Contemporary history of Europe

Du rapport Werner au rapport Delors

Economic and Monetary Union is currently at a crossroads, and the crisis it is facing will have major consequences both for the future of European integration and for Europe’s role in the world. In a bid to shed new light on the development of Europe’s model of economic and monetary integration, the CVCE is using its research project on the achievements of Pierre Werner to explore the origins and development of the euro as prefigured in the Werner Report and to analyse the Werner Report in the context of the current challenges facing Economic and Monetary Union. This project is based on the CVCE’s thorough exploration of the Pierre Werner family archives, to which it has been granted privileged access. The results of the Centre’s research have been published on the CVCE site in the form a digital research corpus entitled ‘A rereading of the Werner Report of 8 October 1970 in the light of the Pierre Werner family archives’.

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