
27 May 2023

written by :
Elena Danescu, François Klein

Mapping the Role of Women in Luxembourg Post-War Diplomacy through the Lens of Oral History


25 May 2023

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Exploring the History of Digital History: Setting an Agenda


15 May 2023

written by :
Elena Danescu

L’Union européenne face à la situation des Droits de l’Homme dans le monde actuel


11 May 2023

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Surprising Sources


11 May 2023

written by :
Carmen Noguera

Can Social Media help reconnect with the past? The case of


10 May 2023

written by :
Gerben Zaagsma

Presentation & discussion meeting Dutch Association for Information Professionals (KNVI)

Robert Schuman. De Clausen à l’Europe: Sur les traces d’un Européen convaincu

9 May 2023

written by :
Marco Gabellini, Victoria Mouton

Robert Schuman. De Clausen à l’Europe: Sur les traces d’un Européen convaincu

Revivez les moments clés de la vie de Robert Schuman à travers une vidéo inédite.

8 May 2023

written by :
Elena Danescu

Completing Economic and Monetary Union: Challenges and Prospects

Interdisciplinary conference: Women’s narratives and European integration history

4 May 2023

written by :
Elena Danescu

Interdisciplinary conference: Women’s narratives and European integration history

This conference, held on 20-21 April 2023, explored women's role in the European project launched after the Second World War.

4 May 2023

written by :
Elena Danescu

Robert Schuman et sa déclaration pour l’Europe (9 mai 1950): Histoire, actualité et perspectives


4 May 2023

written by :
Andreas Fickers

History as 'retrospective prediction'? On the limits of predicting the future by learning from the past


27 April 2023

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Pourquoi les femmes ont quitté l'informatique et pourquoi ce n’est pas une fatalité…


23 April 2023

written by :
Elena Danescu

Preserving memory, sharing history: Luxembourg and the Schuman Declaration of 9 May 1950

Portes ouvertes à la Maison Schuman

18 April 2023

Portes ouvertes à la Maison Schuman

Oppen Dieren - Open Day.

17 April 2023

written by :
Andreas Fickers

Minett-Stories : A Transmedia Storytelling Project

Surprising sources

13 April 2023

Surprising sources

A "Tensions of Europe" (ToE) remote conference.

5 April 2023

written by :
Fred Pailler, Valérie Schafer

Harlem Shake à la BnF … À la recherche d’un phénomène viral dans les archives du Web


1 April 2023

written by :
Valérie Schafer

Abstractions and Embodiments: New Histories of Computing and Society ed. by Janet Abbate and Stephanie Dick (review)


1 April 2023

written by :
Valérie Schafer, Matthias Höfer, Carmen Noguera

Women, Gender and Computing

Global tax chains: Actors and practices of global capitalism in the second half of the 20th century

31 March 2023

written by :
Benoît Majerus

Global tax chains: Actors and practices of global capitalism in the second half of the 20th century

Workshop on 18-19 January 2024 at the Centre Marc Bloch in Berlin, co-organised with the C²DH. Deadline: 31 May 2023.
