L’histoire en devenir: #covidmemory

1 Avril 2020 à 31 Mars 2021


contenu lié

Mark Tebeau

28 Mars 2022

rédigé par :
Thomas Cauvin

2022 C²DH Visiting Public History Research Fellow

The C²DH is proud and happy to announce that Prof. Mark Tebeau will join as visiting public history research fellow in 2022.
Quarantine de Georg Riesenhuber

30 Septembre 2021

rédigé par :
Marco Gabellini

Présentation de l’ouvrage «Quarantine-drawings on the virus that never went viral»

Un livre avec des dessins de Georg Riesenhuber sur le Covid-19, issus de la plateforme covidmemory.lu.
Covidmemory poster campaign

19 Janvier 2021

rédigé par :
Tizian Zumthurm, Marco Gabellini

Collaborative COVID-19 Memory Banks: History and Challenges

Report of the international workshop held on 26 November 2020 with experts from European universities who have initiated public COVID-19 platforms to collect testimonies.
Public Covid-19 Collections and the Second Wave: History, Challenges, Gaps

17 Novembre 2020

Public Covid-19 Collections and the Second Wave: History, Challenges, Gaps

International Workshop
covidmemory round table

30 Septembre 2020

rédigé par :
Tizian Zumthurm

The Gap and the Future: COVID-19 and (Digital) Collecting

On 15 September, the C²DH organised a round table discussion with various national players who are maintaining collections documenting how Luxembourg’s residents have experienced COVID-19.
Covid masks

7 Septembre 2020

Table ronde : les collections «Covid-19» au Luxembourg

Table ronde à suivre en ligne avec des institutions de recherche, la presse et les musées qui ont créé des collections ayant pour but de sauvegarder la mémoire de la pandémie au Luxembourg.
Traces and memories in the making of a pandemic (3) - #covidmemory

10 Avril 2020

rédigé par :
Stefan Krebs

Traces and memories in the making of a pandemic (3) - #covidmemory

Today, April 10, C²DH researchers launched the digital memory bank covidmemory.lu. The platform #covidmemory offers people living or working in Luxembourg the opportunity to share their personal experiences with one another and to archive them for future generations.