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Teaching and training

Florentina Armaselu

Introduction to Computational Text Analysis and Text Interpretation, Winter semester 2020-2021, BA course, BCE, University of Luxembourg

Introduction to Computational Text Analysis and Text Interpretation, Winter semester 2021-2022, BA course, BCE, University of Luxembourg

"Zoomable Text and the Metaphor of Scale in Digital Humanities", lecture, TNT (Third Numerical Thursday) Lecture Series, Université catholique de Louvain, 24 November 2021

Christoph Brüll

Europäische Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts, BA course, University of Luxembourg

History of Cross-Border Cooperation, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Histoire de l'Allemagne, MA course, University of Liège

Introduction to contemporary history I (Basics in historical methods, concepts, fields), Internal C²DH training course

Introduction to contemporary history II (How do historians work in the 21st century), Internal C²DH training course

Suzana Cascao

Tutorat for Semester 1 and 4 students, Winter Semester 2021/22 (Module 1 – (De)coding European History), University of Luxembourg

Thomas Cauvin

Introduction to Public History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

History Seminar, Introduction to Public History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Frédéric Clavert

Les résistances à l'Europe, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Technologie, réseaux et organisation du continent européen, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Histoire de l'Europe au XXe siècle, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Elena Danescu

Histoire de la construction européenne, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Histoire économique et sociale de l'Europe après 1945 - concepts, processus, acteurs, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Transitions démocratique en Europe centrale et orientale: histoire, mémoir(s), défis, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Luxembourg et l’intégration européenne- 1945-2021, course at the Institut national d'Administration publiques, Luxembourg

Romania and Luxembourg – Connecting Memory, Sharing History - Intervention dans une séance du MA en European Governance, University of Luxembourg

The origins of European idea -  Interventions (2 séances) prganisées conjointement pas the University of Coimbra (Portugal), the University of Göttingen (Germany), the University of Vigo (Spain) and Universiy of Iasi (Romania) (22 and 29 May 2021)

Master Thesis Supervision, « Les petits États dans les transitions hégémoniques. Étude de cas : Le Luxembourg dans les dynamismes mondiaux » - Student Kim Meyers, MAHEC, University of Luxembourg (Defence on 18 November 2021)

Master Thesis Supervision, “ Et si la C.E.C.A. ne s’était pas installée à Luxembourg?. De la portée historique d’un événement surprise » - Student Alvin Sold, MAHEC, University of Luxembourg (Defence on 25 August 2021)

Master Thesis Supervision, “Approaching anti-money laundering from historical perspective: from the 1st anti-money laundering directive to Luxembourg” – Student Ioana Turdean, MAHEC, University of Luxembourg (Defence on 21 July 2021)

Master Thesis Supervision, « Le potentiel d’un Office transméditerranéen pour la Jeunesse » - étudiante Mariam Pakao [Matricule 2573159 – Master en Études franco-allemandes - Communication et coopération transfrontalières (MADFS)]. Co-tutelle avec Prof.Markus Messling, Université de Saarbrück (1st Februay 2021)

Maxime Derian

Intervention dans une séance de "Working class heroes? How to write historical biographies", MA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance  de "Individual and Collective Reasoning Group (ICR)", séminaire du Prof. Dr. Leon van der Torre (ILIAS- DCS- SnT), University of Luxembourg

Othmane Djebbar

Tutorat for Semester 1 and 4 students, Winter Semester 2021/22 (Module 1 – (De)coding European History), University of Luxembourg

Mapping the financial place in Luxembourg, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Marten Düring

Lecture: "What have networks ever done for us?", Graduate seminar at Queen's University Belfast

Lecture: "Introduction to Historical Network Research", Graduate seminar at Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos 

Lecture: "impresso project" at Introduction to Digital History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Cécile Duval

Atelier d'écriture pour historiens, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Participation dans une séance de Transitions démocratiques en Europe centrale et orientale - Histoire, mémoire(s) et défis, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Mapping the financial place in Luxembourg, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Wolfgang Freund

Conférences de méthode sur « L’histoire du XXe et du XXIe siècle : Des dictatures et des démocraties », Institut d’Études Politiques – Sciences Po Paris, Collège universitaire à Nancy

„Techniken wissenschaftlichen Arbeitens am Beispiel der Geschichte des Nationalsozialismus“, Institut d’Études Politiques – Sciences Po Paris, Collège universitaire à Nancy

Thomas Hoppenheit

Tutorat for Semester 1 and 4 students, Winter Semester 2021/22 (Module 1 – (De)coding European History)

Nina Janz

“Biographies of Luxembourgish male and female conscripts in the Wehrmacht and Reichsarbeitsdienst – Research Seminar on studying personal experiences in Luxembourg during the Second World War”, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Stefan Krebs

Working class heroes? How to write historical biographies, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Introduction to contemporary history I (Basics in historical methods, concepts, fields), Internal C²DH training course

Introduction to contemporary history II (How do historians work in the 21st century), Internal C²DH training course

Blandine Landau

Course "Etudes artistiques et médiatiques : la Modernité dans les Arts et les Médias du XIXe siècle à nos jours", BA course, Summer Semester 2021, University of Luxembourg

Summer Course “Artists, Commissioners, Market. Creating during the Middle Ages, a collective history”July 26-30, 2021, Ecole du Louvre (Paris, France)

Lecture "Giving Shape to Otherness - Paintings by Jheronimus Bosch and the "negative self-definition" of the new social elites in 15th century Flanders", MA European History, seminar "Europe and its Others, 15th-18th centuries", University of Luxembourg

Benoît Majerus

Histoire de bulles, BA course, University of Luxembourg

Maladies mentales et sociétés (19e-20e siècles), MA course, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris

Mapping the financial place in Luxembourg, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Pratiques historiennes et métiers de l'histoire, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Victoria Mouton

Intervention dans une séance de Mapping the financial place in Luxembourg, MA course (Benoît Majerus), University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Transitions démocratiques en Europe centrale et orientale - Histoire, mémoire(s) et défis, BA course (Elena Danescu), University of Luxembourg

Valérie Schafer

Digital Europe, MA course, 2 semesters, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Introduction to Digital History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Intervention dans une séance de Data Science for Humanities (cours C. Schommer), University of Luxembourg

DET du MAHEC (Master in European Contemporary History)

Adelina Stefan

Consumption, Consumer Culture and Identities in Contemporary Europe, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Machteld Venken

Contemporary Migration History, MA course, University of Luxembourg

East Meets West. Encounters and Convergences in (Post-) Cold War Europe, MA course, University of Luxembourg

History of Cross-Border Cooperation, MA course, University of Luxembourg

Lorella Viola

Seminar `Topic modelling (theory) and getting started with Topic Modelling with MALLET', MA course 'Introduction to Digital History', University of Luxembourg

Seminar `Chroniclitaly and DeXTER: Digital Humanities to challenge archival silences', Radboud Institute for Culture and History - Special Session on Digital Humanities, Radboud University

Lecture `Make Italy great again - Trump’s echo and discursive manipulations in Salvini’s 2018 end of the year Facebook speech', BA The Psychology of Ethnic Relations, Utrecht University College

Workshop `DEXTER: Digital Humanities to challenge archival silences’. Digital Heritage Workshop Series. Digital Humanities Hub, Lancaster University

Seminar `From digitised sources to digital data: Behind the scenes of (critically) enriching a digital heritage collection', Research Seminar series, C2DH, University of Luxembourg

Gerben Zaagsma

Introduction to Digital History, MA course, Winter Semester 2020, University of Luxembourg

Beyond the Diary of Anne Frank: Egodocuments and the Construction of Holocaust Memory, MA course, Winter Semester 2020, University of Luxembourg

Winter School in Digital History, MA course, Summer Semester 2021, University of Luxembourg

Music and Contemporary History, BA course, Summer Semester 2021, University of Luxembourg

Introduction to Digital History (Basics in Digital History), Internal C²DH training course