"И засияли золотые купола". История русской православной общины Люксембурга

"И засияли золотые купола". История русской православной общины Люксембурга

The book tells about the Russian Orthodox community in Luxembourg, which exists since 1929. The historical overview covers the path of the White emigration through Eastern Europe to the Grand Duchy, the establishment of the Russian colony in Mertert and Wiltz, and the renovation of the parish after the church was built in 1982.

30 June 2014

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Abtreibung im Dritten Reich. Ideologie im Frauenstrafvollzug am Beispiel der Strafanstalt Saarbrücken

Abtreibung im Dritten Reich. Ideologie im Frauenstrafvollzug am Beispiel der Strafanstalt Saarbrücken

The aim of the Bachelor's thesis is to examine how national socialist principles about human reproduction and "racial purity" impacted the female inmates in the penal institution in Saarbrücken, Germany. Over 200 personal files of German women accused of illegal abortion were examined for this study. The thesis also elaborates on conceptions of womanhood, sexuality and medical misconceptions as well as the impact of the social strata of the affected women.

17 June 2014

Elisabeth Wingerter
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
GERMANS IN RUSSIA: Mit dem Krieg begann die Diskriminierung

GERMANS IN RUSSIA: Mit dem Krieg begann die Diskriminierung

Die deutschen Einwanderer prägten Saint Petersburg seit der Gründung der Stadt am Anfang des 18. Jh. Im Ersten Weltkrieg erlebte deren Gemeinde starke Diskriminierung, was zur Auswanderung der Deutschen führte. Jedoch die deutsche Schule (die erste Schule der Stadt überhaupt) gibt es auch heute, 300 Jahre später.

9 June 2014

Inna Ganschow
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Writing Europe and the East-West Divide

Writing Europe and the East-West Divide

9 June 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Les autorités luxembourgeoises et la persécution des juifs au Grand-Duché en 1940 : le 10 mai 1940 et ses mythes à revoir

Les autorités luxembourgeoises et la persécution des juifs au Grand-Duché en 1940 : le 10 mai 1940 et ses mythes à revoir

10 May 2014

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Boso, ale na rowerze. De Helaasheid der dingen in Polen

Boso, ale na rowerze. De Helaasheid der dingen in Polen

8 May 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
1839 ou comment le Luxembourg s'est inventé son anniversaire

1839 ou comment le Luxembourg s'est inventé son anniversaire

29 April 2014

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Paper presentation: War Children in the Post-war: An Introduction, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, 23.04.2014.

Paper presentation: War Children in the Post-war: An Introduction, European Social Science History Conference, Vienna, 23.04.2014.

23 April 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Digitizing the French Enlightenment: A Discussion of Three Digital Humanities Projects

Digitizing the French Enlightenment: A Discussion of Three Digital Humanities Projects

1 April 2014

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
They Even Gave Us Pork Cutlets for Breakfast: Foreign Tourists Easting Practices in Socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980s

They Even Gave Us Pork Cutlets for Breakfast: Foreign Tourists Easting Practices in Socialist Romania of the 1960s-1980s

7 February 2014

Adelina Stefan
Der ultimative Klick? Digital Humanities, Online-Archive und die Arbeit des Historikers im digitalen Zeitalter

Der ultimative Klick? Digital Humanities, Online-Archive und die Arbeit des Historikers im digitalen Zeitalter

1 February 2014

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
"Neither good, nor bad, nor neutral": The Historical Dispositif of Communication Technologies

"Neither good, nor bad, nor neutral": The Historical Dispositif of Communication Technologies

1 February 2014

Andreas Fickers
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Scholarship in the Age of Perpetual Research

Scholarship in the Age of Perpetual Research

3 January 2014

Sean Takats
  • Digital history & historiography
Nationalization campaigns and teachers' practices in Belgian–German and Polish–German border regions (1945–1956)

Nationalization campaigns and teachers' practices in Belgian–German and Polish–German border regions (1945–1956)

This contribution looks into nationalization and education in European borderlands inthe early post-World War II period. Belonging to Belgium and Poland, respectively, inthe interwar years, the Eupen – St. Vith – Malmedy and the East-Upper Silesia regionscame under German rule during World War II. Returned to the Belgian and Polishnation-states once the war was over, the regions experienced a pronounced upheavalin the population profile as a result of population transfers and reorientations ineducation curricula.

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Visual, Literary and Numerical Perspectives on Education: Materiality, Presence and Interpretation

Visual, Literary and Numerical Perspectives on Education: Materiality, Presence and Interpretation

1 January 2014

Karin Priem
  • Public history


1 January 2014

Benoît Majerus
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Serge Abiteboul, au cœur des données

Serge Abiteboul, au cœur des données

Des bases de données au « data déluge » actuel, Serge Abiteboul se passionne depuis plus de trente ans pour un domaine qui ne cesse d’évoluer et de nous confronter à de nouveaux défis, techniques, mais aussi sociétaux. Il a reçu en 2013 le prix Milner de la Royal Society et vient d’achever le projet Webdam sur la gestion des données, pour lequel il avait été lauréat en 2008 d’une bourse ERC.

1 January 2014

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
AXES-RESEARCH — A user-oriented tool for enhanced multimodal search and retrieval in audiovisual libraries

AXES-RESEARCH — A user-oriented tool for enhanced multimodal search and retrieval in audiovisual libraries

AXES, Access for Audiovisual Archives, is a research project developing tools for new engaging ways to interact with audiovisual libraries, integrating advanced audio and video analysis technologies. The presented prototype is targeted at academic researchers and journalists. The tool allows them to search and retrieve video segments through metadata, audio analysis, as well as visual concepts and similarity searches. Presented here is a user-based vision on the research-oriented tool provided by AXES.

1 January 2014

Max Kemman
  • Digital history & historiography
‘Voor ik vergeet’. Spinvis en het potentieel van reflexieve technostalgie

‘Voor ik vergeet’. Spinvis en het potentieel van reflexieve technostalgie

1 January 2014

Tim van der Heijden
  • Digital history & historiography
Book review. Menno Spierling and Michael Wintle (eds), European Identity and the Second World War

Book review. Menno Spierling and Michael Wintle (eds), European Identity and the Second World War

1 January 2014

Machteld Venken
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
