“Making Justice Visible” in Vilnius - A conference on the mediatization of war crimes trials after WWII

3 Octobre 2019

rédigé par :
Elisabeth Wingerter

“Making Justice Visible” in Vilnius - A conference on the mediatization of war crimes trials after WWII

Elisabeth Wingerter and Dr. Denis Scuto offered a Luxembourgish perspective on this complex theme with a presentation focused on the role of Alfred Oppenheimer as a historical eyewitness from the Jewish community in Luxembourg.
New website: Doctoral Training Unit ‘Digital History and Hermeneutics’

11 Décembre 2018

rédigé par :
Tim van der Heijden

New website: Doctoral Training Unit ‘Digital History and Hermeneutics’

The new website gives an in-depth view of the DTU's activities and projects.
DHBenelux 2018 - Integrating Digital Humanities

11 Juin 2018

rédigé par :
Max Kemman

DHBenelux 2018 - Integrating Digital Humanities

The theme of this year's annual DHBenelux conference was "Integrating Digital Humanities". Max Kemman provides a review of the conference, and how the discussions focused on the integration of the practices of scholars and librarians.
Belgium World War II. New online access to information about the Occupation 1940-1944

10 Octobre 2017

rédigé par :
Christoph Brüll

Belgium World War II. New online access to information about the Occupation 1940-1944

On 27 September 2017, a new website was launched by CegeSoma (the Belgian Centre for Historical Research and Documentation on War and Contemporary Society): Belgium World WarII. A virtual platform on Belgium and its population during WWII.
Digital Media and Technology in the classroom and beyond

3 Octobre 2017

rédigé par :
Sytze Van Herck, Richard Legay

Digital Media and Technology in the classroom and beyond

Digital Media and Technology has transformed how we teach, learn and present. In a transferable skills training of the doctoral school here at university, Robert Reuter introduced us to new media and tools that can enhance teaching and learning. Based on the eight learning events defined by Leclercq and Poumay at the university of Liège, we came up with several online tools that can extend and enhance teaching and engage the students or audience.
World War II in living memory

18 Juillet 2017

rédigé par :
Aurélia Lafontaine

Through the lens : World War II in living memory

The virtual exhibition “Through the lens” narrates World War II in Luxembourg and the Greater Region through oral history interviews. It has been curated by the students of the Master in Contemporary European History in the context of a research seminar on oral history and under the supervision of Prof. Andreas Fickers and German filmmaker Loretta Walz.
Newly open exhibition in the Jewish Museum in Prague

3 Juillet 2017

rédigé par :
Jakub Bronec

Through the labyrinth of normalisation: The Jewish community as a mirror for the majority society

The Jewish Museum in Prague currently shows an exhibition that presents the situation of the Jewish community during the “normalisation” period. The majority of the documents and photographs are being exhibited for the very first time and it is interesting to see audiovisual propaganda against the European Zionist movements captured on several newly accessible recordings.

15 Mai 2017

rédigé par :
Denis Scuto

Le Benelux et les réfugiés fuyant l’Allemagne nazie: les spécificités du Luxembourg

Dans son édition d’avril 2016, la revue d'histoire luxembourgeoise « Hémecht » a publié l’article « Le Benelux et les réfugiés fuyant l’Allemagne nazie: les spécificités du Luxembourg » rédigé par Frank Caestecker et Denis Scuto.