Contemporary history of Europe
Europe is a term that can be given multiple, contradictory definitions which encapsulate complex and important issues. Starting from the contemporary era, the C²DH endeavours to investigate the limits and scope of this term, reflecting on its frequently shifting borders and boundaries, whether geographical, chronological or symbolic.

Bridges are often symbolically used to refer to a Europe that creates links between peoples and nations. The iconic “Red Bridge” in Luxembourg demonstrates the complexity of this image: funded by the reparations paid by Germany after the Second World War, it links the old city with the European institutions, for which the people of Luxembourg have somewhat mixed feelings. As a metaphor for a society undergoing rapid demographic, economic and social change, it encourages reflection on the place of Luxembourg and its people in Europe and the world.
Photo by Fiischen (Own work) [CC BY-SA 3.0 lu (], via Wikimedia Commons.