The Editorial Board welcomes proposals for papers centred on historical networks of any period of the recorded human past, from Bronze Age civilisation to contemporary history. In order to support the dissemination of the principles of reproducible research and to foster a new and transparent culture of discussion in network research in general, we encourage authors to provide their code and data sets in addition to the manuscripts for publication. We also encourage the submission of book reviews on relevant recent literature and articles, which introduce and discuss relevant and innovative digital tools for network research or interesting new databases and data sources.
Articles can be submitted in English, German or French. All articles (but especially those articles written in a language other than English) should be accompanied by an English-language abstract of no more than 300 words which contains the salient points and arguments. Papers should also be indexed with no more than 5 keywords. Please follow the Author Guidelines and use the provided Word template to ensure that your paper is formatted correctly.
Articles for the second volume should be submitted via the journal homepage ( by 1 May 2018. Authors will be notified of acceptance as soon as possible. Please direct any questions you may have to the editors at For further information on Historical Network Research in general, we would advise you to visit
The editors,
Christian Rollinger, Marten Düring, Robert Gramsch-Stehfest & Martin Stark