Le relations belgo-luxembourgeoises: une mise en perspective historique

Le relations belgo-luxembourgeoises: une mise en perspective historique

5 February 2020

Christoph Brüll
Denis Scuto an Dr. Gerben Zaagsma iwwer den FORUM Z Holocaust: History and Memory

Denis Scuto an Dr. Gerben Zaagsma iwwer den FORUM Z Holocaust: History and Memory

Déi zwee Historiker erzielen iwwer den FORUM Z, organiséiert vum C2DH, deen haut iwwer den Theema Holocaust: History and Memory, geet. De Forum zu Mondorf an der Orangerie vum Thermalbad ass agedeelt an dräi Deeler: 1. The Holocaust and Jewish life in Luxembourg: filling the gaps 2. Holocaust research in the digital age 3. Combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe

5 February 2020

Gerben Zaagsma, Denis Scuto
  • Digital history & historiography
Roundtable - Combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe

Roundtable - Combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe

Roundtable Combating anti-Semitism in contemporary Europe What is the state of anti-Semitism in Europe, and Luxembourg, today? How can it be situated within the broader context of rising hate speech and crime, online and offline? What methods are being proposed to combat it? How does it relate to politics and the broader memory battles that are being fought in Europe today? These will be the themes addressed during a round table discussion with the following participants:

5 February 2020

Gerben Zaagsma
  • Digital history & historiography
A steely backbone

A steely backbone

Through the steel industry (developed since early 19th century), Luxembourg manages to join the great po­litical circuit, to insert itself as a founding member of the institutions (and to) defend and promote its national interests

4 February 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Christof Schöch lectures on the Use and Abuse of Word Embedding

Christof Schöch lectures on the Use and Abuse of Word Embedding

A blog post reporting on a lecture about the use of word embeddings in humanities.

2 February 2020

Ekaterina Kamlovskaya
Une juste présence du passé?

Une juste présence du passé?

1 February 2020

Denis Scuto
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Vom nation building zum nation branding: eine kurze Geschichte der Kulturpolitik in Luxemburg seit der Nachkriegszeit

Vom nation building zum nation branding: eine kurze Geschichte der Kulturpolitik in Luxemburg seit der Nachkriegszeit

1 February 2020

Fabio Spirinelli
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
"'Katholisches Milieu' und 'Stunde Null'? Brüche und Kontinuitäten im Aachen der Nachkriegszeit im Spiegel von Biographien

"'Katholisches Milieu' und 'Stunde Null'? Brüche und Kontinuitäten im Aachen der Nachkriegszeit im Spiegel von Biographien

30 January 2020

Werner Tschacher
  • Public history
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
Taxing intangible assets in Europe

Taxing intangible assets in Europe

The globalisation of the digital economy is indicative of a changing multidimensional paradigm driven by a number of factors: the primacy of intangible assets in value creation; a growing transnational and international dimension in the production and consumption of goods and services; the transition from human labour to artificial intelligence; the increasing dominance of networks of stakeholders over individual players; the emergence of new forms of sharing, creation, collaboration and innovation; and the need to harmonise rules, standards and policies (including in the area of taxation)

29 January 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The new digital responsibility – or what is data-ethics?

The new digital responsibility – or what is data-ethics?

29 January 2020

Thomas Durlacher
  • Digital history & historiography
“If we think small, we stay small” - Analysis of the interview with Viviane Reding

“If we think small, we stay small” - Analysis of the interview with Viviane Reding

In the line of women who have helped build Europe, Luxembourg’s Viviane Reding (born on 27 April 1951 in Esch-sur-Alzette) is a key figure. After her studies, including a PhD in Human Science at Paris Sorbonne University, she worked as a journalist at the Luxemburger Wort for more than 20 years and chaired the Luxembourg Union of Journalists.

29 January 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
De quoi l’histoire du Web fait-elle l’histoire ?

De quoi l’histoire du Web fait-elle l’histoire ?

Si les historien-ne-s se sont d’abord intéressé-es à l’histoire d’Internet avant celle du World Wide Web, la recherche dédiée au Web s’est développée ces dernières années, en lien avec un intérêt croissant pour les usages et les cultures numériques. Les archives du Web ont également contribué à stimuler l’intérêt pour la Toile et cette intervention se propose de revenir sur ces jalons historiographiques récents et majeurs.

27 January 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
L'archive sera médiée ou ne sera pas

L'archive sera médiée ou ne sera pas

Intervention dans le cadre de la thématique Avenir de l'archive sur IA, archives et place des archivistes, bibliothécaires et documentalistes dans ces évolutions.

23 January 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Reinforcing the social dimension of Europe

Reinforcing the social dimension of Europe

On 20 January 2020, the inauguration of EDIC University of Luxembourg was followed, at the Maison des Arts et des Etudiants in Esch-Belval, by a public debate – a “Citizens' Dialogue” - with Nicolas Schmit, the EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, moderated by Elena Danescu.

20 January 2020

Elena Danescu
  • Contemporary history of Europe
Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien": Folge 1 "2x50 Jahre Geschichte Ostbelgiens"

Radio-Feature "100 Jahre Ostbelgien": Folge 1 "2x50 Jahre Geschichte Ostbelgiens"

In einer achtteiligen Reihe setzen sich die beiden Historiker Christoph Brüll und Andreas Fickers im BRF mit "100 Jahre Ostbelgien" auseinander. Zum Auftakt ihrer Serie würdigen sie die Pionierleistung der früheren BHF-Journalisten Peter Thomas und Hubert Jenniges. Sie hatten zu Beginn der 1970er Jahre die Sendereihe "50 Jahre Geschichte der Ostkantone" erstellt. Fickers und Brüll nennen ihre erste Episode denn auch "Zweimal 50 Jahre Ostbelgien".

15 January 2020

Andreas Fickers, Christoph Brüll
Computers and Computing in Society

Computers and Computing in Society

This review essay aims to highlight some of these recent trends within the history of computing and information technology through the consideration of three recently published books : 1/ Frank Bösch (Ed.) 2018. Wege in die Gesellschaft. Computernutzung in der Bundesrepublik (1955–1990). Geschichte der Gegenwart, Bd. 20. Göttingen: Wallstein, geb.; 2/ Marie Hicks 2017. Programmed Inequality. How Britain Discarded Women Technologists and Lost Its Edge in Computing. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press; 3/ Joy Lisi Rankin 2018. A People’s History of Computing in the United States.

14 January 2020

Valérie Schafer
  • Contemporary history of Europe
The MAXQDA and ethic commitments

The MAXQDA and ethic commitments

The aim of this blogpost is to review data analysis software. None of the qualitative software (nVivo, Atlas.ti, Maxqda, dedoose.) actually "analyse" the data for you in the way that quantitative software does. They are more applicable in systematically organising, coding, annotating, visualising, etc. rather than data analysis. In essence, the analysis is still the user’s burden, and the software only assists in managing and exploring the data.

8 January 2020

Jakub Bronec
  • Contemporary history of Luxembourg
  • Contemporary history of Europe
  • Digital history & historiography
Punched Cards in Accounting at Helena Rubinstein

Punched Cards in Accounting at Helena Rubinstein

Placing the design and use of computing devices into a broader context, I focus on the societal, business, and labour developments at the basis of new computer models. One of five carefully selected case studies considers the use of Powers-Samas and later I.C.T. punched card equipment in accounting at the Helena Rubinstein make-up concern in London during the 1950s. For each case my research looks into changes in occupations after the introduction of new computer models, as well as its influence on the work space and workflow of employees.

8 January 2020

Sytze Van Herck
  • Digital history & historiography
Commemorating the Great War on Twitter

Commemorating the Great War on Twitter

This presentation summarises the results of the project #ww1 - the Centenary of the Great War on Twitter, but also details its methodological challenges.

7 January 2020

Frédéric Clavert
Review: Angela Griessenböck, Von Heilung, Pflege und Verwahrung. Zur Geschichte der Landesirrenanstalt in Hall in Tirol und ihrer Patientinnen und Patienten (1882–1918)

Review: Angela Griessenböck, Von Heilung, Pflege und Verwahrung. Zur Geschichte der Landesirrenanstalt in Hall in Tirol und ihrer Patientinnen und Patienten (1882–1918)

1 January 2020

Benoît Majerus
