monetary Union

The study proposes the use of comparative textual analysis to formulate research questions on the Economic and Monetary Union.

5 July 2017

Florentina Armaselu, Elena Danescu
  • Digital history & historiography
Local History: Luxembourg City, Belair. DIE VILLA, IN DER TITAN ENTSTAND

Local History: Luxembourg City, Belair. DIE VILLA, IN DER TITAN ENTSTAND

The story of the villa which was used by Titanium inventor William Kroll (1889-1973) as his residence and lab before WWII.

1 July 2017

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Historicizing the Home Movie Dispositif: Reflections from the Longue Durée

Historicizing the Home Movie Dispositif: Reflections from the Longue Durée

This paper reflects on the cultural dynamics of the home movie as a twentieth century family memory practice. Over the years, many generations have documented and materialized their family memories on film, video and digital media. While the making and screening of family films used to be a rather exclusive hobby practiced only by the elite, this has changed considerably in today’s ubiquitous sharing cultures.

30 June 2017

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
Staging the Amateur Film Dispositif: A Media Archaeological Experiment

Staging the Amateur Film Dispositif: A Media Archaeological Experiment

28 June 2017

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
Pre-Conference Workshop #3 : Experimental Media Archaeology

Pre-Conference Workshop #3 : Experimental Media Archaeology

28 June 2017

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Une grève sous la menace des baïonnettes allemandes

Une grève sous la menace des baïonnettes allemandes

24 June 2017

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
L'Histoire d'un pays dans le potrait d'un Homme

L'Histoire d'un pays dans le potrait d'un Homme

Il y a des personnalités qui demeurent dans la mémoire collective par l’empreinte qu’elles ont laissée sur le destin de leurs pays. Pierre Werner (29 décembre 1913 – 24 juin 2002) est de ceux-là. Ministre d’État, Premier Ministre et ministre des Finances pendant de longues décennies, cet intellectuel catholique et démocrate résolu fut l’un des rares hommes d’État qui a traversé le XXe siècle.

24 June 2017

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
What have networks ever done for us?

What have networks ever done for us?

22 June 2017

Marten Düring
  • Digital history & historiography
A vision of Europe based on diplomatic experience: Pierre Pescatore - from internationalist to supranationalist

A vision of Europe based on diplomatic experience: Pierre Pescatore - from internationalist to supranationalist

22 June 2017

Vera Fritz
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
