Borderlands study day

29 Mai 2020

rédigé par :
Machteld Venken

Study day on population movements in borderlands throughout Europe in the early years after the Second World War

On 13 May 2020, the C²DH hosted a first Webex study day for MA students on the “Displacement, resettlement, verification and nationalization after the Second World War” course taught by Professor Machteld Venken and Professor Denis Scuto.
Children shoes World War Two

18 Mai 2020

rédigé par :
Inna Ganschow, Guido Lessing

3D-Objekte und mikrohistorische Forschung. Objekte erzählen Geschichte

Seminar für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende der Universität Luxemburg und der Derzhavin-Universität Tambow.
Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

8 Janvier 2020

Schumann's Eck - an interactive documentary

Premiere of the interactive documentary produced on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge.
CfP International Summer School "Oral History Meets European Integration Studies. Testing new tools and methods in digital history"

21 Novembre 2019

rédigé par :
Victor Fernandez Soriano

CfP International Summer School "Oral History Meets European Integration Studies. Testing new tools and methods in digital history"

The C²DH announces a Summer School co-organised with the European University Institute (Florence) and the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History (Frankfurt), to be held at the Maison Robert Schuman in Luxembourg City from 22 to 26 June 2020. This Summer School invites participants to test digital tools and methods for oral history and stresses how digital oral sources contribute to narratives in European Integration History.
Open Science, Open Education and Open Scholarship

19 Novembre 2019

rédigé par :
Machteld Venken

Open Science, Open Education and Open Scholarship

On 14 and 15 November 2019, the Leibniz Institute for Research and Information in Education in Frankfurt am Main organised a research symposium on “Open Practices in Education (OPINE)”. The symposium raised fundamental questions about open science, open education and open scholarship.
A guide to using collections of digitised newspapers as historical sources

11 Octobre 2019

rédigé par :
Estelle Bunout

A guide to using collections of digitised newspapers as historical sources

The impresso team has prepared a guide for scholars on using collections of digitised newspapers as historical sources, published on the PARTHENOS platform.
Cinema, human rights and advocacy in Venice

27 Septembre 2019

rédigé par :
Stefanie Kesteloot

Cinema, human rights and advocacy in Venice

Report of the summer school run by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation – Global Campus of Human Rights.
Learning about digital editing in Trier – a field trip

3 Septembre 2019

rédigé par :
Juliane Tatarinov

Learning about digital editing in Trier – a field trip

The members of the DTU-DHH were welcomed by fellow Digital Humanists at the Trier Center for Digital Humanities. Two things everybody knew after our stay: who Arthur Schnitzler was and what the German word “Brötchen” means!
PhD Defence: Trading Zones of Digital History

28 Mars 2019

PhD Defence: Trading Zones of Digital History

On 26 April 2019, Max Kemman will defend his PhD thesis at the University of Luxembourg.
Fortsetzung des interdiziplinären Seminars "Russia and Luxembourg in the 20th century: crossroads of history"

28 Février 2019

rédigé par :
Inna Ganschow, Guido Lessing

Fortsetzung des interdiziplinären Seminars "Russia and Luxembourg in the 20th century: crossroads of history"

Die Fortsetzung des interdisziplinären Seminars „Russia and Luxembourg in the 20th century: crossroads of history“ fand an der Universität Tambow (Russland) vom 11. bis 15. Februar 2019 statt, bei der russische und Luxemburger Studierende in Referaten und Diskussionen Schlüsselereignisse der Geschichte der beiden Länder untersucht haben.
New website: Doctoral Training Unit ‘Digital History and Hermeneutics’

11 Décembre 2018

rédigé par :
Tim van der Heijden

New website: Doctoral Training Unit ‘Digital History and Hermeneutics’

The new website gives an in-depth view of the DTU's activities and projects.
To Google or not to Google; Have a look at Ranke.2!

8 Octobre 2018

rédigé par :
Stefania Scagliola

To Google or not to Google; Have a look at Ranke.2!

Ranke.2 is a teaching platform that offers lessons on how to critically assess and work with digital historical sources.
Russia and Luxembourg at the Crossroads of History

27 Septembre 2018

rédigé par :
Inna Ganschow, Guido Lessing

Russia and Luxembourg at the Crossroads of History

Das interdisziplinäre Seminar zu Kreuzungen der russisch-luxemburgischen Geschichte, das vom 2. bis zum 6. Oktober 2018 in Luxemburg unter der Leitung von Dr. Inna Ganschow und Dr. Guido Lessing (C²DH) stattfindet, ist als Studierendenkonferenz konzipiert.
Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice

27 Août 2018

Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) is organising a two day conference and workshop on occasion of the official launch of the Ranke.2 project, its teaching platform for Digital Source Criticism.
Au bord de la falaise

25 Juillet 2018

rédigé par :
Jakub Bronec

École d’Été Éditions Numériques / Humanités Numériques 2018 – Grenoble

Du 28 mai au 5 juillet 2018, j'ai eu le plaisir de participer à l'école d'été de l'histoire numérique à Grenoble (France). L’université Grenoble-Alpes en collaboration avec la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme -Alpes et l'UMR Litt&Arts a organisé la seconde édition de l'École D’été Édition Numérique et Humanités Numériques (EDEEN).
Follow-up on the Summer School on Transnational Radio History

3 Juillet 2018

rédigé par :
Richard Legay

Follow-up on the Summer School on Transnational Radio History

On 18-22 June 2018, the C²DH hosted an international Summer School on Transnational Radio History, an event organised in collaboration with the Ministry for Culture in Saarland (Germany) and its Luxembourgish counterpart in the context of the European Year of Culture 2018. By mixing academic panels with hands-on workshops and sites visits, the event was the perfect opportunity for scholars from around the world to hold fascinating discussions on the topic of transnational radio history.
CfP - Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice

2 Mai 2018

rédigé par :
Gerben Zaagsma

CfP - Digital Hermeneutics in History: Theory and Practice

International conference and workshop organised by the C²DH on 25 and 26 October 2018 at the University of Luxembourg.
Paper prototype, wireframe

23 Mars 2018

rédigé par :
Sytze Van Herck

The scientific user experience design method

When academics or developers create a website or an application, they usually start from the back end and only then focus on the design or front end. In this blogpost I would like to argue that the design process and user analysis specifically should come first. The methods outlined below were discussed during the workshop on the introduction to user experience design and evaluation methods by dr. Carine Lallemand and dr. Vincent Koenig.
Third edition of the winter school in digital history

8 Mars 2018

rédigé par :
Aurélia Lafontaine

Third edition of the winter school in digital history

From 19 to 23 February 2018, the C²DH welcomed students in the first year of their master’s degree in history for the third edition of the winter school in digital history. This year, the winter school focused on the creation of a digital archival collection from scratch.
CfP: International Summer School on Transnational Radio History

7 Février 2018

rédigé par :
Andreas Fickers, Richard Legay

CfP: International Summer School on Transnational Radio History

The Luxembourg Centre for Contemporary and Digital History (C²DH) is delighted to announce a Summer School on Transnational Radio History, hosted by the University of Luxembourg / C²DH, and including two full-day excursions to the historic transmitter sites of Europe 1 (in Berus, Germany) and Radio Luxembourg (in Junglinster, Luxembourg). The Summer School is organised in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture of Saarland / Germany and the Ministry of Culture of Luxembourg in the context of the European Year of Culture 2018.
