Books, Articles, Dissertations and Theses


Dissertations and Theses


Jury: Fischer, N. (Promotor)

Doctoral Thesis

Richter, D. (2019). Zeitreisen. Untersuchung der Geschichtsvermittlung mit virtuellen Realitäten. Die Potentiale, Grenzen und Probleme. Unpublished master thesis, Free University of Berlin, ​Berlin, ​​Germany.

Jury: Lücke, M. (Promotor)

Bachelor’s/Master’s Dissertation



Scuto, D. (2019). Une histoire contemporaine du Luxembourg en 70 chroniques. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Fondation Robert Krieps/Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C2DH) avec l’appui de la Fondation Lydie Schmit.

As unique author

Fernandez Soriano, V. (2019). Melina Mercouri. Una fiera en libertad. Madrid, Spain: El País.

As unique author

Danescu, E. (2019). Pierre Werner and Europe: The Family Archives Behind the Werner Report. Foreword by Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, and Foreword by Professor Harold James (Princeton University). Oxford, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan.

As unique author

Musiani, F., Paloque-Bergès, C., Schafer, V., & Thierry, B. (2019). Qu’est-ce qu’une archive du Web? Marseille, France: OpenEdition Press.

In collaboration

Fickers, A., & Griset, P. (2019). Communicating Europe. Technologies, Information, Events. London: Palgrave MacMillan.

In collaboration

Schafer, V., Blandin, C., & Robinet, F. (Eds.). (2019). Penser l’histoire des Médias. Paris, France: CNRS Editions.

Director and/or editor of collective works

Paloque-Bergès, C., & Schafer, V. (Eds.). (2019). Arpanet (1969-2019). Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, 3(1).

Director and/or editor of collective works

Fickers, A., Franz, N., & Laux, S. (Eds.). (2019). Repression, Reform und Neuordnung im Zeitalter der Revolution. Die Folgen des Wiener Kongresses für Westeuropa. Berlin: Peter Lang.

Director and/or editor of collective works

Hendel, G., Naggar, C., & Priem, K. (Eds.). (2019). They Did not Stop at Eboli: The UNESCO Campaign Against Illiteracy in Reportages by David Seymour and Carlo Levi (1950) (Appearances: Studies in Visual Research). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.

Director and/or editor of collective works

Lejeune, C., Brüll, C., & Quadflieg, P. M. (Eds.). (2019). Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens. Vol. 4: Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz Echo Verlag.

Director and/or editor of collective works

Priem, K., & Herman, F. (Eds.). (2019). Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies and Minds in the Age of Steel. Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Director and/or editor of collective works

Viola, L., & Musolff, A. (Eds.). (2019). Migration and Media: Discourses about identities in crisis. John Benjamins.

Director and/or editor of collective works

Articles and Book Chapters

Articles in Journals with Committee

Burton, J. (2019). A Coordinated Europeanization of the Comics Industry through Distribution: The Politics of the Global Journey of Astérix and Tintin through the Strategic Distribution of their Magazines and Contents in the 1960s. On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture, 8(Winter).

Article in Journals with Committee

Danescu, E. (2019, December). Challenges in completing EMU: asymmetric competition vs fiscal harmonisation. A case study of the Benelux countries. Journal of Contemporary European Research [=JCER].

Article in Journals with Committee

Armaselu, F., Danescu, E., & Klein, F. (2019, May 28). Oral History and Linguistic Analysis. A Study in Digital and Contemporary European History. Linköping Electronic Conference Proceedings, (159), 13.

Article in Journals with Committee

Schafer, V., Truc, G., Badouard, R., Castex, L., & Musiani, F. (2019, April 03). Paris and Nice terrorist attacks: Exploring Twitter and web archives. Media, War and Conflict, 1-18.

Article in Journals with Committee

Dablanc, L., & Schafer, V. (2019). Edito Varia. Flux: Cahiers Scientifiques Internationaux Réseaux et Territoires, 115(1), 82.

Article in Journals with Committee

Clavert, F., & Schafer, V. (2019). Les humanités numériques, un enjeu historique. Quaderni, 98.

Article in Journals with Committee

Schafer, V. (2019). De la Wayback Machine à la bibliothèque : les différentes saveurs des archives du Web … La gazette des archives, 253(1).

Article in Journals with Committee

Paravantis, S. (2019, January 18). A Tale of Two Referenda: The Greek Plebiscite of 1946 and the Referendum of July 2015. European Review of History.

Article in Journals with Committee

Boretska, V. (2019). Johnny and Ivan learning in a programmed way: The reinvention of one American technology. IJHE Bildungsgeschichte, 9(1), 29-46.

Article in Journals with Committee

Paloque-Bergès, C., & Schafer, V. (2019). Arpanet (1969-2019). Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society, 3(1), 1-14.

Article in Journals with Committee

Schafer, V., Cooper, S., & Paloque-Bergès, C. (2019, January). Back to the roots of ARPANET and Internet history with Alexandre Serres. Internet Histories: Digital Technology, Culture and Society.

Article in Journals with Committee

Bronec, J. (2019). Transmission of Collective Memory and Jewish Identity in Postwar Jewish Generations through War Souvenirs. Heritage.

Article in Journals with Committee

Bronec, J. (2019). XVII. ročník setkání historikù a příznivců orální historie na hradě Sovinci. Marginalia Historica : Časopis pro Dějiny Vzdělanosti a Kultury, 5(1), 245.

Article in Journals with Committee

Bronec, J. (2019). Židovský skauting během 2. světové války a v poválečném období v Československu a Francii. Marginalia Historica, 9(2).

Article in Journals with Committee

Clavert, F. (2019). Le goût de l’API. La gazette des Archives, 2019-1(253).

Article in Journals with Committee

Clavert, F.* , & Muller, C.* . (2019). Le goût de l’archive à l’ère numérique. La gazette des Archives, 2019-1(253).

* These authors have contributed equally to this work.

Article in Journals with Committee

Fickers, A., Snickars, P., & Williams, M. (2019). Audiovisual Data in Digital Humanities. VIEW Journal of European Television History and Culture, 7(14), 1-4.

Article in Journals with Committee

Harnoncourt, J. (2019). Trabalho Escravo im Amazonasgebiet: Peripherisierung, unfreie Arbeit und Weltmarkt. Zeitschrift für Weltgeschichte.

Article in Journals with Committee

Herman, F., & Priem, K. (2019). Images of Industrial Life and Vocational Training: Scouting as a Liminal Space for Educating a Workers’ Elite in 1920s Luxembourg. History of Education.

Article in Journals with Committee

Hochscherf, T., Legay, R., & Wagner, H. (2019). Radio beyond Boundaries: An Introduction. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 39(3), 431-438.

Article in Journals with Committee

Legay, R. (2019). Across the Waves: How the United States and France shaped the International Age of Radio (book review). Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 39(4).

Article in Journals with Committee

Legay, R., & Lucchesi, A. (2019). Learning by Doing: Introducing Students to Public History through Digital Projects. International Public History, 2(1).

Article in Journals with Committee

Majerus, B. (2019). A chemical revolution as seen from below. The “discovery” of neuroleptics in the Paris of the 1950s. Social History of Medicine, 32(2), 395–413.

Article in Journals with Committee

Majerus, B., & Bernardo Y Garcia, L. A. (2019). Des temps d’occupations et de sorties de guerre. Journal of Belgian History, XLIX(2-3), 177–181.

Article in Journals with Committee

Moreau, S. (2019). Du local à l’international. Jalons pour une sociographie des dirigeants sportifs: Polignac, Kriegk, Daugé: trois trajectoires rémoises (années 1900-1960). STAPS: Revue Internationale des Sciences du Sport et de l’Education Physique, (3), 123-138.

Article in Journals with Committee

Priem, K., & Fendler, L. (2019). Shifting Epistemologies for Discipline and Rigour in Educational Research: Challenges and Opportunities from Digital Humanities. European Educational Research Journal.

Article in Journals with Committee

Schafer, V. (2019). Du grand secret à la “défaite de l’Internet”. Histoire et Informatique, 20, 23-40.

Article in Journals with Committee

van de Maele, J. (2019). From Bentham to Guadet: ‘Auditory visibility’ in nineteenth-century theories on government offices. International Journal for History, Culture and Modernity, 7, 673-685.

Article in Journals with Committee

van Herck, S. (2019). Visualizing Gender Balance in Conferences. Umanistica Digitale, (5), 91-105.

Article in Journals with Committee

Venken, M. (2019). Форум: В поисках детской субъектности. Forum for Anthropology and Culture, 42, 9-106.

Article in Journals with Committee

Viola, L. (2019). From linguistic innovation to language change: a corpus-based investigation of the response marker non c’è problema. Revue Romane.

Article in Journals with Committee

Viola, L., & Verheul, J. (2019). The media construction of Italian identity: A transatlantic, digital humanities analysis of italianità, ethnicity, and whiteness, 1880-1920. Identity.

Article in Journals with Committee

Viola, L., & Verheul, J. (2019). Mining ethnicity: Discourse-driven topic modelling of immigrant discourses in the USA, 1898-1920. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.

Article in Journals with Committee

Articles in Journals without Committee

Birkholz, J., Zaagsma, G., Zaagsma, G. (Crit. Ed.), & Birkholz, J. (Crit. Ed.). (2019). Introduction: Integrating Digital Humanities. DH Benelux Journal, 1.

Article in Journals without Committee

Articles in Conference Proceedings

Morse, C., Koenig, V., Lallemand, C., & Wieneke, L. (2019). Art in Rich-Prospect: Evaluating Next-Generation User Interfaces for Cultural Heritage. In C., Morse, V., Koenig, C., Lallemand, & L., Wieneke, MW2019: Museums and the Web, Boston 2-6 April 2019.

Article in Conference Proceedings

Bronec, J. (2019). Transmission of Collective Memory nad Jewish Identity in Postwar Jewish Generations through War Souvenirs. International 26th annual CIDOC - ICOM Conference in 2018.

Article in Conference Proceedings

Brüll, C. (2019). Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb et les Belges germanophones: contribution à l’histoire des relations entre P.S.C. et C.S.P. In P., Annaert, C., Lanneau, & V., Dujardin (Eds.), Charles-Ferdinand Nothomb. Une homme d’Etat, une époque. Actes du colloque tenu à Saint-Hubert le 10 juin 2016 (pp. 87-98). Brussels, Belgium: Archives générales du Royaume.

Article in Conference Proceedings

Venken, M., Fellner, A., Dorfman, A., Laine, J., Meier, D., Trautmann, L., Tripathi, D., & Zeller, W. (2019). Border-Making and its Consequences: A Global Overview. Eurasia Border Review, 10(1), 59-69.

Article in Conference Proceedings

Book Chapters

Danescu, E. (2019). Luxembourg: A Country Survey. In C., Hartley (Ed.), Western Europe 2020 (22nd edition). London, United Kingdom: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Zaagsma, G. (2019). Tracing the ‘Jewish Freedom Fighter’. The legacy of Naftali Botwin and the construction of a transnational cult of Jewish heroes. In E., Balázs & C., Royer (Eds.), Le Culte des héros en Europe centrale 1880-1945 (pp. 138-163). Paris, France: Eur’Orbem Éditions - Paris Sorbonne.

Book Chapter

Lafontaine, A. (2019). L’adhésion du Grand-Duché à l’Organisation du Traité de l’Atlantique Nord. In M., Pauly, M.-P., Jungblut, & C., Frieseisen (Eds.), La volonté de la Chambre qui est la volonté du pays : Un florilège de débats parlementaires luxembourgeois (1848-2008) (pp. 348-367). Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Chambre des Députés.

Book Chapter

Scuto, D. (2019). La loi du 9 mars 1940 sur l’indigénat luxembourgeois. Contexte, travaux préalables, débats parlementaires, héritages. In C., Frieseisen, M.-P., Jungblut, & M., Pauly, La volonté de la Chambre qui est la volonté du pays (Eugène Schaus, 22/11/1966. Un florilège de débats parlementaires (pp. 422-450). Chambre des Députés Grand-Duché de Luxembourg.

Book Chapter

Paravantis, S. (2019). Their ‘Apple of Discord’ or the Apple of Their Eye: How the British Secured Eastern Mediterranean and Western European Security, 1947-1948. In D., Kamouzis & A., Nafpliotis (Eds.), Αnglo-Hellenic relations in the 20th Century (pp. 120-156). Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books.

Book Chapter

Clavert, F., & Schafer, V. (2019). Chercher sur, autour et avec le numérique. In C., Blandin, F., Robinet, & V., Schafer (Eds.), Penser l’histoire des médias (pp. 233-242). Paris, France: CNRS Editions.

Book Chapter

Schafer, V. (2019). Naviguer dans la Toile du passé. In S., Lamassé & G., Bonnot (Eds.), Dans les dédales du Web. Historiens en territoires numériques (pp. 33-46). Paris, France: Editions de la Sorbonne.

Book Chapter

Schafer, V. (2019). Exploring the “French Web” of the 1990s. In N., Brügger & D., Laursen (Ed.), The Historical Web and Digital Humanities: The Case of National Web Domains. Routledge.

Book Chapter

Fritz, V. (2019). La légitimité des “juges-experts” de la Cour européenne de Justice 1952 - 1972. In V., ALBE, J., COMMAILLE, & F., LE BOT (Eds.), L’échelle des régulations politiques, XVIIIe - XXIe siècles (pp. 143 - 154). France: Septentrion.

Book Chapter

Beck, P., Brüll, C., & Quadflieg, P. M. (2019). Weltkriege in der Region. Militärdienst und Kriegserfahrungen als Lebenserfahrung. In C., Lejeune, C., Brüll, & P. M., Quadflieg (Eds.), Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens. vol. 4: Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945) (pp. 140-169). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz echo Verlag.

Book Chapter

Brüll, C. (2019). Vom Dazwischen-Sein. Eupen-Malmedy in den deutsch-belgischen Beziehungen 1918-1949. In C., Lejeune, C., Brüll, & P. M., Quadflieg (Eds.), Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens. Vol. 4: Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945) (pp. 64-85). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz Echo Verlag.

Book Chapter

Brüll, C., & Kontny, J. (2019). Eupen-Malmedy im europäischen Vergleich. Minderheiten als Problem der europäischen Politik in der Zwischenkriegszeit. In P. M., Quadflieg, C., Lejeune (Ed.), & C., Brüll (Ed.), Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens. Vol. 4: Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945) (pp. 40-63). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz Echo Verlag.

Book Chapter

Brüll, C., & Lejeune, C. (2019). Brüche und Krisen im Vergleich. Ein anderer Blick auf die Übergänge in der Regionalgeschichte. In C., Lejeune, C., Brüll, & P. M., Quadflieg (Eds.), Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens. vol. 4: Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945) (pp. 170-187). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz Echo Verlag.

Book Chapter

Brüll, C., & Lejeune, C. (2019). Geschichtsschreibung als Spiegel des Zeitgeists. Von der Vereinnahmung der Geschichte zur Europäisierung der Erinnerungskultur. In C., Lejeune, C., Brüll, & P. M., Quadflieg (Eds.), Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens. vol. 4: Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945) (pp. 366-391). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz Echo Verlag.

Book Chapter

Fickers, A. (2019). “Hybrid Histories”: per una collocazione critica della storia dei media. In C., Cornelissen & G., D’Ottavio (Eds.), Germania e Italia. Sguardi incrociati sulla storiografia (pp. 145-170). Bologna, Italy: Il Mulino.

Book Chapter

Fickers, A., & Brüll, C. (2019). Ein Experiment kollektiver Gewissensprüfung. Situativer Opportunismus und kumulative Heroisierung. In P. M., Quadflieg, C., Lejeune (Ed.), & C., Brüll (Ed.), Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens. Vol. 4: Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945) (pp. 8-39). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz Echo Verlag.

Book Chapter

Fickers, A., Franz, N., & Laux, S. (2019). Die Folgen des Wiener Kongresses für Westeuropa - eine Einleitung. In S., Laux, A., Fickers (Ed.), & N., Franz (Ed.), Repression, Reform und Neuordnung im Zeitalter der Revolutionen. Die Folgen des Wiener Kongresses für Westeuropa (pp. 11-26). Berlin: Peter Lang.

Book Chapter

Fickers, A., & Van den Oever, A. (2019). (De)Habituation Histories: How to Re-Sensitize Media Historians. In N., Hall & J., Ellis (Eds.), Hands-On Media History: A New Methodology in the Humanities and Social Sciences (pp. 58-75). London: Routledge.

Book Chapter

Griset, P., & Fickers, A. (2019). Technologies de l’information et de la communication dans la longue durée: trajectoires d’innovation et phénomènes de remédiatisation. In C., Blandin, F., Robinet, & V., Schafer (Eds.), Penser l’histoire des médias (pp. 175-182). Paris: CNRS Éditions.

Book Chapter

Herman, F., & Priem, K. (2019). The Eye of the Machine: Labor Sciences and the Mechanical Registration of the Human Body. In K., Priem & F., Herman, Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies, and Minds in the Age of Steel (pp. 138-166). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Book Chapter

Majerus, B. (2019). Histoire(s) dans “Superjhemp”. De Superjhemp ënnert dem Röntgenbléck (pp. 94–113). Mersch: CNA.

Book Chapter

Mouton, V., Dolderer, W., Lanneau, C., & Müller, T. (2019). Der Blick von außen. Eindrücke aus Flandern, der Wallonie, dem Rheinland und diplomatischen Archiven. In C., Lejeune, C., Brüll, & P. M., Quadflieg (Eds.), Grenzerfahrungen. Eine Geschichte der Deutschsprachigen Gemeinschaft Belgiens. Vol. 4: Staatenwechsel, Identitätskonflikte, Kriegserfahrungen (1919-1945) (pp. 86-123). Eupen, Belgium: Grenz Echo Verlag.

Book Chapter

Priem, K. (2019). David Seymour’s Album on the Fight Against Illiteracy in Calabria as a Tool of Mediatization: Material Traces of Editing and Visual Storytelling. In G., Hendel, C., Naggar, & K., Priem, They Did not Stop at Eboli: The UNESCO Campaign Against Illiteracy in Reportages by David Seymour and Carlo Levi (1950) (Appearances: Studies in Visual Research, pp. 263-274). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.

Book Chapter

Priem, K. (2019). L’album de David Seymour sur la lutte contre l’analphabétisme en Calabre en tant qu’outil de médiatisation : traces matérielles de la rédaction et de la narration. In G., Hendel, C., Naggar, & K., Priem, They Did not Stop at Eboli: The UNESCO Campaign Against Illiteracy in Reportages by David Seymour and Carlo Levi (1950) (pp. 275-287). Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.

Book Chapter

Priem, K. (2019). What Happens When Archives and Research Are Transferred into the Physical Space of a Museum: La forge d’une société moderne and Other Stories. In U., Hägele & I., Ziehe, Populäre Präsentationen. Fotografie und Film als Medien musealer Aneignungsprozesse(pp. 243-249). Münster, Germany: Waxmann.

Book Chapter

Priem, K., & Herman, F. (2019). Introduction. In K., Priem & F., Herman, Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies and Minds in the Age of Steel (pp. 1-32). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Book Chapter

Priem, K., & Herman, F. (2019). “Sensuous Geographies” in the “Age of Steel”: Educating Future Workers’ Bodies in Time and Space (1900–1940). In K., Priem & F., Herman, Fabricating Modern Societies: Education, Bodies, and Minds in the Age of Steel (pp. 111-137). Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill.

Book Chapter

Tschacher, W. (2019). Mit dem Teufel im Bunde. Verschwörungstheorien im hohen und späten Mittelalter. In Stiftung Kloster Dalheim. LWL Landesmuseum für Klosterkultur (Ed.), Verschwörungstheorien – früher und heute. Katalog zur Sonderausstellung der Stiftung Kloster Dalheim. LWL Landesmuseum für Klosterkultur, 18. Mai 2019 bis 22. März 2020 (pp. 30-36). Münster: Ardey Verlag.

Book Chapter

Tschacher, W. (2019). Zäsur und “Stunde Null”? Personelle Brüche und Kontinuiäten in Aachen 1933 und 1945. Der Krieg ist aus. Politik, Alltag und Medien in Aachen (pp. 69-79). Aachen, Germany: Museen der Route Charlemagne und der Stadt Aachen.

Book Chapter

van de Maele, J. (2019). Gläserne Zwischenwände für effektive Kontrollen: Das belgische Regierungsbüro in der Zwischenkriegszeit. In G., Bernasconi & S., Nellen (Eds.), Das Büro: Zur Rationalisierung des Interieurs, 1880-1960 (pp. 89-108). Bielefeld: Transcript.

Book Chapter

Viola, L. (2019). Polentone vs terrone: a historical corpus-based analysis of media representation of Italian internal migration. In L., Viola & A., Musolff, Migration and Media: Discourses about identities in crisis (pp. 45-62). John Benjamins.

Book Chapter

Book Reviews

Brüll, C. (2019). Compte rendu de Herbert Ruland, Der Erste Weltkrieg und die Menschen im Vierländerland. Contemporanea, XXXVIII(3).

Book Review

Krebs, S. (2019). Rezension von: Michel Krieps (2017). Die 135 jährige Geschichte der Escher Feuerwehr basierend auf historischen Begebenheiten, 1880-2015. Esch/Alzette: Corps des Sapeurs-Pompiers Volontaires. Hemecht: Zeitschrift für Luxemburger Geschichte, 71(2), 246-247.

Book Review

Moreau, S. (2019). Compte-rendu de l’ouvrage de DUTHEIL F., FORTUNE Y., LEMONNIER J.-M. (2018), Reconstructions physique et sportive en France sous la IVe République (1946-1958). Entre intentions et réalisations. Vingtième Siècle, (2), 190-191.

Book Review

Computer Developments

Viola, L. (2019). ChroniclItaly 2.0. A corpus of Italian American newspapers annotated for entities, 1898-1920.

Textual, Factual or Bibliographical Databases

Viola, L., de bruin, J., van Eijden, K., & Verheul, J. (2019). The GeoNewsMiner (GNM), 1898 – 1920.


Viola, L., de Bruin, J., van Eijden, K., & Verheul, J. (2019). The GeoNewsMiner (GNM): An interactive spatial humanities tool to visualize geographical references in historical newspapers.


Zahlen, P., Duval, C., Danescu, E., Gabellini, M., Mouton, V., Vetter, F., Majerus, B. (Ed.), & Guido, D. (Other coll.). (2019). BGL: L’histoire d’un siècle. Luxembourg, Luxembourg: Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History & BGL BNP Paribas.

Published Reports

Bronec, J. (2019). 8. výroční konference centra vizuální historie malach. Prague, Czech Republic: Charles University.

Research Report

Danescu, E. (Other coll.). (2019). Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM) Annual Report 2019 - “Democracy Facing Global Challenges” (Varieties of Democracy (V-DEM), Report “Democracy Facing Global Challenges” (2019), 2019). Gothenburg, Sweden: V-Dem Institute, the Department of Political Science at the University of Gothenburg.

Expert Report

Scuto, D., & Besch, S. (2019). Report on political participation of mobile EU citizens: Luxembourg. San Domenico di Fiesole (FI), Italy: Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT)/European University Institute.

Expert Report

Harnoncourt, J., Molden, B., & Echivarria, J. (2019). Wahlen und Weichenstellungen in Lateinamerika 2018. Eine Länderspezifische Analyse.

Expert Report

Documents for the General Public

Scuto, D. (2019, December 07). La grande-duchesse Marie-Adélaïde en version non falsifiée. Tageblatt.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, November 23). La naturalisation du prince Félix. Un vote très spécial en 1919. Tageblatt, p. 6.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, November 02). Histoire d’un scandale: La politique du logement au Luxembourg. Tageblatt.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Spirinelli, F. (2019, October 19). L’utilisation politique de l’histoire par le Parlement européen. Tageblatt, p. 4.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, October 05). L’Histoire avec sa grande Hache et la Plume. Tageblatt, p. 6.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Bronec, J. (2019). MUZEUM JAKO CESTA KE SMÍRU: Rozkol současné lucemburské židovské komunity. Roš Chodeš, 81(8), p. 18-19.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, July 06). Nation et migrations au Luxembourg. Tageblatt.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, June 08). Le “Löschenhaus” et l’histoire du vandalisme. Tageblatt.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, May 04). FCK LXB. Tageblatt.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Spirinelli, F. (2019, April 20). Le Centenaire de l’Indépendance en 1939: une célébration dans l’esprit de son époque. Tageblatt, p. 4.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D., & Maas, J. (2019, April 06). La Metzeschmelz, quelle histoire! Tageblatt, p. 2-3.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, March 09). Les premières élections sociales en 1903: une rupture historique. Tageblatt, p. 2.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Ganschow, I., & Montebrusco, L. (2019, March 01). Mal die Sichtweise wechseln. Tageblatt, (51), p. 4-5.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Danescu, E. (2019, February 16). La Roumanie, une synthèse des diversités. Luxemburger Wort.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, February 16). Une double légende fête ses cent ans. Tageblatt.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Scuto, D. (2019, January 19). Qui étaient les putschistes en 1918-19? Tageblatt, p. 3.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Harnoncourt, J. (2019). Vale, das „Juwel Brasiliens“. Dammbruch in Brumadinho. LunaPark21.

Magazine or Newspaper Article

Tatarinov, J. (2019). The Zooniverse and the Historian.

Zaagsma, G., & Wevers, M. (2019). Interview with Dr. Melvin Wevers (KNAW Humanities Cluster, Amsterdam). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).

Zaagsma, G., & Jones, S. E. (2019). Interview with Prof. Dr Steven E. Jones (University of South Florida). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).

Zaagsma, G., & Winters, J. (2019). Interview with Prof. Dr Jane Winters (School of Advanced Study, University of London). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).

Zaagsma, G., & Bodenhamer, D. (2019). Interview with Prof. Dr David Bodenhamer (Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).

Zaagsma, G., & Hitchcock, T. (2019). Interview with Prof. Dr Tim Hitchcock (University of Sussex). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).

Zaagsma, G., & Prescott, A. (2019). Interview with Prof. Dr Andrew Prescott (University of Glasgow). Esch-Belval, Luxembourg: Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH).

Conferences and Unpublished Communications

Communications at Congresses and Symposia

Andersen, E. (2019, December 06). Psychiatric knowledge dissimination at international conferences (1860-1914): ‘those who have the interest of science at heart, don’t distinguish between nationalities’. Paper presented at Australian and New Zealand Society of the History of Medicine Conference (ANZSHM): ‘Beyond Borders: Health and Medicine in Historical Context’, Auckland, New Zealand.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Brüll, C. (2019, November 22). Die Entstehung einer Hauptstadtregion als deutsch-belgische Beziehungsgeschichte. Paper presented at Die Entstehung einer Hauptstadtregion zwischen Köln, Düsseldorf und Brüssel: Die Bonner Republik, Düsseldorf, Germany.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Lambert, D. (2019, November 13). Oral History as a multimedia and multidimensional presentation challenge. Paper presented at 26th Berlin EVA – Conference, Berlin, Germany.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Brüll, C. (2019, November 01). Von Eupen-Malmedy nach Ostbelgien. Eine deutsch-belgische Beziehungsgeschichte seit 1920. Paper presented at „…mit Belgien ist das so eine Sache.“ 5. Workshop des Arbeitskreises Historische Belgienforschung, Eupen, Belgium.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Scuto, D., & Bronec, J. (2019, November). Four Jewish stateless families between the millstones of Luxembourg authorities. Paper presented at Citizenship Until Further Notice, Prague, Czech Republic.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

van Herck, S. (2019, October 27). Rebuilding the Office around the Mainframe: IBM’s S/360 in Context. Paper presented at Exception Error: fatal, illegal, unknown. 11th Annual SIGCIS Conference, Milan, Italy.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Schafer, V. (2019, October 26). Facing parallel inventions: the French telecommunications strategies in the digital field (mid-1950s to mid-1990s). Paper presented at SHOT annual meeting, Milan, Italy.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Spirinelli, F. (2019, October 24). The Occupied Museum. Culture and Science in Luxemburg during the Nazi Occupation, 1940–1944. Paper presented at International Workshop Held on the 80th Anniversary of the Outbreak of WWII, Prague, Czech Republic.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Ganschow, I. (2019, October 18). Russische Immigration nach Luxemburg 1918-1935: Einwanderer aus einem nicht-existierenden Land. Paper presented at Le Luxembourg et la «Grande Région» au sortir de la Première Guerre mondiale/ Luxemburg und die „Großregion“ nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg, Belval (Esch), Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Brüll, C. (2019, October 17). Regards allemands sur le Luxembourg. Paper presented at Le Luxembourg et la “Grande Région” au sortir de la Première Guerre mondiale, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Brüll, C. (2019, October 17). Regards belges sur le Luxembourg 1919-1921. Paper presented at Le Luxembourg et la “Grande Région” au sortir de la Première Guerre mondiale, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Lambert, D. (2019, October 17). Oral History Choices in the Digital Age: An International Perspective. Paper presented at 53rd OHA Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, U.S.A.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

van der Heijden, T., & Tatarinov, J. (2019, October 11). Inside the Trading Zone: Doing Digital Hermeneutics in an Interdisciplinary Setting. Paper presented at Digital Hermeneutics: from Research to Dissemination, Washington DC, United States of America.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Lambert, D. (2019, September 13). Bringing Digital Oral History to Luxembourg. Paper presented at Digital Humanities Benelux, Liège, Belgium.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Biryukov, M., Andersen, E., & Wieneke, L. (2019, September 12). Making sense of non-sense. Tracing topics in a historical corpus on psychiatry facing low OCR quality. Paper presented at Digital Humanities Benelux (DHBenelux), Liège, Belgium.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

van der Heijden, T. (2019, September 12). Digital History as Trading Zone? Reflections from a Doctoral Training Unit. Paper presented at DHBenelux 2019.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Boretska, V. (2019, July 18). Soviet psychologist turned American educational entrepreneur: Lev Landa and “the repatriation” of the theory of programmed learning. Paper presented at 41st International Standing Conference for the History of Education, Porto, Portugal.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Santana, D., & Luciano, A. (2019, July 18). Ties that bind: Unearthing shared treasures between Luxemoburg and Brazil. Paper presented at IAMHIST Conference: Power and the Media, Newcastle, UK.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Danescu, E. (2019, June 29). Technological risks and political challenges: the emergence of Luxembourg’s satellite policy. Paper presented at Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age - the 9th Tensions of Europe Conference, Belval, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Brüll, C. (2019, June 28). Expansion nach Belgien als Verwaltungstätigkeit: der Kölner Beamte Franz Thedieck im NS. Paper presented at Grenzübergreifende Beziehungen zwischen dem Rheinland und Westeuropa während der NS-Zeit, Cologne, Germany.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Schafer, V. (2019, June 27). Opening Remarks / Chair / Program Chair. Paper presented at 9th Tensions of Europe Conference, University of Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Spirinelli, F. (2019, June 27). A small country in a global context: the case of Luxembourg’s cultural policy. Paper presented at 12th Annual Conference of the International Society for Cultural History, Tallinn, Estonia.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Camarda, S., & Scuto, D. (2019, June 26). Récits visuels de la Grande Guerre au Luxembourg : cent ans de manuels d’histoire. Paper presented at Guerres en Images - Images de Guerres : L’illustration des conflits en Europe dans les manuels d’Histoire, Saint-Dié-des-Vosges, France.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Schafer, V. (2019, June 26). History of networks: evolution, issues, challenges. Paper presented at ToE young researchers summer school, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Danescu, E. (2019, June 20). Taxation in Benelux countries. Paper presented at 26th International Conference of Europeanists - “Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe”, Madrid, Spain.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Danescu, E. (2019, June 20). The Werner Report: Principles, Values and Challenges for a Europe Built through Currency. Paper presented at 26th International Conference of Europeanists - “Sovereignties in Contention: Nations, Regions and Citizens in Europe”, Madrid, Spain.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Santana, D. (2019, June 18). Trajectories of Steel – The Making Of A Transnational Migrant Community. Paper presented at The Migration Conference, Bari, Italy.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Bronec, J. (2019, June 01). Židé, identita, domov a rodinné dědictví. Paper presented at Annual Conference at the History & History Didactics Department, Prague, CZ.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Danescu, E. (2019, May 24). Pierre Werner and Luxembourg: A vision for Europe. Paper presented at International Economic Conference of Sibiu - IECS 2019, Sibiu, Romania.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Brüll, C. (2019, April 10). Les résistances belge et luxembourgeoise et leurs conceptions européennes. Paper presented at « Nous nous battons pour une Europe de la paix ». Projets d’Europe dans la résistance allemande et européenne, 1939-1945, Paris, France.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Danescu, E. (2019, April 04). Convergence, concurrence, harmonisation – une analyse comparative de la fiscalité Be-Ne-Lux (1945-1992). Paper presented at “Regards croisés sur la justice fiscale (Xe-XXIe siècle). Égalité ou statuts particuliers ?”, Amiens, France.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Brüll, C. (2019, March 27). Die antikommunistische Propaganda des Bundesministeriums für Gesamtdeutsche Fragen und die westdeutsche Presse in den 1950er Jahren. Paper presented at Geschichte, Personal und Layout: Die Entwicklung deutscher Printmedien seit 1945, Trier, Germany.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Santana, D. (2019, March 14). Making an Archive-Based Historical Web Documentary. Paper presented at FIAT/IFTA Symposium, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Santana, D. (2019, January 25). “A Colônia Luxemburguesa” – Trajectories made of Steel. Paper presented at IAMHIST Symposium 2019, CNA, Dudelange, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Badder, A., & Bronec, J. (2019). Negotiating the past, present, and future: The Luxembourgish Jewish Museum Project as a Process of Contested memory and imagined futures. Paper presented at Urban Jewish Heritage | Presence and Absence, Krakow, Poland.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Harnoncourt, J., & Blecha, L. (2019). Refugee flows inside Latin-America and racist political counteractions. Two case studies from Brazil and Costa Rica. Paper presented at Latin American Studies Association 2019.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Harnoncourt, J., Molden, B., & Echivarria, J. (2019). Mesa Redonda: 2018 - Año de elecciones: Brasil, Colombia y México/ 2018. Paper presented at Mesa Redonda - Austrian Parliament Section.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). Ein binaurales Hörspiel über die Geschichte der akustischen 3D-Aufnahme. Paper presented at Deutsch-französisch-luxemburgisches Doktorandenkolleg „Zeitdiagnosen: Krisen und Aufbrüche“, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). The Development of Repair Businesses in Esch-sur-Alzette. Paper presented at International Conference “Technical Cultures of Repair/Les réparations, de la préhistoire à nos jours. Cultures techniques et savoir-faire”, Paris, France.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). Das Ende der Reparaturarbeit? Paper presented at Workshop des AK Geschichte der Arbeit der GTG, Hamburg, Germany.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). Industry 4.0 or CIM 2.0? Production Engineers and the Perception of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Paper presented at Tensions of Europe Conference “Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age”, Esch-Belval, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). NS-Zwangsarbeit im Raum Aachen. Paper presented at Conference “De la guerre, du charbon et des hommes. Travail forcé et prisonniers de guerre dans les mines de charbon de notre région”, Blégny-Mine, Belgium.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). Producing a binaural radio play on the history of 3D sound recording. Paper presented at IAMHIST symposium “Standing in the Way of White Noise: Preserving Television History”, Dudelange, Luxembourg.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). Questioning the “Decline of Repair Businesses” Narrative: The Case of Luxembourg City and Esch-sur-Alzette. Paper presented at ICOHTEC Symposium, Katowice, Poland.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). A Radio Drama to Tell the History of 3D Recording Technology. Paper presented at SHOT Annual Meeting, Milano, Italy.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). Überlegungen zur Experimentellen Medienarchäologie. Paper presented at Workshop Artefaktanalyse, Weimar, Germany.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Krebs, S. (2019). Wartung und Reparatur als Teil der automobilen Konsumgeschichte, 1920-1980. Paper presented at Workshop AK Verkehrsgeschichte, Wolfsburg, Germany.

Communication at Congresses and Symposia

Presentations at Universities or Research Centres

Fickers, A. (2019, December 02). Digital Public History in Luxemburg. Paper presented at Public History in der Lehre, Bochum, Deutschland.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Lafontaine, A. (2019, November 20). L’administration des postes et des télégraphes : une institution entre responsabilité internationale et intérêts nationaux. Paper presented at Collège doctoral trinational - Sorbonne Université, Universität des Saarlandes, University of Luxembourg, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, October 29). ARPANET en contexte. Paper presented at 50 ans d’Internet, Paris, France.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Fickers, A. (2019, October 25). New (digital) ways of telling the story of technology: binaural radio plays, video essays and web documentaries‘. Paper presented at SHOT Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Danescu, E. (2019, October 21). The Iron Curtain: An Historical Overview. Paper presented at Oral histoRies on the fAll of The irOn cuRtain (ORATOR), Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, October 18). Roundtable on uses of Web archives and concluding remarks. Paper presented at Saving the Web. The promise of a Belgian Web Archive, Brussels, Belgium.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Fickers, A. (2019, October 03). Inside the Trading Zone: Thinkering at C²DH digital history Lab. Paper presented at HUMLAB, Umea, Sweden.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, October 03). Archives du Web, “la cathédrale et le bazar”. Paper presented at Diffuser les donénes numériques en SHS: le droit et l’éthique comme alliés, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Wingerter, E., & Scuto, D. (2019, September 26). The Alfred Oppenheimer Testimony and Luxemburg’s Master Narrative. Paper presented at Making Justice Visible: The Mediatization of the World War II War Crimes Trials, Vilnius, Lithuania.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Fritz, V. (2019, September 24). Luxembourg’s judicial elite on the path to independence from foreign and national political influence (1795 to 1848). Paper presented at 6. Colloquium on Crime and Criminal Justice in the Modern Era – Crime, Justice and Elites, Heppenheim, Germany.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Bronec, J. (2019, September). Making sense of digital oral history. Paper presented at The 6th DH Benelux Conference, Utrecht, Netherland.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, July 11). Le millefeuille temporel des archives du Web. Paper presented at SÉMINAIRE “LES DONNÉES À MILLE TEMPS”, Lyon, France.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Danescu, E. (2019, July 10). From financial and monetary innovation to Economic and Monetary Union: the European Investment Bank in the Luxembourg ecosystem. Paper presented at Analysing the European Investment Bank: Interdisciplinary approaches to understanding the past, present and future of the world’s biggest lender, Belval, Luxembourg.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Zaagsma, G. (2019, July 10). Digital History and the Politics of Digitization. Paper presented at Digital Humanities 2019, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (Other coll.). (2019, July 04). Innovation et coopération dans les réseaux de données (années 1970-1990). Paper presented at Logos 2019: Innovation et coopération, Esch Belval, Luxembourg.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Zaagsma, G. (2019, June 27). Round table Coding Europe: decoding its history. Paper presented at 9th Tensions of Europe conference. Decoding Europe: Technological Pasts in the Digital Age, Belval, Luxembourg.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, June 19). Analysing and reconstructing the Internet and Web of the 1990s. A round table. Paper presented at RESAW Conference The Web that was, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Fickers, A. (2019, June 17). Dilthey Reloaded. Für eine digitale Hermeneutik in den Geisteswissenschaften. Paper presented at Kölner Vorträge zur neueren und neuesten Geschichte / Sommersemester 2019, Köln, Deutschland.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, June 06). Exploring the French Web of the 90s. Paper presented at IIPC Web Archiving Conference 2019, Zagreb, Croatia.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Camarda, S. (2019, May 22). Digitising the Humanities: World War I Digital Exhibitions. Paper presented at Digitising the Humanities: an Internationalisation at Home (I@H) Lecture Series, Ghent, Belgium.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Gabellini, M. (2019, May 21). L’histoire de l’Europe au XXe siècle à travers les caricatures comme source? Paper presented at Séminaire en histoire contemporaine européenne, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Danescu, E., & Klein, F. (2019, May 11). Un nouveau narratif de l’integration européenne au défi des sources orales (Documentaire biographique et Podcast). Paper presented at « Pratiques contemporaines de l’histoire orale. De l’entretien aux archives orales », Paris, France.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Zaagsma, G. (2019, May 09). Doing History in the Digital Age - On Hybridity, Hermeneutics and the Politics of Digitisation. Paper presented at Digital Thursdays Lecture Series, Groningen, Netherlands.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Brüll, C. (2019, April 29). Brauchen wir noch Kontinuitätenbiografien? Der Fall Franz Thedieck (1900-1995). Paper presented at Forschungskolloquium Neuere und Neueste Geschichte/ Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte, Essen, Germany.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, April 23). Histoire des réseaux: enjeux, évolutions et perspectives. Paper presented at Séminaire Histoire et Philosophie de l’Informatique et du Calcul (HEPIC), Lille.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, April 14). Le Web des années 1990: entre données et reconstructions. Paper presented at Séminaire 2018/2019 : « Histoire et humanités numériques : que faire des archives à l’ère numérique ?, Toulouse.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Fritz, V. (2019, April 11). The Belgian Judges in the early history of the European Court of Justice (1951-73). Paper presented at Lecture series - New approaches to the history of European Union Law, Bruxelles.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, April 03). Searching bodies through born-digital heritage: issues and challenges. Paper presented at ERC BodyCapital Spring school 2019, Strasbourg, France.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Fritz, V. (2019, April 01). Judge biographies and the acceptance of the CJEU’s ‘revolutionary’ case law of the 1960s and 1970s. Paper presented at Seminar on the European Court of Justice.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

van Herck, S. (2019, March 25). Gendered labour in business computing: the IBM S/360 in practice. Paper presented at Oberseminar, München, Germany.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Fickers, A. (2019, March 05). Cultures of memory and practices of forgetting in the digital age. Paper presented at Handover Presidency Ceremony IHRA, Berlin, Germany.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Zaagsma, G. (2019, February 18). Der hybride Historiker. Geschichtsforschung im digitalen Zeitalter. Paper presented at digitale_kultur - Weltverhältnisse im Wandel, Hagen, Germany.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Ganschow, I. (2019, February 13). Luxembourg in WWII or Why is the former Wehrmacht soldier considered to be a nazi-victim. Paper presented at Interdisciplinary seminar “Russia and Luxembourg at the Corssroads of History”, Tambov, Russia, Russia, Luxembourg.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Schafer, V. (2019, January 25). Archives du Web : entre capture et insaisissable. Paper presented at séminaire du Céditec, Créteil, France.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Santana, D. (2019, January 24). A Colônia Luxemburguesa. Paper presented at IAMHIST Master Class 2019, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Scuto, D. (2019, January 18). La déchéance de la nationalité et la répression de l’“incivisme” au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (années 1920-années 1950). Paper presented at Séminaire de recherche ‘Migrations et persécutions: pertes et retraits de nationalité dans l’Europe du premier XXe siècle, Paris, France.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Fickers, A. (2019). Entre altérité et familiarité: pour une herméneutique numérique en sciences historiques. Paper presented at Les Jeudis de L’institut Historique Allemand, Paris, France.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Harnoncourt, J. (2019). Unfree Agricultural Work in Brazil. Paper presented at Forschungsgespräch of the FSP Globalgeschichte: „Slaveries and Slaving Practices in Global Perspective“.

Presentation at Universities or Research Centres

Conferences given outside the academic context

Schafer, V. (2019). A quoi rêvent les hommes? Les imaginaires du Minitel. Paper presented at Exploration numérique des archives de l’INA, Paris, France.

Conference given outside the academic context>

Kesteloot, S. (2019). Drawing on UNESCO’s Archival Sources to Research Literacy Campaigns in Latin America in the 1950s. Paper presented at Digitizing our Shared UNESCO Histories - Impact, Collaboration, Future Challenges, Paris, France.

Conference given outside the academic context

Danescu, E. (2019). Trop d’impôts pour les célibataires au Luxembourg? (Bref aperçu historique comparatif sur la fiscalité des célibataires dans le monde). Paper presented at Podcast, Luxembourg-Ville, Grand-Duché du Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Brüll, C. (2019). Einschnitte mit Langzeitwirkung: Kriegsende und Nachkriegszeit in Ostbelgien (1944-1950). Paper presented at Alles auf Anfang? In Aachen beginnt die Nachkriegszeit, Aachen, Germany.

Conference given outside the academic context

Danescu, E. (2019). Audiovisual work-Podcast: The Monster under the Bed - Brief history of the European Union Budget. Paper presented at European Investment Bank_Podcast series, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Lafontaine, A. (2019). L’administration grand-ducale des postes et des télécommunications : Une institution entre responsabilité internationale et intérêts nationaux. Paper presented at - Hobscheid, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Tschacher, W. (2019). Die europäischen Hexenverfolgungen - Geschichte und Aktualität. Paper presented at Montagsforum Kulturhaus Dornbirn, Dornbirn, Österreich.

Conference given outside the academic context

Harnoncourt, J. (2019). Themen-Talk MYTHOS ZIVILISATION. Paper presented at -.

Conference given outside the academic context

Ganschow, I. (2019). The History of the Russian Worker Colony in Wiltz in 1920s-1930s. Paper presented at Meeting of Russian Scouts, Wiltz, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Ganschow, I. (2019). Who were “the first Russians” in Luxembourg? Paper presented at Speech at Radio ARA RUSSIA, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Danescu, E. (2019). Audiovisual work-Podcast: The Monster under the Bed - Brief history of the European Union Budget. Paper presented at European Investment Bank_Podcast series, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Ganschow, I. (2019). History of the Russian-Orthodoxe Community Luxembourgs (1929-2019). Paper presented at Celebration of 90 Years of the Russian-Orthodoxe Community Luxembourgs, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context>

Ganschow, I. (2019). Südkaukasier in Luxemburg zwischen zwei Weltkriegen. Paper presented at Luxembourg – Südkaukasus: eine Rundreise / From Luxembourg to Caucasus and back, Dudelange, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Ganschow, I. (2019). The Unknown Bel-Val. Paper presented at Journées doctorales LOGOS, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Lafontaine, A. (2019). Through the lens - World War II in living memory : D’Schüler aus dem Iechternacher Lycée. Vum Generalstreik zur Ëmerzeiung (31.08.1942 - 12.12.1942). Paper presented at Stahleck. La rééducation sous le 3ème Reich, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Schafer, V. (2019). The History of the Internet and of the Web. Paper presented at - Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context>

Danescu, E. (2019). Pierre Werner and Luxembourg: A vision for Europe. Paper presented at Conference: Pierre Werner and Luxembourg: A vision for Europe, Sibiu, Romania.

Conference given outside the academic context

Scuto, D., & Laboulle, L. (2019). Widerstand gegen die “Zerstörung des Landes”. Denkmalpflege: Der Historiker Denis Scuto über die Gebläsehalle und andere Versäumnisse. Paper presented at Interview, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Tschacher, W. (2019). Krönungen in Aachen. Paper presented at Fortbildung Domführer des Aachener Domes, Aachen, Domschatzkammer, Germany.

Conference given outside the academic context

Scuto, D., & Camarda, S. (2019). L‘apport de la „Digital History“ pour la définition des méthodes et nouveaux programmes d‘histoire. Paper presented at L’enseignement de l’histoire dans l’enseignement secondaire : objectifs et contenus, Walferdange, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Brüll, C. (2019). Karl der Grosse und Aachen in Europa. Eine kleine Mythologie. Paper presented at Der Versailler Vertrag als europäischer Erinnerungsort, Aachen, Germany.

Conference given outside the academic context

Brüll, C. (2019). Die Pariser Vorortverträge (1919-1923) in den europäischen Erinnerungskulturen. Paper presented at Der Versailler Vertrag als europäischer Erinnerungsort, Aachen, Germany.

Conference given outside the academic context

Ganschow, I. (2019). International University Projects between Luxemburg and Russia. Paper presented at Speech at Radio ARA RUSSIA, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Schafer, V. (2019). Femmes et informatique de la seconde guerre mondiale aux années 1980. Paper presented at Computer Grrrls. Histoire-s, genre-s, technologie-s, Paris, France.

Conference given outside the academic context

Schafer, V. (2019). Du papier aux données. Paper presented at 50 ans de l’office des publications de l’union européenne, Luxembourg, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Scuto, D. (2019). La mine de Hussigny-Godbrange. 100 ans d’exploitation et de bouleversements. Paper presented at Conférence-débat dans le cadre de l’exposition sur la fermeture de la mine de Hussigny-Godbrange en 1978, Hussigny-Godbrange, France.

Conference given outside the academic context>

Danescu, E. (2019). Pierre Werner, A Mënsch a Sengem Joerhonnert. Paper presented at Table ronde “Pierre Werner, A Mënsch a sengem Joerhonnert” - Tale ronde, Luxembourg.

Conference given outside the academic context

Tatarinov, J., & Zaagsma, G. (2019). Forum Z: “Who is afraid of the Digital?”. Paper presented at - Luxembourg City.

Conference given outside the academic context

Harnoncourt, J. (2019). Frauen in der Landwirtschaft im Amazonas: Eine Spurensuche. Paper presented at -.

Conference given outside the academic context

Scuto, D. (2019). Industriekultur und Patrimonialisierungsprozesse in Luxemburg. Paper presented at Ringvorlesung Industriekultur - quo vadis?, Völklingen, Germany.

Conference given outside the academic context>

E-Prints/Working Papers

Moreau, S., Sbetti, N., Dufraisse, S., & Vonnard, P. (2019). L’espace sportif européen: circulations, organisations et identité européenne. Eprint/Working paper retrieved from

Brüll, C. (2019). Belgien und Deutschland: eine kleine Beziehungsgeschichte. Eprint/Working paper retrieved from

Bronec, J. (2019). Repatriation Efforts – Luxembourg State Policy Towards Jews during World War II. Eprint/Working paper retrieved from

Moreau, S. (2019). Automobile, sport et tourisme. Le Grand Prix de la Marne dans le calendrier européen (1925-1939). Eprint/Working paper retrieved from

see also