The Impact of War Experiences in Europe: The Conscription of Non-German Men and Women into the 'Wehrmacht' and 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' (1938–1945)

8 Janvier 2025

Book launch: The Impact of War Experiences in Europe: The Conscription of Non-German Men and Women into the 'Wehrmacht' and 'Reichsarbeitsdienst' (1938–1945)

Volume 2 in the De Gruyter series "Studien zur transnationalen Zeitgeschichte Luxemburgs" is out now!
A Longitudinal Approach and Shared Authority in War Documentation

6 Novembre 2024

A Longitudinal Approach and Shared Authority in War Documentation

Lecture by Natalia Otrishchenko, visiting researcher at the C²DH.
C²DH goes global… Participation of A. Fickers in the conference “The Most Documented War: Ethics and Practice of International Collaborations” in Lviv

18 Juin 2024

rédigé par :
Andreas Fickers

C²DH goes global… Participation of A. Fickers in the conference “The Most Documented War: Ethics and Practice of International Collaborations” in Lviv

From 6 to 8 June 2024 in Lviv (Ukraine), Andreas Fickers participated in a conference about collecting and archiving materials about the Russian-Ukrainian war.
Kaputt © Volker Schlecht 2016

7 Juin 2024

rédigé par :
Ira Yeroshko

Forced labor at GDR prison - animated in award-winning “Kaputt” animation

How does one visualize the tragic past of the Hoheneck imprisoned forced laborers, a reality that remained unseen for years? Three German directors, Volker Schlecht, Max Mönch, and Alexander Lahl, took on this daunting task by conducting extensive oral history research and transforming their findings into the award-winning animation “Kaputt.”
Mariupol. A Hunder Nights

7 Juin 2024

rédigé par :
Ira Yeroshko

Mariupol. A Hundred Nights - A Story Not Yet Forgotten

Thoughts about the animation film "Mariupol. A Hundred Nights" by Sofiia Melnyk and Andrii Palatnyi portraying a young girl who loses her family and home in Mariupol following the Russian invasion in 2022.
History@Play lecture: Before the War

22 Avril 2024

Before the War: a Collaborative Game

Lecture and game session by Mélanie Petton, Land of Memory, Luxembourg, and Vincenzo Bianca, N-Zone, Bruxelles, Belgium.
Conference report to “Ukrainian Studies Across the Borders”

4 Avril 2024

rédigé par :
Inna Ganschow

Conference report to “Ukrainian Studies Across the Borders”

The conference organized by the U-CORE project took place at the University of Luxembourg, 26-27 March 2024 and hosted UNDIPUS-scholars from three German universities, four disciplines and five projects.
The National WWII Museums Collections - Finding Luxembourg

12 Juillet 2023

rédigé par :
Nina Janz

The National WWII Museums Collections - Finding Luxembourg

Conducting research at the National WWII Museum in New Orleans with a specific focus on the role of Luxembourg during World War II.
National WWII Museum

7 Juillet 2023

rédigé par :
Nina Janz

Visiting the National WWII Museum and diving into Military History

A report by Nina Janz.
Café-Dancing Jos Huberty dans le quartier Schmelz

12 Septembre 2022

Présentation et lancement officiel du Mémorial digital de la Shoah au Luxembourg

Le Mémorial digital de la Shoah au Luxembourg est construit à la mémoire des personnes ayant vécu au Luxembourg qui ont été persécutées pour des motifs raciaux avant et pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Stand with Ukraine

31 Août 2022

Voices from the War – Path to Peace : Ukrainian and international insights

The C²DH, in collaboration with, LUkraine, Europe Direct at the University of Luxembourg, the Polish Institute of Brussels and the Polish Embassy in Luxembourg, are pleased to invite you to a conference on 20 October 2022 at the auditorium in the Cercle Cité in Luxembourg.
Local administration during the first and second World Wars conference

14 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Elisabeth Wingerter

How is order enforced during war and occupation? A conference on local administration during the first and second World Wars

Wartime regimes are more than simple top-down structures of terror and coercion between the occupier and the occupied or between the warring state and its population. Existing administrations, networks and functional elites took on complex roles, often adapting to local circumstances. Administrative authorities and personnel were constantly interacting with the population regarding everyday affairs. Studying the responses of administrations to the World Wars could enrich our understanding of contemporary history.
Beyond the tantrum: Questioning shared intuitions in historiography with emotion mining

8 Avril 2019

Beyond the tantrum: Questioning shared intuitions in historiography with emotion mining

'Impresso Talk' with Milan van Lange, NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies
German Nuclear Restraint in the Cold War and Today

14 Février 2018

German Nuclear Restraint in the Cold War and Today

Research seminar with Benedikt Schoenborn, C²DH Visiting Researcher
École d'été 2018 - Une histoire environnementale de la Grande Guerre

9 Janvier 2018

rédigé par :
Benoît Majerus

École d'été 2018 - Une histoire environnementale de la Grande Guerre

Le Centre international de recherche de l’Historial de la Grande Guerre (CIRHGG, Péronne) en partenariat avec l’EHESS (Paris), l’université d’Heidelberg, le Centre for Contemporary and Digital History de l’Université du Luxembourg, et l’Université de Picardie Jules Verne (Amiens), sollicite des candidatures pour sa troisième université d’été de jeunes chercheurs (master et doctorat) travaillant sur la Première Guerre mondiale.
Un circuit unique pour découvrir la vie des soldats à la citadelle de Verdun

16 Octobre 2017

rédigé par :
Jakub Bronec

Un circuit unique pour découvrir la vie des soldats à la citadelle de Verdun

Pour ceux qui sont fascinés par la vie dans des forteresses modernes, la citadelle souterraine est un lieu de mémoire incontournable. La citadelle de Verdun dessinée pour pouvoir abriter 2 000 hommes, était construite entre 1886 et 1893 dans le cadre du système Séré de Rivières. Elle a joué un rôle majeur pendant la bataille de Verdun.
Forum Z
The long shadow of the Second World War: An overview of the debates of the last ForumZ

12 Mai 2017

rédigé par :
Fabio Spirinelli

The long shadow of the Second World War: An overview of the debates of the last ForumZ

On 25th March, the C²DH organised another successful ForumZ, this time on the Second World War and research perspectives in this area. The format chosen for the event promoted an interactive exchange between the public and the guest speakers.
Forum Z
The long shadow of the Second World War: Research prospects

4 Mai 2017

rédigé par :
Denis Scuto

The long shadow of the Second World War: Research prospects

The second ForumZ analysed the history, memory and legacy of the Second World War, exploring issues related to the occupation, the resistance, collaboration and Jewish persecution.